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Recommended Items
Runes: "Power eternal."
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Challenging Smite
Ability Order Bonk
Darkness Rise (PASSIVE)
Mordekaiser Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Show All
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Fiora will block all your shit. Every Mordekaiser main hates her.
Champion Build Guide
Players will flame you, enemies and teammates alike. However if you play this build right, they will regret it.
Welcome to oblivion. Welcome to Mungle.
Be sure to check out my other guides!
Welcome to oblivion. Welcome to Mungle.
Be sure to check out my other guides!
This is a Mungle guide, not a general Mordekaiser guide. Though you should be familiar with Mordekaiser's abilities by now, I'll give you a rundown of them and some tips on how to utilize them to their full potential.
Passive Ability
Passive Ability
Recommended Spells
Alternative Spells
Alternative Spells
Primary Path: Precision
Alternative Runes
Note: This isn't its own rune page, just several options that you can swap with from the original one above. You should always follow the original closely, unless you want all 3 minor Domination runes.
The more healing, the better. With Triumph, you heal for 12% of your missing health each time you get a kill or assist. You even get 20 gold. |
Attack Speed gives you 10% bonus attack speed. Great for those auto attacks after your abilities, which synergizes well with Legend: Alacrity and Nashor's Tooth. |
Adaptive Force gives you 9 more ability power, which is the obvious choice since Mungle goes AP. |
Armor 6 more armor, which scales better than health. Good against champions that do physical damage. |
Alternative Runes
Note: This isn't its own rune page, just several options that you can swap with from the original one above. You should always follow the original closely, unless you want all 3 minor Domination runes.
Early Items
Main Build
Alternative Items
Main Build
Sorcerer's Shoes give you an edge over your enemies in the form of magic penetration. This counters champions' built in MR and is especially handy when they build MR items. |
Alternative Items
You can start either side, though I generally prefer blue. This is because the Blue Buff works better with your kit and it takes less time to clear.
If you're starting blue, follow this path:
Blue Buff, Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, Red Buff, Look to gank/invade, Scuttle, Look to gank/invade, Krugs
If you're starting red, do this:
Red Buff, Krugs, Raptors, Wolves, Blue Buff, Look to gank/invade, Scuttle, Look to gank/invade, Gromp
If you kite your camps out well, you can reach the Scuttle before it spawns if you start blue. You should save a Smite for the Scuttle to secure it.
After you clear your camps, back and buy a Control Ward. Do your camps and ward the dragon pit if you're close to it.
Generally, your clear is pretty good. It's not the fastest at first, but you take minimal damage. As the game progresses, your clear will become much faster due to your AoE abilities.
How to Clear Blue and Gromp at the Same Time
If you're starting blue, follow this path:
Blue Buff, Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, Red Buff, Look to gank/invade, Scuttle, Look to gank/invade, Krugs
If you're starting red, do this:
Red Buff, Krugs, Raptors, Wolves, Blue Buff, Look to gank/invade, Scuttle, Look to gank/invade, Gromp
If you kite your camps out well, you can reach the Scuttle before it spawns if you start blue. You should save a Smite for the Scuttle to secure it.
After you clear your camps, back and buy a Control Ward. Do your camps and ward the dragon pit if you're close to it.
Generally, your clear is pretty good. It's not the fastest at first, but you take minimal damage. As the game progresses, your clear will become much faster due to your AoE abilities.
How to Clear Blue and Gromp at the Same Time
You won't be a very gank-heavy jungler due to your clear not being as fast as other champions. However, your ganks themselves are strong due to your R. Pre-6, you have to use your E to pull the enemy champion(s) in. Although the area of your E is sizeable, it's slow and easily dodged. You also have no other means of CC so you have to rely on your team's utility and damage. You can also use Rocketbelt's active dash if you bought it.
Your ultimate is an incredibly powerful ganking tool. If you have it learned and you are ganking, you should ult on the enemy as soon as possible. If you are ganking bot, you should generally ult the adc first. If your target is kind of far, you can use your E to bring them closer to you, then ult. Unless someone is particularly fed, you should be able to kill them or at the very least get them low. If your target survives, you or your laner should be able to finish them off unless the enemy has a lot of mobility. Since your ult keeps the enemy champion in a confined space, this gives your teammates time to catch up if they are straggling behind so that they can assist you in the case that you can't get a kill.
Your ultimate is an incredibly powerful ganking tool. If you have it learned and you are ganking, you should ult on the enemy as soon as possible. If you are ganking bot, you should generally ult the adc first. If your target is kind of far, you can use your E to bring them closer to you, then ult. Unless someone is particularly fed, you should be able to kill them or at the very least get them low. If your target survives, you or your laner should be able to finish them off unless the enemy has a lot of mobility. Since your ult keeps the enemy champion in a confined space, this gives your teammates time to catch up if they are straggling behind so that they can assist you in the case that you can't get a kill.
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