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This is also the place where I found my two mains. Ahri and Jarvan. Mordekaiser is my third main champion. Mordekaiser is a relatively easy champion that has no problem 1 V 2'ing his opponents due to his passive and full aoe potential on his abilities. This is why he shines in treeline. He is also strong vs the comp adc + support.
+ Nice Burst
+ Works well with CC heavy toplaners and assassin jungler
+ Tanky while building damage
+ Can one v two with ease.
+ can change a one v two situation in a two v one situation
+ He likes his woman/weapon like he loves his music.
- No CC without rylia's
- Weak to kiting.
- Weak to DoT enemy's + hard CC like Malzahar/Warwick
This is a special chapter for people who are new to League of Legends, you will probably have heard this term in Streams, Youtube video's or in ALL-chat.
I will start a little guide here on mechanics to help you become a little better at the game. - The most basic mechanics:
* Kiting: This mechanic is really basic, quite simple, but a most important aspect of champions like Mordekaiser. Try to get in range and land some AA's for free harassment and being able to add some extra spells.
* Knowhow CC: When I was smurfing on my friends account, I found out that a lot of people do not understand the concept off CC. amumu's Curse of the Sad Mummy, this is an immobilize, so you can still cast abilities. The only CC that hinders Mordekaiser are Silences and Stuns.
* Magic Pen vs ability power: I advice standard 30-35 magic penetration + Liandry's this will make your opponent's MR from 100 MR to 70 MR.
Magic pen stays relevant throughout the game due to low base Mr + lack off high anti-AP items
I will start a little guide here on mechanics to help you become a little better at the game. - The most basic mechanics:
* Kiting: This mechanic is really basic, quite simple, but a most important aspect of champions like Mordekaiser. Try to get in range and land some AA's for free harassment and being able to add some extra spells.
* Knowhow CC: When I was smurfing on my friends account, I found out that a lot of people do not understand the concept off CC. amumu's Curse of the Sad Mummy, this is an immobilize, so you can still cast abilities. The only CC that hinders Mordekaiser are Silences and Stuns.
* Magic Pen vs ability power: I advice standard 30-35 magic penetration + Liandry's this will make your opponent's MR from 100 MR to 70 MR.
Magic pen stays relevant throughout the game due to low base Mr + lack off high anti-AP items
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