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Runes: Standard/AP and Hybrid
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Really hard to deal with in lane, trying to CS in melee is impossible. Just focus on CSing with Q and E while lasthitting if shes already used her stun. Even at 6, if you knock her down she will get to respawn from egg and kill you.
Champion Build Guide
Kayle, the Winged Protector of Demacia, might be right for you.
Kayle is quite easily one of the perfect meta champions right now. You commonly see Assassins, Bruisers, and other all-in champs in mid right now, and less mages. Since she's a strong counter to assassins, outscales bruisers, and loses to mages, you can see that this is good for her.
Top may be less likely to get perma-camped, but some of the matchups are horrible(think gnar, quinn, riven)
The first part of Kayle's passive is a stacking attack speed bonus, scaling with AP, which is how with only one or two attack speed items, she can still hit 2.1+ Aspd midgame. The second part is how she can carry games. As she levels her ult, she gains more power basically. At 6, she becomes ranged. At 11 she starts doing AoE damage when the passive is stacked and her E becomes AoE. Finally, at 16, your passive no longer requires stacks, so you're always doing the aoe damage and you gain another 100 range, becoming a 625 ranged character.
Q -Radiant Blast
Q is a versatile ability for Kayle, doing damage, shredding armor/MR, and slowing the enemy. Earlygame you'll be using it for wave control, to lasthit, and preferably hitting the enemy at the same time. Lategame it's a massive slow, a sizeable nuke, and easily spammable.
W - Celestial Blessing Heals Kayle and one nearby ally, providing movement speed to both. While the days of Kayle healing for 300 with no AP are gone, it still scales with 30% ap, so you can get some meaty heals. The movespeed also scales with AP so lategame you'll be granting yourself and your ally +60% movement speed for 2 seconds, which is huge. In lane you'll use it to try to escape ganks and sustain when you're safe.
E - Starfire Spellblade
On-hit damage, scaling with bonus AD and AP. Also, makes you ranged for a single attack when cast pre-6. This empowered attack does missing health% execution damage. This is what makes Kayle tick, dealing increasing damage the later the game goes and making her oneshot whole teams sometimes. Using the E to proc the third hit of press the attack is a strong combination throughout the whole game. In lane you'll be using this to lasthit primarily.
R - Divine Judgement
Cast to make yourself or another ally invulnerable for 2/2.5/3 seconds. After the end of the duration, there is an AOE burst of damage with AD and AP scaling. You cannot attack during this time but you can move. While it may not provide as much consistent DPS as the rest of Kayle's abilities, it's very strong. The damage scales quite well with both AP and AD, and put onto Amumu/Malphite/etc it can end teamfights. In lane, you'll be using this to counter enemy ults and kill them, usually you can bait someone close when you're both low health, then ult their damage and follow it up with an E for the kill.
In lane, try to get an auto in each time to keep your passive stacked up. With passive, you have a huge attack speed advantage, so a lot of time having stacks will keep people from all-inning you.
Try to set up a freeze any time its possible, it means an enemy roam will deny them a ton of exp, and after you get a few attack speed items you can do a hard push and get plates.
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