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Lux Build Guide by AsianPower68

Middle Lux - 1 Combo any adc

Middle Lux - 1 Combo any adc

Updated on April 8, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AsianPower68 Build Guide By AsianPower68 3,635 Views 0 Comments
3,635 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AsianPower68 Lux Build Guide By AsianPower68 Updated on April 8, 2013
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Early game

Lux has a decent early game. Her passive along with her crowd control allow for lots of damage from a decently save distance. Her shield at level 1 is about a 200 damage shield collectively, so ignite is obsolete against early lux. As soon as you hit 6, you have lots of kill potential with your Q, E, Laz0r combo. Ignite is really needed on lux, because her damage is high enough where ignite becomes a useless skill. Barrier is a much better choice because lux is fairly so and has no true escapes, that on top of her W make her near impossible to kill. You shouldn't have any problems overall, if you run into trouble just play passive and farm.
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Mid Game.

If you did good in lane, its probably a good idea to just shove the lane and then look for ganking oppurtunities. The enemy mid will be REALLY scared of you, so kills are more than likely going to stop happening. Lux is an exceptional ganker if you can land her skills. She has a extreme range allowing her to snare the enemy before they can even see lux. That, on top of any CC or damage your teammates can provide, should make for a good experience in the mid game.
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Late Game/Team Fights

Lux is a good team fighter. She can chunk entire teams down, all while staying out of range of their abilities. Keep in mind lux more than likely WILL get focused. Don't worry about trying to focus the enemies' squishies, just focus on attacking from as safe a distance as possible. Your laz0r has a VERY short cooldown time, so use it liberally, use it for easy farm, for harass, for stopping pushes, for pushing lanes from far away, and even for scouting. Its one of my favorite moves in the game and it's very strong. All-in-all lux is a solid pick in most any team comp, and I would recommend her to most everyone.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AsianPower68
AsianPower68 Lux Guide
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Lux - 1 Combo any adc

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