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Miss Fortune Build Guide by Kuukrow

Middle Mid Fortune AD Carry guide. Carry that Planet!

Middle Mid Fortune AD Carry guide. Carry that Planet!

Updated on September 28, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kuukrow Build Guide By Kuukrow 1,627 Views 0 Comments
1,627 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kuukrow Miss Fortune Build Guide By Kuukrow Updated on September 28, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Miss Fortune
  • LoL Champion: Miss Fortune


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This guide will show you how to AD Carry Miss Fortune in mid, lovingly referred to as Mid Fortune. I've seen a lot of guides focusing on Miss Fortunes AP, but in my opinion her passive makes her a great AD. Building her is really interesting because the last three items end up being completely situational, but more on that later. Just so you know, this is my first guide so constructive criticism is great. This guide is my no means complete as I'm still testing things. But if you try it, let me know how it works for you and if you have any suggestions.
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The runes haven't been personally tested by me, but I had a friend of mine who had most of the runes set them up, and they seemed to work fairly well with this build. The runes lean heavily on attack damage, because having that extra edge at the beginning of the game lets you scare off who you are against in mid.
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The Masteries set up are how I personally use them as Mid Fortune. You're welcome to change it up and let me know how it works out. I find that the life steal helps you stay in lane early game and stacked with the Vampiric Scepter as the first item you get after 'Zerker Greaves makes you a hard one to be ganked.
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Early Game

Like I said earlier, the last three fully built items are situational. The Berserker's Greaves give you the speed you need to get away (when coupled with Strut you don't need anything faster, especially because of some of the items later in the build.), Bloodthirster gives you survivability and makes it really hard to get you out of the lane early game, and the Phantom Dancer just makes you a ninja. The attack speed helps you take down turrets quickly. When building Bloodthirster, I really do advise that you start with the Vampiric Scepter after you get your Berserker's Greaves.

Mid to Late Game

I chose to put up my most used three items for mid to late game though, like I said, it's entirely situational. The Tiamat makes you really useful in team fights because as far as I can tell, the splash damage transfers to criticals. The Infinity Edge adds a lot of damage and even more of a critical strike chance than you already have. The Guardian Angel is mostly just for ***** and giggles. Oh.... I died? Well..... now I'm alive again. A lot of the people I play with like to shove me out first so that I can do a lot of damage and die and by the time I'm alive again with the Guardian Angel, the rest of the team has me surrounded to protect me. If you don't want a Guardian Angel, you could always replace it with another Tiamat or another Phantom Dancer. Either will work, I just happen to prefer the Guardian Angel. If you have a tendency to play her mana hungry, Athene's Unholy Grail is useful since it give you mana regen as well as cooldown redux. Another acceptable adjustment is Rylai's Crystal Scepter since his passive makes all of your abilities slow. It enables you to get more kills with your ult since they are slowed when being hit by it originally. If you need more health,
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kuukrow
Kuukrow Miss Fortune Guide
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Mid Fortune AD Carry guide. Carry that Planet!

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