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Malzahar Build Guide by Malzaharo

Malzahar : Mortality is weakness

Malzahar : Mortality is weakness

Updated on January 17, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Malzaharo Build Guide By Malzaharo 6 0 14,197 Views 6 Comments
6 0 14,197 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Malzaharo Malzahar Build Guide By Malzaharo Updated on January 17, 2012
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I am Malzahar player a long time... What else to say? just chech in my guide and i prommis you, folow it and you will be unstoppoble :D Its a simple explained guide with no mini pictures but very important to read those things down, not much,just few chapters.
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Malzahar first things first

For iteams you first get doran's ring witch giving you +hp and +ap its very important for start.
Next thing i take is Mejai's Soulstealer its very important if you are good player Mejai's Soulstealer is stacking ability power per kills and asiist so you dont need to be worryed while
you getting yourself health and more ability power by buying rylai's Crystal Scepter , before that try to buy boots but only boots of speed (350 gold). After that buy 2 Rabadon's Deathcap
and after that buy Rod of Ages for some extra mana and health. After that you stats should be
about 800 ap and 2800 health. Try to get as meny stack you can on Mejai's Soulstealer.
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Before i go explain some other things this is important

So Malzahar most time go mid becaus he is a mid champion so im playing like this.

On lvl 1 to lvl 3 i just try to avoid incoming damage and stay in back of minions wawes.
So when you reach lvl 3 your malefic vision will be 2 lvl than you spam that whenewer you can on enemy and getting his health low , watch your mana , dont get it under 50% if you see the chance to combo ignite and malefic vision for kill do it.. but if your not than just last hit minions till lvl 6.When you reach lvl 6 you get your ulti ,so , when you see chance you flash in
drop a Null zone under him cast malefic vision than ulti him and ignite , you can cast ignite while you using your ulti it will not stop but make sure your ignite is in range of need to be fast, you should do that in 2 sec at least, if you are beginner dont woory you'l tecah that. When you pick up a first kill than just continue to gank lanes and continue to push your enemy mid and kill him as meny times you can. Watch for gankers
becaus malzahar is easy target for good gank. SAVE YOUR FLASH!
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I use Malefic vison for most important spell you posion enemy and give him high damage overtime,
cost low mana and its unescapeble for enemies.

I skill pool (Null zone) whenever i can after malefic vision. Null zone is very good combo with ultimate and e spell and its also very very good when you using combo on tank.

I skill ultimate on 6 ,11 and 16 lvl
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Flash : Fast way for escaping from gankers and fast way to gank enemys so its very important for Malzahar.

Ignite: gives you verry good combo with his ultimate and e spell
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9.0.21 masteries, gives you ability power and incrased xp (leveling)and little spell vamp , witch is important if malzahar goes mid , masteries give him easy start with fast leveling ,
and bigger ap gives you a bigger damage for start.
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Runes give you ap,mana regeneration and cool down reduction.
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Team fights

In early team fights try to go for most important targets and combo them for fast kill than just
try to help from back csting few spells.

In late game teamfights you can use Call of voide for massive slicened and damage than drop Null zone under enemy team all from your teams back than cast some e spell and try to focus again most important target of enemy team. you can do massiv damage in teamfights remember that
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Your score should look like this :D


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