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Zoe Build Guide by kentrooo

Support Masters Zoe Support OTP Guide

Support Masters Zoe Support OTP Guide

Updated on October 31, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kentrooo Build Guide By kentrooo 4,263 Views 0 Comments
4,263 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kentrooo Zoe Build Guide By kentrooo Updated on October 31, 2023
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Runes: Core build

1 2
Dark Harvest
Taste of Blood
Zombie Ward
Relentless Hunter

Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Masters Zoe Support OTP Guide

By kentrooo

Hi ! My name is kentrooo and I have peaked rank 353 this season, 227lp Masters OTP'ing Zoe Support. This pick is extremely strong and allowed me to climb multiple ranks after switching from playing her mid.

I have recently started a YouTube Channel where I have been posting VOD's to help players learn more about the pick and planning to post more content in the future.

Enjoy the small guide and feel free to dm me any questions :)


Early Game and Playstyle
This build largely revolves around fighting early game with the boots rush, out of combat ms and abusing zoe's spell shards. This pick is strongest with an early lead which scaffolds into vision control and picks into midgame.

Lvl 1 is always invade, zoe's bubble is extremely strong for invades and can catch running enemies easily.If enemies are stacking in bush, Zoe's w carries the fights always.

During lane, you want to poke the enemy out and wait for bubble timers so that adc can auto and zoe can land an aa or q. Level 3 is zoe's spike since she gets access to her w which lets her have an additional 4 summoner spells in all in's- I will often look for flash bubbles to pick up the adc's flash on the floor.

First back, I rush boots and control wards and look top and mid to see if there is a gank opportunity. Most games, I will run top and look for a lane gank in the bush when waves are crashing into enemy tower.

Usually, this will burn top flash which I then use to invade enemy jg if ally jg is around or run mid for a gank. Burning enemy mid's flash with picked up flash is always worth and often gets you another flash to use anyways.

I then run botlane where the lane is typically stacking a wave on tower, I hide out of sight if they are looking like they are going to dive and clean up the kills.

This playstyle often forces enemy bot to force a play and being there to counter a forced play nets large advantages.
Mid game
Mid game largely revolves around securing vision and looking for picks when enemy goes to ward. Zoe excels with vision control and with spellthief's this becomes easy. R + ward allows you to secure vision in typically out of reach locations and look for bubbles that catch enemies off guard.
Late Game
Zoe Support is a lategame monster with Night Harvester + Vigilant Wardstone + Zhonya's + Horizon Focus. The amplified stats you get from Wardstone make zoe tanky and able to one shot enemy squishies.

Within the late game, zoe's role is to look for engage and picks with bubble. Poking out the enemy in the leadup to objective fights is also crucial to excelling with this pick.
Night Harvester
The ability haste makes zoe support strong and night harvester provides that over ludens. The bonus health she gets from the item allows her to play aggressive early mid game and the bonus ms she gets from hitting a target with a spell enables her to go for long range paddle stars and kite.

Theres a few reasons I prioritise wardstone.

1. Ability Haste. Wardstone amplifies the ability haste provided from the rest of the build. This allows Zoe to spam bubble and look for picks.

2. Vision control. Wardstone allows 4 wards to be placed on the map and 2 control wards, this is extremely helpful on Zoe Support to set up for picks and secure objectives.

3. Gold efficiency and gold cost. The limited budget on support means that Zoe reaches her traditional three item spike too late into the game. The low cost of wardstone allows her to reach full build and still have room for control wards.

4. Health. Zoe Support is extremely squishy due to how underlevelled she gets, the amplified health stats you get from wardstone make her strong enough to not get picked mid-lategame.

5. Scaling. This Wardstone item is not balanced lategame on Zoe. The stats she gets for such a cheap item feels unfair and lets her out damage mid laners full build.
Zoe Support becomes very squishy and an easy target for the enemy team, building zhonyas allows her to outplay and bait effectively. This enhances her survivability as she plays from 3-4 levels behind and has a large bounty if the ganks succeed.
Dark Harvest
I like the dark harvest for the r + aa finisher and you get lots of procs with how much I gank- the burst also feels a lot better for zoes playstyle.

Zombie Ward
Roaming Zoe Support farms zombie ward stacks very quickly and provides vision that oracle lens early wouldn't provide.

Relentless Hunter
The added ms zoe gets with this rune feels unfair early game- this enables early ganking routes and lets her be a menace on the map.

Manaflow is required for this build since she doesn't build any mana- everfrost variants can go for waterwalking or scorch instead.

The bonus ability haste this provides enables Zoe support's bubble spam.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kentrooo
kentrooo Zoe Guide
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Masters Zoe Support OTP Guide

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