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Ability Order
Sap Magic (PASSIVE)
Maokai Passive Ability
THE BEST Maokai Combo:
Step 1- Use Sapling toss
Step 2- Use Twisted Advance to the squishiest enemy. And This shall start the clash
Step 3- Use Vengeful Maelstrom arround the clash to protect your team.
Step 4- Use Arcane Smash to the place where most of your enemies are.
Step 5- Reactivate Vengeful Maelstrom when an enemy is about to die or when you think your opponent is moving out of Vengeful Maelstrom.
Step 1- Use Sapling toss
Step 2- Use Twisted Advance to the squishiest enemy. And This shall start the clash
Step 3- Use Vengeful Maelstrom arround the clash to protect your team.
Step 4- Use Arcane Smash to the place where most of your enemies are.
Step 5- Reactivate Vengeful Maelstrom when an enemy is about to die or when you think your opponent is moving out of Vengeful Maelstrom.
Early Game
In the Early game, Maokai is also an AP type so i recommend buying Doran's Ring for health, AP and mana regen.You could stay in any lane. But i recommend in the Bottom lane. You just need to stay in the Grass and keep using your sapling toss then when your enemy is low on health you could throw sapling toss again then use Twisted advance, it is a good combo on killing.
Mid Game
In the Mid Game when your enemy has 1/4 life left, even if he/she is sticking with their tower you can use sapling toss then twisted advance, if your target is not yet killed you could activate your ult then use arcane smash then reactivate your ult.
Late Game
In the Late Game once you have bought all your items you could take any champion down unless they have reinforcements with them. In clashes you should target the squishiest champ in the enemy side and focus on killing it.
In the Early game, Maokai is also an AP type so i recommend buying Doran's Ring for health, AP and mana regen.You could stay in any lane. But i recommend in the Bottom lane. You just need to stay in the Grass and keep using your sapling toss then when your enemy is low on health you could throw sapling toss again then use Twisted advance, it is a good combo on killing.
Mid Game
In the Mid Game when your enemy has 1/4 life left, even if he/she is sticking with their tower you can use sapling toss then twisted advance, if your target is not yet killed you could activate your ult then use arcane smash then reactivate your ult.
Late Game
In the Late Game once you have bought all your items you could take any champion down unless they have reinforcements with them. In clashes you should target the squishiest champ in the enemy side and focus on killing it.
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