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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Clean Cuts (PASSIVE)
Xayah Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Kalista can be very difficult to go against as she will be racing you for BoRK and she has an extreme amount of mobility. She can very easily jump out of your ult as well as you feathers in general. You will need a very heavy cc support in order to come out ahead in this lane.

+ Ranged Champion + Decent Crowd Control With ![]() + Extremely Powerful Late Game + Invincibility Frames With ![]() + Smooth Auto Attacks + Good Kiting Potential With ![]() |
- Squishy - Needs Items To Be Useful - Hard To master - Takes Some Time To Learn - No Real Mobility |

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With ![]() ![]() ![]() |

Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed: With these,
Xayah has much more attack speed than she would without them as
Blade of the Ruined King and boots are your only attack speed items. These can help with last hitting as well as just getting out more damage in general.
Greater Mark of Lethality: I am one that prefers armor pen marks over flat ad marks. These help transition you into the late game and will give you flat armor pen over a measly 9 extra ad.
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: Simple magic resist runes for mid to late game and can help take less damage from certain supports.
Greater Seal of Armor: Simple armor runes that will help you take less damage from the enemy adc and will help a bit in the mid to late game.

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I know everyone loves to build Xayah crit but I much rather prefer just the hard hitting utility autos. Black cleaver will give you movement speed on autos because of phage which will help you kite even harder with ![]() |
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You definitely want to pick up a last whisper item. Though ![]() is good I don't feel like you will be getting all of it's potential since you have some more health from ![]() ![]() |

This combo is one that I have found myself using extremely often. You use your

This is your "Be All, End All" combo as it places the max amount of feathers on the ground before they start to disappear. Using this combo in a teamfight and managing to hit some squishy targets with it will almost kill them instantly. This combo can be very hard to pull off though because smart opponents won't willingly stand in front of your feathers. Be smart and use this combo when it is very hard to keep track of your feathers.
This is your average trading combo that you can use when just having a skirmish in bot or any other small fights. This gets a very nice amount of daggers on the ground that you can use with

So I've learned a little bit about Xayah's early game while playing her on my new account. Xayah has a very weird early game as it can be very strong or very good depending on the match up. There have been times where I have gotten an easy double kill because poor

Now is a pretty good power spike for you, especially over champions that don't build BoRK. Depending on your support you will most likely be able to make favorable trades in lane but don't forget about farming! We want to get you on that

So by mid game a couple of towers have gone down and you are probably starting to group in a lane to get an advantage. You definitely want to make sure that you have a few dragons so make good calls on when to get them. (Right after you kill the enemy bot lane is always a good idea...sometimes) So what is your role in a teamfight? TO SAFELY DEAL CONSISTENT DAMAGE! That's pretty much it. It is hardly ever worth to put yourself in danger to kill an enemy. Right now you just want to collect farm when you can and stay safe in fights. Xayah doesn't have to rely on her team for safety as much as some other adc's but it is always a good idea to stand near someone that can peel for you. Use the general rule of just attacking what ever champion is closest to you unless you are able to safely hit the priority target. 99% of the time your death is not worth getting 3 autos onto the enemy adc or mid. Now with

Now you do a metric **** ton of damage with your autos without crit and they provide you with utility to keep yourself safe and dish out more damage. The same teamfighting rules apply here except you can not afford to die. Keep yourself safe under any means. Do not forget your abilities! With this build you will have 30% CDR and with a change of situational items you can easily have 40%. You can not afford to not get out as many feathers as you can and using

-5/17/17- Reached 1k Views!!!! Thank You All!
-5/16/17- Added "Combos" Chapter and fixed small mistakes.
-5/15/17- Added "Early Game, Early to Mid, Mid Game/Teamfighting/ Late Game" Chapters. Fixed "Core Items" list. Changed Guide Title.
-5/14/17- Guide Published
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