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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Love Tap (PASSIVE)
Miss Fortune Passive Ability
The runes haven't been personally tested by me, but I had a friend of mine who had most of the runes set them up, and they seemed to work fairly well with this build. The runes lean heavily on attack damage, because having that extra edge at the beginning of the game lets you scare off who you are against in mid.
The Masteries set up are how I personally use them as Mid Fortune. You're welcome to change it up and let me know how it works out. I find that the life steal helps you stay in lane early game and stacked with the Vampiric Scepter as the first item you get after 'Zerker Greaves makes you a hard one to be ganked.
Early Game
Like I said earlier, the last three fully built items are situational. The

Mid to Late Game
I chose to put up my most used three items for mid to late game though, like I said, it's entirely situational. The

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