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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Granite Shield (PASSIVE)
Malphite Passive Ability
For both builds I try to rush philo first, b/c after that you shouldn't have any mana problems if you play safely, I ether get boots or heart of gold next followed by the other, I gets boots according to what I am facing, lots of auto attacks = ninja lots of cc = merc
The next 3 items depends how you are doing, need health? get the belt, need armour and cdr? get glacial shroud. Same goes with negatron cloak for mr. I then proceed to get the next to items so by mid to late game I should have all 3.
I usually get warmongs first then build Randuin's omen or FOrce of Nature depending on what I need followed by a frozen heart and a guardian angels to top it off
The next 3 items depends how you are doing, need health? get the belt, need armour and cdr? get glacial shroud. Same goes with negatron cloak for mr. I then proceed to get the next to items so by mid to late game I should have all 3.
I usually get warmongs first then build Randuin's omen or FOrce of Nature depending on what I need followed by a frozen heart and a guardian angels to top it off
For quints I usually get 3 swiftness quints but if you are new to malph I suggest replace one with a flat hp quint
For marks i get Mpen for early game dominance
Flat armour is a great choice in seal because of the amount of early game AD damage you will take.
Since you will probably encounter more magic damage late game I prefer Mr per lvl glyphs
For marks i get Mpen for early game dominance
Flat armour is a great choice in seal because of the amount of early game AD damage you will take.
Since you will probably encounter more magic damage late game I prefer Mr per lvl glyphs
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