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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Challenging Smite
Ability Order Skill max
Threats & Synergies
Wayy to tanky for your liking and can stun you. You're not going to 1V1 her ever.
Super easy to gank at any stage. If your yasuo lands any Q's or ult you can easily walk up and burn them to death with ignite.
Super easy to gank at any stage. If your yasuo lands any Q's or ult you can easily walk up and burn them to death with ignite.
Champion Build Guide
Most the time you want to start wherever your botlaners are because it's the best leash you can get. You also always want to take scuttle unless you got counter picked. You want to start your W first for massive amount of damage then your Q and lastly your E. You want to change forms as frequently as possible when not fighting camps to get your spiderlings up and running. If you see a pushed up lane then go at it; gank any pushed up lanes or any lanes where the enemy is super low elise is a tower dive queen and can easily get first blood (if not gotten already) with her Spider form E.
Early game you can solo dragon at like level 5 however it depends whether your team is doing good or not. You can solo dragon and can outdamage it however it takes really long and if you see the enemy botlaners anywhere near the river I'd run away.
You should human form into lane and try to land your cocoon followed up with Q E, Spider form E W Q. This will most definitely use up a flash or death.
Don't worry if you get behind as Elise as you can try to get into some brawls as you hopefully got last stand available which should help you a lot to nuke enemies with your entire combo before they can even move.
Make sure to stay in the backline at all times whenever there is a team fight and be a respectful guy, only go after those who are near death like lets say Ezreal due to his high damage. Tanks are not worth it, avoid Sett at all times if there is one. She is a mage bruiser however this build dedicates it on her mage capabilities whilst featuring bruiser runes. You're still going to pop like a balloon.
I guess you can say you should kinda play her like an assassin where you could do a 1v2 and get a kill of and escape but I'd highly discourage that depending on their team and how fed they are. Try to find some cheeky kills in a bush
If you do find yourself dying all the time you could always change your build to have zhonyas and banshees. This combo is terrific as you can constantly get out of a sticky situation with banshees blocking any sort of CC like morgana Q, Zhonyas just good in general + Spider form E; this makes up for a really good bait by your team.
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