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Pantheon Build Guide by Kirajah

Top Mantheon - AP Guide (No Holes Barred)

Top Mantheon - AP Guide (No Holes Barred)

Updated on February 25, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kirajah Build Guide By Kirajah 2,396 Views 0 Comments
2,396 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kirajah Pantheon Build Guide By Kirajah Updated on February 25, 2014
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AP Pantheon Perks:

The most fun I've had with Pantheon in ages!!! I've tried dozens of builds, and this is the most fun I've had with a build yet!

Starting Build: Hextech Gunblade (build AD Route 1st)
2nd Build: Guinsoo's Rageblade
3rd Build: Nashor's Tooth

When you build 'Hextech' starting via the AD Route, the other team expects AD, so their poor unfortunate souls build armor. You then have an advantage as the game progresses, and you finally build the Hextech. They're armor is rendered useless against your 'W' and 'R'.

Build these 3 items, and they compliment eachother PERFECTLY!
Guinsoo's Blade increases attack speed with basic attacks, allowing Hextech Gunblade's active cooldown time reduce by 3 seconds with every hit! Nashor's tooth increases AP and Attack Speed, basically turning Hextech Gunblade's Active into a 4th ability, and makes your basic attacks deal 15% of your ability power in magic damage, and reduces cooldown time by 20%+15%!

Ults become as fast as 35seconds apart, making you regularly ready to Diarrhea all over the enemy! Your AD and AP and basic attacks deal tremendous damage all around, and Mantheon becaomes a versatile unit, penetrating Armor and Magic resistant fools!!! FLAWLESS!!!

Each item increases your AD, and AP, and Attack Speed. My Globl Ult 'Grand Skyfall' was doing over 1,200 AP damage, my "Q" and "W" were dealing about the same 350 damage, with significantly reduced cooldown time!!!

If you're wondering about my Summoner Spells: Ghost, and Clarity, I'll explain... Pantheon's abilities early game drain the fuq out of his Mana. After I deplete Pantheon's Mana early game farming and checking, I use Clarity to refill, instantly putting me back in the game. While my Clarity is cooling down, I can refill with Mana potions, reducing the time I have to wait for Clarity again, allowing me to check and farm for extensive periods of time.
It also allows me to refill my allies mana late game when I need their protection and they are running low...

(THIS WORKS!!! and is sooo much fun! Please let me know how it works for you)

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kirajah
Kirajah Pantheon Guide
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