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Ability Order
Sap Magic (PASSIVE)
Maokai Passive Ability
As you can seen of my masteries I Take the summoner spell buff to help with ignite. I also take the AP side of the tree and take the last one because if you have a good team you will be able to mow more people down. On Defense I take Armor and Magic Resist and take the Health increase per level.
There is two ways I build My Maokai. I had a hard time deciding but finally. I chose that Armor and Magic Resist was more important then Ability Power because Maokai was supposed to be tank. My first build as you can see up top was
First Build:
Second Build:
My second build involves total domination. This is if your fed and if you know you can totally win. This is what you want to go for. This is like 90% Ability Power 10% Tank.
(Btw after you get later into the game you can switch out Haunting Guise for a or if your looking for more tanky stuff go for a OR
First Build:
Second Build:
My second build involves total domination. This is if your fed and if you know you can totally win. This is what you want to go for. This is like 90% Ability Power 10% Tank.
(Btw after you get later into the game you can switch out Haunting Guise for a or if your looking for more tanky stuff go for a OR
The ones that you use in this guide:
This was never bad. and stuns and stuff are QQ
All Around good Spell
I guess... if your into high speed chases. I suggest you use this with my second build
Good to catch some people.
Your not supposed to die....
Gives off your coming over, Duh
(Okay well if you want to use this you can, its just not my type I do use it sometimes however)
WTH your not even a jungler? go ahead if you want i guess....
And any others.
This was never bad. and stuns and stuff are QQ
All Around good Spell
I guess... if your into high speed chases. I suggest you use this with my second build
Good to catch some people.
Your not supposed to die....
Gives off your coming over, Duh
(Okay well if you want to use this you can, its just not my type I do use it sometimes however)
WTH your not even a jungler? go ahead if you want i guess....
And any others.
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