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Briar Build Guide by Ad0cc

Middle [MID] 🩸A Bloody Guide to Briar's Mid Lane Mastery 🩸 Detailed

Middle [MID] 🩸A Bloody Guide to Briar's Mid Lane Mastery 🩸 Detailed

Updated on October 9, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ad0cc Build Guide By Ad0cc 7,337 Views 0 Comments
7,337 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ad0cc Briar Build Guide By Ad0cc Updated on October 9, 2023
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Press the Attack
Legend: Bloodline
Last Stand

Second Wind

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
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Champion Build Guide

[MID] 🩸A Bloody Guide to Briar's Mid Lane Mastery 🩸 Detailed

By Ad0cc
Hi, I'm Ad0cc, and I enjoy playing off-meta picks. I mostly play mid-lane, and that's about it.

I've played champions like Sett jungle, and it really worked well.


    Unique Playstyle
    Amazing Pressure


    Difficult Farming
    Very Agressive

If you're having trouble reading the standard notes here's a full version


Doran's Shield:

Usually, Doran's Shield is the best option when playing mid lane since you often face ranged champions. Because of Briar's unique healing and the absence of passive regeneration, early-game farming can be challenging.

Doran's Blade and Long Sword:

In certain situations where the enemy lacks significant poke capabilities, prioritizing damage can be very useful, especially considering this champion's aggressive playstyle in lane.



Briar is a champion with high sustained damage output. While she may not fit the traditional assassin role, she is still capable of burst damage. One of the key aspects of playing her effectively is prioritizing ability haste, which allows for constant pressure with her W ability and more frequent use of her clutch E ability.

Regarding the choice between Duskblade and Eclipse, I've opted for Eclipse. This decision is based on the increased kill potential and a slight boost in survivability. Unlike champions like Rengar or Kha'Zix, Briar leans towards a 'go big or go home' playstyle. She thrives in teams with a lot of all-in potential, making the shorter cooldown of burst damage from Eclipse highly beneficial.

As for Prowlers Claw, it's a staple choice due to the abundance of ability haste and the fact that three out of four of Briar's abilities involve dashes and leaps.

Sterak's Gage is another valuable addition. While Briar isn't the frailest champion, she can take a lot of damage in teamfights, even when her team has the advantage. This added survivability is quite beneficial.

Black Cleaver fits perfectly into this build, providing a damage boost, enhancing Sterak's Gage, and offering quality-of-life improvements like bonus movement speed.

Lastly, Axiom Arc serves mainly for the bonus lethality and ability haste. Since Briar's ult already has a relatively short cooldown, the passive effect doesn't significantly impact most situations.


The choice between Plated Steelcaps and Mercury's Treads depends on the matchup and isn't always definitive.

Situational Boots:

If you're performing well in a match, Ionian Boots of Lucidity can be a great early game option, allowing you to get ahead. It can be changed later if needed.


Chilling Scream:

At the beginning of the game, I believe it's best to take E. Most importantly, it sets you up for the second ability, but in some cases, it allows you to heal up just a bit or push an aggressive enemy away, letting you survive interactions that you couldn't otherwise. Starting at level 2, it's important to always have this ability off cooldown if possible.

Blood Frenzy:

As the second ability, we take W. It's important to note that Briar struggles while farming in the lane early game, so what's a better way to gain an advantage than making your opponent have a disadvantage? When you reach level 2, playing aggressively is what makes this champ effective. Unlike top lane, most mid laners are squishy, so this playstyle really shines.


Always try to recast W when you think you're going to get the last hit, simply maximizing the damage scaling off missing health and the heal scaling with damage dealt. For example, if your opponent has Flash and is prepared to use it, the best thing to do here is to get close, use W, immediately recast, and then quickly press E, dealing the most damage before the opponent flees.

W dash can go through walls.

Head Rush:

The last ability to take is Q at level 3, providing a stun and armor penetration. It's a very good engagement starter and is an ability you take last, but it's also the one with the most important technique.


We have to look at how Blood Frenzy interacts with the environment. Once procced, it will target the nearest visible champ on the screen within the 1000 range radius at the peak of the dash or the closest target (minions or objectives if no champ is present). However, the Q ability gives W something very useful. If W is currently active, no matter who it was targeting, it will always prioritize the target that you Q'd. For example, if you're on the lane and two enemies are visible, if you dash towards one but decide you want to attack the other, Qing them will change the target of W. This is important because of the combination of W recalibration after a kill. If you Q a minion and then you kill it with W active, it doesn't go for champions; instead, it goes for the nearest target, meaning you can easily clear waves just by Qing a minion after W without fear of it going for the enemy.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ad0cc
Ad0cc Briar Guide
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[MID] 🩸A Bloody Guide to Briar's Mid Lane Mastery 🩸 Detailed

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