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Ability Order
Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Hello! I am a platinum 2 jungler, who love to experiment with new builds, and this is my newest. The mixed damage twisted fate!
The way this works is I use twisted fates E, which both has a great damaging effect and an attack speed buff. Combined with magic damage dealing items such as Devourer and Wit's end and physical damage dealing items such as Bloodthirster and Trinity force. Blade of the ruined king is the core of this build, it shreds tanks and the faster you attack, the better it is.
I realise you must be very sceptic, seeing someone trying to convince you that jungle tf works, but I haven't seen anyone else get the idea of hybrid tf, and it works really well, but he is squishy, and very hard to play, so expect a big learning curve (Think azir/vayne). Since he is a jungler, as long as you are familiar with kiting your earlygame will be simple, but it is much about decisionmaking and such.
The way this works is I use twisted fates E, which both has a great damaging effect and an attack speed buff. Combined with magic damage dealing items such as Devourer and Wit's end and physical damage dealing items such as Bloodthirster and Trinity force. Blade of the ruined king is the core of this build, it shreds tanks and the faster you attack, the better it is.
I realise you must be very sceptic, seeing someone trying to convince you that jungle tf works, but I haven't seen anyone else get the idea of hybrid tf, and it works really well, but he is squishy, and very hard to play, so expect a big learning curve (Think azir/vayne). Since he is a jungler, as long as you are familiar with kiting your earlygame will be simple, but it is much about decisionmaking and such.
The masteries are basically opted to push out as much damage as possible, but still surviving redbuff at level 1, if you are inexperienced as a jungler, don't play this because you will have to kite redbuff, and you will survive with very little hp, but after red just pop a healthpot and keep jungling.
Simply the best combo, to mix magic and attack damage, making it super hard for your opponent to counterbuild your damage. I personally dont like Last Whisper in this build, because armour really isn't a problem. But many people find it hard to see a champion with attack damage items and not Last Whisper, so you do you bobo.
This is a tricky one, you need to convince your team that Twisted Fate jungle works with this build, noone will counterpick you because they don't think anyone is dumb enough to play Tf jungle, but you are that dumb ****er that does it, and then you wreck them, leaving them surprised what just happened. Just really be careful, because people will think that you troll.
INSANELY HIGH damamage output lategame
Can kill anyone with your stun
Medium damage midgame
Can have insane ganks with high damage
There is no counter
Great map pressure
Overpowered if ahead
Can kill anyone in less than 3 seconds lategame
Very squishy
Hard to play
Can have terrible ganks
Useless if behind
Doesn't contribute in teamfight comps
Mercurial Scimitar/Quicksilver Sash
INSANELY HIGH damamage output lategame
Can kill anyone with your stun
Medium damage midgame
Can have insane ganks with high damage
There is no counter
Great map pressure
Overpowered if ahead
Can kill anyone in less than 3 seconds lategame
Very squishy
Hard to play
Can have terrible ganks
Useless if behind
Doesn't contribute in teamfight comps
Mercurial Scimitar/Quicksilver Sash
You start of with golems, and get that stun, try to take as little damage you can because redbuff will be hard. Proceed to red, pop a healthpot and kite him as much as you can. Pop your new healthpot and walk to wolves, kill them, kite if you want. Go to bluebuff, kite him, smite if you need to (you should need to). If you still have smite, take gromp and smite him, then recall and buy. Then you should try to get a gank either top or bot and keep jungling, just watch for good opportunities to gank, and the second you get Devourer, stack the **** out of it. Be careful, you should buy a vision ward because if you get invaded by like shaco or sejuani you are ****ed. When you get your ult and you have devourer and bilgewater cutlass, basically any ultgank is a freekill, be careful though for counterganks and only gank when you are high on health. DON'T COUNTERJUNGLE, IT DOESN'T WORK!
You are like an assassin version of Caitlyn, you stay in the back and wait for someone you can goldcard, then you smite them and unleash havoc. You also lurk around in the jungle and try to get behind their adc, but be careful, one stun and you're usually dead. (If you're not you heal up to full hp with 3~ attacks)
The way you want to play this Tf is farm early for your Devourer and items, when you have blade of the ruined king try to team up because you deal a lot of damage already, go for ganks whenever you have an opportunity else just **** your team. reaching lategame you should start walking on your own and picking off anyone you can. Remember that if you get your gold card in, and you smite them, they are dead, I've killed a 4.5k hp ulting mundo with one goldcard, it's not hard. But remember TF IS HARD, you need good positioning, one bad ult will **** your day up, BE CAREFUL with you decisions, you can't afford to fall behind, never.
Thanks for reading my build, I really wish you a lot of success with it, in my opinion it's really fun and I hope you feel the same. I really shouldn't swear in my guides, and start using proper language and less slang, but I am used to writing quick so it's hard, I apologize if that's disturbing and I totally get that. (I'm actually a nice guy believe it or not). Now good luck, I wish you the best! :)
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