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In this guide, you'll be seeing how to play Jayce in the midlane, optimally.
If you follow these guide, I garantee you will be able to climb the ladder.
Let's get more in depht!
This runes will make your early game damage without jeopardising you mid and late game.
This Marks will make you hit harder in the early game compared to the AD ones.
This Seals make sure you will be tankier in the mid and late game.
This Glyphs make you harder to get killed in lane, ensuring you can scale into the midgame without many problems.
This Quints give you the rest of the early damage to trade and to farm.
This Marks will make you hit harder in the early game compared to the AD ones.
This Seals make sure you will be tankier in the mid and late game.
This Glyphs make you harder to get killed in lane, ensuring you can scale into the midgame without many problems.
This Quints give you the rest of the early damage to trade and to farm.
Just the standard masteries for Jayce.
The Stormraider's Surge Stormraider's Surge to help you kite and reposition better in the fights,and also to chase enemies.
The Stormraider's Surge Stormraider's Surge to help you kite and reposition better in the fights,and also to chase enemies.
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