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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
good cc
amazing single target damage
strong wave clear
one of the best pokes in game
pretty easy to play
can 100/0 most champions in he gets a full combo off
prone to focus
can be tricky to land his combo for new players
pretty mana heavy early game and can go omm pretty fast if you carnt farm with e well
good cc
amazing single target damage
strong wave clear
one of the best pokes in game
pretty easy to play
can 100/0 most champions in he gets a full combo off
prone to focus
can be tricky to land his combo for new players
pretty mana heavy early game and can go omm pretty fast if you carnt farm with e well
In team fights you want to land you combo off on there carry if possible if your unable to get there adc with your combo/ulty then your next objective should be peel dont be scared to ult peel for your adc try to avoid the front line and make sure you dont get ditched while ulting if you see your team falling back mid cast of your ulty just cancel it and move with them
farming is key to winning games...the more farm you have the better remember farm=gold
dont forget wraths/wolves are farm to if your jungle is ganking dont be afraid to take wolves/wraths make sure your voidling tanks them so you dont lose health
you always want to farm with your e active on the creeps not only dose this help last hit but you gain mana to
late game all you will need is your e to farm out a wave of creeps making it an awesome pushing/harass tool
dont forget wraths/wolves are farm to if your jungle is ganking dont be afraid to take wolves/wraths make sure your voidling tanks them so you dont lose health
you always want to farm with your e active on the creeps not only dose this help last hit but you gain mana to
late game all you will need is your e to farm out a wave of creeps making it an awesome pushing/harass tool
well here we are finally and if you have made it this far i would like to say a big thank you for putting up with my awful grammer i hope this guide helps newer and even older players of league of legends to unlock the full power of malzahar
if you could drop a comment and a vote on this guide [good or bad thats your choice] would be awesome thanx again and PEACE OUT!!!
if you could drop a comment and a vote on this guide [good or bad thats your choice] would be awesome thanx again and PEACE OUT!!!
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