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In Lane, you can zoned ahri very easily since you have range advantage. Place ball behind the caster minions, and poke her with q whenever she tries to farm. Ahri projectiles are relatively slow, so react to them with shield
In this match up, Orianna needs to punished akali extremely hard before lv6, which is easy to do. Before 6, all akali can do is poke with her q, again, react with shield to deny, and whenever u can land q+w combo, follow up with few autos.
This match up is pretty even, but again, use superior range to poke Anivia. However, don't try too hard for auto attacks, since running toward anivia means risking getting stunned+crit e
I feel like every champion can beat cass now, she was a champion with such early game power. However, after riot's change to her kit, her early game is complete trash.
This match up takes skill. Brand have even longer range and very good wave clear. So to win this match up, ori need to constantly dodging brand w poke, and not get stunned at all. But still even u can't dodge brand w, at least react to it with shield!
With superior range, its easy to kill his turrets. But watch out for his missile and react to it with shield.
Player against kat is tricky, patient is the key. Keep track of her shampo cool down, don't rush ur qw combo. Before she used her shampo, just shield urself than auto attack her. Ori aa does **** tones of damage
Karma is very strong in lane. She got long range poke and a shield with speed boost. She will be hard to kill unless the karma is bad. Just try to outfarm and don't get baited by her ult+w.(it heals a **** tone)
dodge his q but staying close to the minions/auto attack range. Karthus can't really fight orianna in lane, if u land qw, follow up with few aa.
Kass its ez match up, react to his q with shield and aa him as much as possible.
Again, patient is the key. Keep close track with lb's w cool down and don't do qw combo until u are very sure u can land them. If LB try to all in you, do not be scared, after the initial q+w combo, she got nothing left. Ori can just aa her to death. STAY WITH THE CREEPS SO SHE CAN't Land e
Malz can be annoying, but all this guy does is push. Try to get ur jgler to gank this guy.
Abuse your range!!! There is no way ryze can trade back
Twisted Fate
Abus your range!!! TF is very easy for ori. Most of the tf focus on pushing the lane and farming, so whenever his pick a none-yellow card, or w on cool down, feel free to trade or even all in
This guy is annoying, he can pushed very well and got very good range. Try to get jgler to gank this guy since he will also be pushing
Need to react to his q with shield if you cannot dodge it, xereth got superior range, so just try to farm and poke with q, don't try too hard to land aa. Get jgler to gank this guy.
Even though ziggs got superior range, he's skills are ez to dodge. When trading, do not stand still, walk around and dodge his bombs.
Very easy for Orianna to poke down jayce with q. Don't try to aa him too hard and dont get hit by his e q combo. Jayce got mana issue early, if you saw him low on mana, feel free to all in this guy.
???not sure if he's still viable mid lane, but if u happened to see him mid, just stay with caster minions and punish him hard before lv3
Shield his spear all day, and poke him down.
Poke him hard with aa and qw, shield his w damage. He cannot all in your pre lv6, so punish him hard
I play this match up a lot and i personally feel that Ori does very well against zed. Dodge/shield his q poke, and trade back with qw+aa. Remember that he can go back to original position after ulting, don't get baited
This match up is very hard. Good yasuo can be scary. Again be patient about ur combos, don't get juke by his dashes. Watch out for windwall, don't blow everything at once
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This match up is harder to play. Orianna has to punish fizz hard before lv3. At least poke him down to about 60%. And watch out for fizz lv3 all in, its very strong. Also be patient on orianna ult and keep track on fizz e cool down.
Syndra is a lane bully, no one can beat a good syndra in lane. She got massive range, low cool-down q, low mana cost, massive range. USE BARRIER AGAINST HER ULT, i dont like heal so much cause i bet syndra will ignite you.
I started playing Orianna backed in season2 when i was gold. My inspiration came from the toyz take over in Season 2 World Championship. I'm a big fan of TPA (maybe have something to do with me coming from Taiwan), so i recommend all of you to use TPA orianna skin all the time XD. I reached diamond with Orianna in s3, and maintain diamond position in s4. I stream a lot, and i play orianna a lot. So if you want to watch some orianna game play, feel free to come to my twitch channel, speak both chinese and english, in case some of you want speak Chinese lol)
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