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Ability Order
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
Malzahar - A Force to be Reckoned With.
Malzahar was my first 6300 IP Champion, and still remains extremely fun to play. Please bear in mind that this is my first guide, and theirs always room for improvement :P.
- Kick arse looking
- Can deal extremely heavy damage
- Very nice group 3 second silence
- Almost Un-1v1able
- % Based Skill to Shred Tanks
- DoT King
- Some of the best AP Scaling there is
- Takes some Skill to master
- Quicksilver Sash pisses you off :(
- Squishy
- Usually Focused
- Somewhat mana dependent early game
- No Built-In Escape Mechanism

With my summoner spells, i almost ALWAYS take Ignite and Flash with Malzahar. With Three Damage over Time spells (Malefic Visions, Null Zone and Nether Grasp) Ignite accommodates them beautifully. Another big + with ignite is that you can cast it whilst using your ultimate, Nether Grasp.
I take Flash because of Malzahar's inability to quickly position himself/escape from ganks without it. Flash can position yourself for ganks, help you catch up to combo an enemy champion or run the hell away from a 5v1. This spell is extremely useful and has saved my arse many times :)
Viable Options


I start off with a Meki Pendant and two health pots because of your quick OOM early game. With this item and MV, you will never be OOM. The health pots will help keep you sustained throughout early game, or until you need to B to get Tear of Godess.
At 1315 Gold, you should be able to go back and buy a Tear of Godess, and Sorc Shoes. Tear of Godess will leave you with enough mana to sustain you forever, and Sorceres shoes for some great Magic Penetration and speed. If you dont have enough to get both in one hit, finish off your tear and buy Boots of Speed.
Next up we will be getting a Deathfires Grasp. It gives a decent amount of Ability power and 15% Cooldown Reduction. DONT FORGET TO USE ITS ACTIVE. Use it before you drop your combo. I will be getting into this shortly. Now for your Rylais. Some extra tankiness, good ability power and a 15% Slow with your abilities will help you Kite and become overall, stronger.
Now for Morellos Evil Tome. By the time you have this, you will be way over the CDR Cap and will be able to spam your skills like a Mofo. Finally to finish off with a Rabadons and Archangels for some Godly Ability Power.
At 1315 Gold, you should be able to go back and buy a Tear of Godess, and Sorc Shoes. Tear of Godess will leave you with enough mana to sustain you forever, and Sorceres shoes for some great Magic Penetration and speed. If you dont have enough to get both in one hit, finish off your tear and buy Boots of Speed.
Next up we will be getting a Deathfires Grasp. It gives a decent amount of Ability power and 15% Cooldown Reduction. DONT FORGET TO USE ITS ACTIVE. Use it before you drop your combo. I will be getting into this shortly. Now for your Rylais. Some extra tankiness, good ability power and a 15% Slow with your abilities will help you Kite and become overall, stronger.
Now for Morellos Evil Tome. By the time you have this, you will be way over the CDR Cap and will be able to spam your skills like a Mofo. Finally to finish off with a Rabadons and Archangels for some Godly Ability Power.

The reason so many people love Malzahar is the epic abilities he has, all five are offensive and deal a hefty amount of damage. I will be going through each of his skills in detail.
After casting 4 spells, Malzahar summons an uncontrollable Voidling to engage enemy units for 21 seconds. Voidlings have 200 + 50 x lvl Health and 20 + 5 x lvl Damage.
Voidlings Grow after 7 seconds (+50% Damage/Armor), and Frenzy after 14 seconds (+100% Attack Speed).
A very underestimated passive. Make sure that at level 1 you spam your skills in the summoning pool 3 times to let your next spell summon this creature. Early game, this can devastate your enemies. Whilst frenzied, these voidings do mass damage. Even though it says that it is uncontrollable, you can tell your minion who to focus if you use
MV on your target.
Malzahar opens up two portals to the void. After a short delay, they fire projectiles which deal magic damage and silence enemy champions.
Malzahar opens two portals to the void. After a short delay, they fire projectiles which deal 80/135/190/245/300 (+0.8) magic damage and silence champions for 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6/3 seconds.
One of the most useful spells in Malzahars arsenal. With an amazing range and some very, very heavy damage late game, this spell can be used to harass like a boss, farm creeps very fast, and even scout for you. Be aware that though this skill will hit people in the brush, it will not reveal them. Also, a fair mention to its THREE second silence, to my knowledge the longest in the game. Three second GROUP silence. You can basically disable enemy casters in group fights, a very nice CC tool.
Malzahar creates a zone of negative energy which damages enemies that stand in it.
Malzahar creates a zone of negative energy for 5 seconds. The zone damages nearby enemies for 5/6/7/8/9% (+1.25%) of their max health each second (damage to Monsters is capped).
Null Zone. What can i say? Put this down in the middle of a team fight and watch the enemies go WTF?!?!? 20% HP DOWN IN A SECOND? HAX? The reality is that in a teamfight, defending towers and comboing, this spell will maxamise its damage, in LATE game. Early game its sorta meh with its high mana cost and low damage. Mid game it will do nice damage if you keep them rooted with your ultimate, but late game is where it shines.
Malzahar infects his target's mind with cruel visions of their demise, dealing damage each second. If the target dies while afflicted by the visions, they pass on to a nearby enemy unit and Malzahar gains mana. Malzahar's Voidlings are attracted to affected units.
Malzahar infects his target's mind, dealing 80/140/200/260/320 (+0.8) magic damage over 4 seconds.
If the target dies during this time, the visions pass to a nearby enemy and Malzahar gains 10/14/18/22/26 mana.
Malzahar's Voidlings are attracted to affected units.
This spell is amazing early-mid game, but sorta looses it's usefulness in late game, where NZ and CoTV shine. The DoT on this spell is great for harassing, farming and restoring your mana when needed. Early game, if you have a frenzied voidling at the ready, try to get MV onto the enemy champion so that your voidling will run in there and start smashing up their squishy mid carry.
Malzahar channels the essence of the Void to suppress his target as well as deal 250/400/550 (+1.5) magic damage over 2.5 seconds.
With some high base damage, INSANE AP scaling and a 2.5 second supress, whats not to love? Malzahar's damage output will be greatly increased at level 6. Using this spell in cooperation with your others will give you some nice kills.

After casting 4 spells, Malzahar summons an uncontrollable Voidling to engage enemy units for 21 seconds. Voidlings have 200 + 50 x lvl Health and 20 + 5 x lvl Damage.
Voidlings Grow after 7 seconds (+50% Damage/Armor), and Frenzy after 14 seconds (+100% Attack Speed).
A very underestimated passive. Make sure that at level 1 you spam your skills in the summoning pool 3 times to let your next spell summon this creature. Early game, this can devastate your enemies. Whilst frenzied, these voidings do mass damage. Even though it says that it is uncontrollable, you can tell your minion who to focus if you use

Malzahar opens up two portals to the void. After a short delay, they fire projectiles which deal magic damage and silence enemy champions.
Malzahar opens two portals to the void. After a short delay, they fire projectiles which deal 80/135/190/245/300 (+0.8) magic damage and silence champions for 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6/3 seconds.
One of the most useful spells in Malzahars arsenal. With an amazing range and some very, very heavy damage late game, this spell can be used to harass like a boss, farm creeps very fast, and even scout for you. Be aware that though this skill will hit people in the brush, it will not reveal them. Also, a fair mention to its THREE second silence, to my knowledge the longest in the game. Three second GROUP silence. You can basically disable enemy casters in group fights, a very nice CC tool.

Malzahar creates a zone of negative energy which damages enemies that stand in it.
Malzahar creates a zone of negative energy for 5 seconds. The zone damages nearby enemies for 5/6/7/8/9% (+1.25%) of their max health each second (damage to Monsters is capped).
Null Zone. What can i say? Put this down in the middle of a team fight and watch the enemies go WTF?!?!? 20% HP DOWN IN A SECOND? HAX? The reality is that in a teamfight, defending towers and comboing, this spell will maxamise its damage, in LATE game. Early game its sorta meh with its high mana cost and low damage. Mid game it will do nice damage if you keep them rooted with your ultimate, but late game is where it shines.

Malzahar infects his target's mind with cruel visions of their demise, dealing damage each second. If the target dies while afflicted by the visions, they pass on to a nearby enemy unit and Malzahar gains mana. Malzahar's Voidlings are attracted to affected units.
Malzahar infects his target's mind, dealing 80/140/200/260/320 (+0.8) magic damage over 4 seconds.
If the target dies during this time, the visions pass to a nearby enemy and Malzahar gains 10/14/18/22/26 mana.
Malzahar's Voidlings are attracted to affected units.
This spell is amazing early-mid game, but sorta looses it's usefulness in late game, where NZ and CoTV shine. The DoT on this spell is great for harassing, farming and restoring your mana when needed. Early game, if you have a frenzied voidling at the ready, try to get MV onto the enemy champion so that your voidling will run in there and start smashing up their squishy mid carry.

Malzahar channels the essence of the Void to suppress his target as well as deal 250/400/550 (+1.5) magic damage over 2.5 seconds.
With some high base damage, INSANE AP scaling and a 2.5 second supress, whats not to love? Malzahar's damage output will be greatly increased at level 6. Using this spell in cooperation with your others will give you some nice kills.
Malzahar has a few different combos that are suited for different things. For example, spamming your NZ to farm minions isn't very effective, whilst using MV for pure harrass would be a waste.
First, use
MV onto an enemy minion close to you. Then whilst the minions are huddled in a group, use
CoTV on them to bring their health down. MV should then jump from minion to minion, giving you some much loved gold and Mana.
The thing i love about Malzahar is his ability to kill squishies before they even knew what hit them. A regular Squishy will have about 2,000HP (Give or take) If you want to surprise them, first you will be using this combo
Basically, use Deathfires grasp (if you have obtained one), Flash into position, close to them and immediately put down a Null Zone and keep them locked in with Nether Grasp. Ignite whilst using Nether Grasp. Once you have used Nether grasp, use MV on them and then use CoTV infront of them, almost guaranteeing the kill.
Now this is a little trickier. Tanks obviously have more HP than squishies, and if you are dominating, will be stacking some MR. First off, you will want some MPen items (Void staff, Abyssal Scepter). Firstly, active your deathfires. Poke at the tank with your long-range
CoTV and
MV. Once they are about 3/4 HP, put down a
NZ and then
NG to hold them in place. If you have enough AP/MPen, your
NZ should be taking away about 10-20% Of Their HP PER SECOND, for Five Seconds. Holding them in place with
will do about 1,000 Magic Damage. This should take down some of the toughest tanks, and will definately destroy offtanks. Again it goes
. Drop a
NZ and
Ult them.
To Clear Minion Waves
First, use

Bringing Down Squishies
The thing i love about Malzahar is his ability to kill squishies before they even knew what hit them. A regular Squishy will have about 2,000HP (Give or take) If you want to surprise them, first you will be using this combo

Basically, use Deathfires grasp (if you have obtained one), Flash into position, close to them and immediately put down a Null Zone and keep them locked in with Nether Grasp. Ignite whilst using Nether Grasp. Once you have used Nether grasp, use MV on them and then use CoTV infront of them, almost guaranteeing the kill.
Bringing down Tanks
Now this is a little trickier. Tanks obviously have more HP than squishies, and if you are dominating, will be stacking some MR. First off, you will want some MPen items (Void staff, Abyssal Scepter). Firstly, active your deathfires. Poke at the tank with your long-range

Essentially, how I play (emphasis on the I), and it works out pretty well for me.
Early game is probably when Malzahar is most vulnerable, because of his squishyniess. First off, buy a Meki Pendant and two health pots (you can buy a Dorans Ring Dorans Ring, but the lack of Mana Regen can have you at the enemies knees). First pick your Q,
CoTV, and use it three times at the spawning pool. This should charge up your passive to summon a voidling on the next spell cast. Don't underestimate these voidlings early game, they can do a significant amount of damage. Last hit minions with your auto attack and harass the enemy champion with
CoTV when their minions are bunched up together and the enemy champion is with them. Don't Spam CoTV if the champion is behind the minions, you should be able to get a very fast kill at level 6.
Once you are about level 4 you can pull off a heft amount of harassment and farm like a boss. Focus down last hitting minions, making sure that you get down some harass on your opponent. At around level six, you'll be wanting to punish their every mistake. If they overextend, its time to get a kill. Flash in,
NZ and finally
NG and
Ignite. Congrats, first blood/a kill is finally yours :)
This is where you start getting more powerful. If you have pushed enough to make the enemy champion go back, or slain them, its time to gank. With that powerful ultimate of yours, you can hold enemies in place whilst teammates beat up on them. If trying to kill an enemy who's face-checking the brush, use
CoTV a little behind them,
MV on them,
NZ under them and finally,
NG on them. Watch em' melt. You should start helping other lanes and slowly form up as a team for teamfights, going for one tower after another.
Most fun part of the game for me. With 600-800AP you should be decimating the enemy carries, scaring the tanks away and poking enemies before teamfights. Push push push to win!
Early Game
Early game is probably when Malzahar is most vulnerable, because of his squishyniess. First off, buy a Meki Pendant and two health pots (you can buy a Dorans Ring Dorans Ring, but the lack of Mana Regen can have you at the enemies knees). First pick your Q,

Once you are about level 4 you can pull off a heft amount of harassment and farm like a boss. Focus down last hitting minions, making sure that you get down some harass on your opponent. At around level six, you'll be wanting to punish their every mistake. If they overextend, its time to get a kill. Flash in,

Mid Game
This is where you start getting more powerful. If you have pushed enough to make the enemy champion go back, or slain them, its time to gank. With that powerful ultimate of yours, you can hold enemies in place whilst teammates beat up on them. If trying to kill an enemy who's face-checking the brush, use

Late Game
Most fun part of the game for me. With 600-800AP you should be decimating the enemy carries, scaring the tanks away and poking enemies before teamfights. Push push push to win!
People say that Malzahar is a 1v1 champion, and is next to useless in teamfights. To the people with mindset, you are mistaken. Before someone tries to initiate, either from your team or theirs, poke at the enemy team with
CoTV and
NZ. This will weaken their entire team if done correctly, before the fight has even begun. In teamfights, try to keep your distance, spamming your CoTV and W as much as you can with 40% CDR and aim to combo the carrying AP, AD or DPS carry on their team. Do NOT initiate a teamfight with your ultimate. You will be focused down so fast you wont know what hit you. Rather, try to let your tank, offtank and carries go in before you do. If done correctly, you most certainly will be victorious!

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