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Mordekaiser General Guide by SlyAsf

Jungle Mordekaiser

Jungle Mordekaiser

Updated on May 9, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SlyAsf Build Guide By SlyAsf 1,305 Views 0 Comments
1,305 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SlyAsf Mordekaiser Build Guide By SlyAsf Updated on May 9, 2016
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Jungle with mord

With this build you should easy be able to win ever game. I run this in Silver 5 and my Win/Loss Ratio is great. I know you like why would i listen to this guy he only Silver 5. But this is amazing. In this patch you always wanna get dragon. With this you can get dragon by yourself at level 6. And when you do you get a dragon. Then if your really lucky you can get dragon at level 20 mins and then straight to baron and solo it by your self. It's very easy in successfully. You let the dragon tank it and do the damage and you just smite. Put W on your dragon and it well heal him.

You really cant gank with him until you get the rylai's. So mostly you gonna wanna farm as much as you can in your jungle. You gonna need to tell who ever your playing with that you will counter gank them but cant really do much on the ganking part.
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Team Fights

Your gonna want someone with strong engage sense you wont be able to. So who ever will be doing the engage you gonna wanna put your W on Them so it slows them with the Rylai's so your team can catch up; and it will heal the team mate who engage's.
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Skill Sequence

Your gonna wanna slam you head down on your keyboard and win.

All joking aside you gonna wanna get you W off ASAP to heal you and slow them. Then when you catch up to there ADC or there MAGE your gonna wanna E then hit them with your 3 Q's then R it's very easy i can do.
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You have to get your Jungle item. Then get rylai's Crystal. Then get your boot's. The rest of them are situational. Get Abyssal Sceptal if there team is building Magic resists. This will help you and anyone on your team and it buffs up you Magic Resist as well. I usually always get Deadman plank. It helps with your movement speed Problems (You don't have enough Movement speed). The rest is what your going against. Its all up to you.
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Pros / Cons

There really no Cons. I have played a lot of games with him in haven't rally found one to him. You do AD and AP damage. Not any real method to stop all the damage you do with your Q. And you really Tanky if you build him right.
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Doing baron at level 11 with your pet dragon and carrying your team to victory. No one better to do that then Mordekaiser. I hope all of you that gave this a try have fun. This really gave me a lot of joy. You know this give me joy if i'm typing all of this. I'm no much for words so i'm just gonna say have some fun and get started.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SlyAsf
SlyAsf Mordekaiser Guide
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