LoL Best Malzahar Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Malzahar on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Malzahar builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 2 Guides
Malzahar, the Void's Swag
The Prophet of the Void - A Comprehensive Malzahar Guide
Rocking the Void with Malzahar: A Comprehensive Guide
Dominating mid as Malzahar
Can't Touch This
Malzahar: Melting Faces in Dominion
AD Malza epic pwnge
Malzahar the king of dmg
Malzahar - The Void Never Felt So Good
Malzahar - Feel the death!
How Malzahar should be played
Malzahar - Oblivion Awaits + REVISION
Tick Tick Tick Dead [Updated Nov. 2014]
Season 2 Builds