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+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
Pure Madness

With clone and boxes you push lanes in complete safety.

No one can stop you - Shaco is the perfect pain in the a***. Your boxes keep enemies on their heels even if you are not in lane.
- You are the perfect roamer, your laner will have those poxes and your unpredictable stealth initiations. Just buy a control ward and disapear.
- Enemy waveclear is the only thing delaying your move, but not for long - waveclear and pushing against you is not wise with all your boxes and vision facilitating ganks.
If you get stacks, you can snowball into an AP monster with

Turn Shaco into a nightmare - with the worst from the likes of

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