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Teemo Build Guide by Drucki

Top My first Teemo Guide

Top My first Teemo Guide

Updated on July 16, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Drucki Build Guide By Drucki 3,754 Views 1 Comments
3,754 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Drucki Teemo Build Guide By Drucki Updated on July 16, 2018
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Fleet Footwork
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Gathering Storm


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



I would just like to say this:

Please don't feel restricted, to just following my guide to the teeth.
It's a guide that gets you in the mindset of what is to be expected of you when you play.
It's a guide that gets you in the mindset of what to build.
It's a guide that gets you in the mindset of where to go, what to do.

Some people (mostly everyone) think MobaFire is garbage, compared to the "High-Elo" sites cause apparently our guides are useless and that we know nothing of the game, and they are better than everyone else.

It depends on how you look at it.
This guide is a very good Teemo guide, but what gets you out of Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum is YOUR ability to play, it is not based on a guide, so please keep this in mind.

Find your strengths and weaknesses and work on improving them as you continue to learn.

If you have abysmal CS open up a custom game alone or with a friend to practice getting CS you need to aim for 80-100 in 10 minutes to be considered "Good" in a sense of high elo. Mine will always be low due to being a support main unfortunately
If you get tilted a lot because of your team, try queing up with friends.
(Unfortunate enough to not have friends? Don't worry I have none either)
Just find something that can calm you down. (Music, Discording etc)

Don't just exclaim how garbage your team is, that will only make you suffer in most cases keeping you in ELO hell.

To be honest, just TAKE A BREAK from the game instead of going 20 matches and 20 loses, calm yourself down before you start to play and if you have a losing streak of anger and win ONE game and feel great, take that break immediately to stay healthy mentally.

If you watch my streams you'd realize I am always joking around, always laughing, always having a good time even if I lose. Mostly because Teemo is my joy in this game.

All I want as a fellow Teemo main is for you to find what works for you.
Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE plays Teemo in their own way, some people prefer AP an others AD, and then there are people like me, that like Hybrid.


The current meta with these new Runes and such are very strong for Teemo.
You can dominate TOP, SUPPORT but unfortunately JUNGLE (My favorite role) has fallen off from competitive play, at least for me as the level in difficulty has gone above what I am comfortable playing with.

Mostly due in part that the EXP is lower, the raptors and krugs are a time waster since you have no early game group clear speed, the fight for scuttle crabs, you get the idea.

I would highly recommend playing Teemo TOP or honestly, TEEMO Support.
Support is the best role if you love just harassing people denying all CS and forcing them to tower farm, I personally suck at laning so I choose support as my role this season.

I am by no means some god-mode-teemo that goes 20/1/0 every game.
I play him mostly to troll an have fun, troll as in watch my team scream, or cause the enemy to quit the game.

We all play Teemo differently.
Some play Jungle, Some play Support, Some play Top, ADC or even MID.
What matters is we all love Teemo and that is all that should matter.
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Why this Runes?

Summon Aery / Arcane Comet
Nullifying Orb / Manaflow Band / Nimbus Cloak
Sudden Impact / Taste of Blood
Scorch / Gathering Storm
Transcendence / Absolute Focus

Inspiration runes, etc

Let me just state this...

Everyone plays Teemo differently, nobody is going to always like you or your playstyles.
If you wanna run glacial Teemo because you like the lack of need for mallet, do it.

If you want future market, go for it. That is how you want to play so play it! :3

Summon Aery vs Arcane Comet

Aery, hands down just take Aery regardless of what you are playing as, TOP/SUP.
The harass is amazing and high. I don't care if they "Nerf" her, if you can get the double procs it's not nerfed. If they remove the ability to proc her twice in one poison rotation then by all means **** her and use comet or electrocute, electrocute is actually very good for burst AP damage.

Manaflow Band is the better option out of these 3, it is absolutely amazing, you will never have to worry about mana if you actually charge up the 250 mana stack which will refund you 1% mana every 5 seconds, so in short infinite mana!

The others are useless unless you know for a fact that you will be losing your lane to a hard hitting AP champion then go for Nullifying Orb

Absolute Focus always as a TOP laner against a matchup you can destroy, otherwise take Celerity
Transcendence if you are playing Support. It really makes a difference, granting you 40% CDR relatively early. It also allows you to over-stack CDR items like Luden's Echo Lich Bane Nashor's Tooth while gaining damage adaptively.

Gathering Storm is the best choice for anything but bot lane, unless they have a lot of healing and shields then forfeit Scorch for it since it is mainly to burn them harder when they have no heals.

I refuse to take anything other than Domination with 2 of the following...

Sudden Impact if I know for a fact that I will have no problem in the bot lane poking them down without being hit too often while hiding in my passive camo in the bush. I have been struck with a lot of debate on Cheap Shot being better. True damage is indeed better, but making the ADC MR -0% to me is more important cause it can be abused every second where as Cheap shot has a cooldown and requires a Q or R to hit.

Cheap Shot It's better top lane since you will not be abusing the bush like a support Teemo would.

Taste of Blood if I know I will have problems with lack of harass. It will keep you healthy and allow you to go in deep for those pokes.

Ravenous Hunter 15% Ability damage is a heal, respectively.
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One-Hit Items

People are claiming that with the new update of 6.22, that items like these...
Duskblade of Draktharr Edge of Night have completely crippled Teemo to the point where it is pointless to play him, just please, play him and stop looking at LCS / High tier players who try an bestow their own knowledge or theory crafting to the lower elo. (Coming from a Mobafire guide, I know. Doesn't mean much)

Play him for fun, have fun, the skill comes from how he is played and by how skillful you are playing him, just because you have problems getting to Master/Challenger right now with him doesn't make him any less broken.

Stalker's Blade - Bloodrazor
Deals 4% of the Target's current health as bonus physical damage (On-Hit)
Blade of the Ruined King
Deals 8% of the Target's current health as bonus physical damage (On-Hit)
Wit's End
Steals 30 Magic Resist and deals 42 bonus magic damage (on hit)
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Basic attacks Deal an additional 5-10% AP/AD damage on-hit of your current AP/AD.
Every 4th range attack makes all other on hit effects happen twice.

Let's assume you have an with a base HP at 2415.4 without any armor or MR/Armor we will deal.
+ 4% - 96.616 /PD
+ 8% - 193.232 /PD
+ 40 /MD
+ % Damage

Grand total of: 274.848 Physical Damage
55 Magic Damage per hit.

This does not include shroom poison damage ticks, or E poison ticks nor the effects of Exhaust an more importantly it does NOT include the base 215 PD and 200 AP damage from basic attacks.

With the effects of Guinsoo's Rageblade on every fourth hit.

+ 8% = 193.232
+ 16% = 386.464
+ 80 /MD
+ 30 /MD

Grand total of: 549.696 Physical Damage
110 Magic Damage per hit.

This does not include shroom poison damage ticks, or E poison ticks nor the effects of Exhaust an more importantly it does NOT include the base 215 PD and 200 AP damage from basic attacks.

This means that to kill Alistar you would have to hit him 7 times which in 2.50 attack speed is practically 4 hits.

But... all of these numbers go to 0 damage IF he just CC's you! Ahhh!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Drucki
Drucki Teemo Guide
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My first Teemo Guide

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