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Ability Order
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
hey, What can I do with this build?
hmm what can you archive with this build-up?
vs, AI: (my best score) 41/1/23
pvp: (my top 3 best scores yet) 23/2/20, 21/1/15 & 19/1/18
So I know this build-up works perfectly
it makes you hit with the ulti up to 2000 or more damage, with the skill (E) dealing up to 800-1300 damage, null zone (z) does 9-12% of the maximum hp of the enemy, and call of the void does up to 800-1200,
This means use 2 skills on 1 target to own him, on a tank it may be 2-3 skills
anyway, anyone you cross by is just some food for your hungry void prince....
Have fun with this build.
1st buy boots and 2 potions to heal, after you reach level 5-6 buy mana stone, as soon as you can upgrade this do it, and get a rod of ages, then buy needlessy long rod, afterward upgrade your boots to :( you can chose) magic penetration or atack speed, (they both are a great choice)
Now lets get the AP we need: as soon as you can buy rabandon, and again 1-2 needlessy long rods, then upgrade them one-by-one to rabandon's
then sell your old stuff until you get 6 rabandon's
now Lets feed a bit
( Be carefull, you got low movement speed now! )
Now lets get the AP we need: as soon as you can buy rabandon, and again 1-2 needlessy long rods, then upgrade them one-by-one to rabandon's
then sell your old stuff until you get 6 rabandon's
now Lets feed a bit
( Be carefull, you got low movement speed now! )
1st get malific visions and 2nd null zone and try to use them in combination,
try to get them both to level 3 and on level 7 get your ultimate, then take call of the void (this is a perfect distraction to lure the enemy into your other skills so you can get the kill easier) then go on with maxxing null zone and malific visions, and your ulti
as last max call of the void, (this is a handy spell to lure and farm)
try to get them both to level 3 and on level 7 get your ultimate, then take call of the void (this is a perfect distraction to lure the enemy into your other skills so you can get the kill easier) then go on with maxxing null zone and malific visions, and your ulti
as last max call of the void, (this is a handy spell to lure and farm)
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