skill match up, take ignite to kill early if you know what your doing.
if your beginer he has the advantage but you outscale later on so take tp and play safe make sure you get MORTAL REMINDER to counter him, bork is also good but only take it if you dont need the other LS items
get bork and zerkers and rush her down show them what hapens when you bring an adc to top lane.
same with vayne
if you know your stuff take cleanse and rush mercs and blade of king to run down.
if you dont know what your doing take tp rush mercs and to be completly safe take fleet dorans shield and refilable, later on buy MERCURIAL.
you can also get tiamat early to help clear and farm but must sell later on for MERCURIAL but if you took cleanse you dont need to get MERCURIAL. you can then sell tiamat for blade to help chase or upgrade it to HYDRA.
make sure you swap trinket for sweeper to avoid hes shrooms.
skill match up, you win level one, build fury and try to fight , as soon as he uses e spin away with your e and you win the trade hard.
later on if your both equal its skill and item matchup dependent.
take mortal if he has LS, blade is very good if you dont need MERCURIAL.
ALWAYS take ignite, bad or ood with trynd you have to kill him early and snowball because nasus will outscale you.
try to make him waste w before going for a dive or all in trade. otherwise dont dive him when he has w .
get mercs to reduce w slow and get mortal reminder to counter hes healing.
everytime he goes for minions you must punish him dont let him free stuck and dont let him split push because your towers are gone before you know it.
your r counters hes r, after core try to build into bork and rage blade to counter hes hp build or if hes armor stucking get lord dominks.
early on try to make him waste hes w, and if he wastes hes e KILL HIM
avoid hes abilitys , later on after core you need bork rage blade and lord dominiks if you want to 1v1 him. but i recoment spliting or focusing there damage dealer if you have to teamfight.
skill match up, if shes good fiora you might want to get bork early then decide if you want to finish it into a blade of king or build your core and then rush executioner
Dr. Mundo
rush executioner first item then build vampiric scepter then go to your core
get bork then build into core and rush him down. later on rage blade or lord dominiks are good items
bork is personal preference depending on how good she is you might not need it to rush her down.
later on as long as you can get on her she cant beat you, your r is also on shorter cd because you build full cdr and if you both dont have r you still beat her.
busted champion. build into core get mortal reminder to counter healing and QSS counters hes r but you can also build blade of king and rage blade to end hes life.
late game if your even you win the 1v1 but make sure he wastes hes w or you dont win the tower dive .
prefer to split than teamfight because if hes team gets you low and he r you then he wins the fight even if you have r
not many people pick her but if she knows what shes doing she beats you at all stages of the game unless she gets camped and is super behind.
try to BAN her if they pick her try not to pick trynd if you do then avoid her e at all costs try to clear her tentacles without geting cought in her q or worst case scenario her E , if she has e up dont try to clear her tentacles.
dont fight when she has E or to many tentacles around her cause he r will end you even with jg help.
get long sword refilable , rush tiamat shive and vamp scepter to sustain clear wave and tentacles, build IE and look to trade and see how it goes.
later on must get mortal reminder and ER since you didnt go the normal core build.
go for spliting and look to hold her on top so she dosent end your team if not DIVE anyone else who comes top to stop you and destroy as much of there bace before they realize they sent the wrong person to fight you.
if your not behind as trynd you can also go for the 1v2 tower dive and still kill them, worst case you go one for one and your team should win if there 4v3.
fan match up, he has to be really good to trouble you, but as long as you doje hes q he cant really do anything to you, look to trade after he uses tornado .
skill match up in your favour. go for core and figh him when you have more than half of your fury and avoid him when he has full fury.
try do avoid fights when her pasive is stucked unless your full fury and healthy go for it.
make sure to doje her stun and you win when she dosent have her pasive stucked .
go for core build
if he lands hes q alot he will give you trouble otherwise you dumpster him.
build into core and get mortal reminder. bork later on is optional
dont let him stay back and heal up with hes pasive.
build into core.
if he wastes hes q go and fight him and make sure you r before he r you and decide if you comit to the fight or make a run for it.
play safe early buid into core when you get ER you kill him .
if he wastes hes knock back go for all in. avoid hes eq combo. you outscale later
she works with everyone but shes especially good with you. her e heals you and speeds you up wich is huge for you.
her q helps you ran down people and her r is cc wich you dont have .
if shes on you teamfighting is more optional and you can 1v3 dive if your spliting.
she works with everyone but shes especially good with you. her e heals you and speeds you up wich is huge for you.
her q helps you ran down people and her r is cc wich you dont have .
if shes on you teamfighting is more optional and you can 1v3 dive if your spliting.
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