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Choose Champion Build:
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Happy Hour (PASSIVE)
Gragas Passive Ability
There is no much to say about gragas. I do not play him like the other guide advice so i thought to make my own guide and share it also for recieve decent feedback about my playstyle on him and last but not least for help someone that search a little different build for this great character.
Teleport: allow you to be everywhere and give you the possibility to minimize your absence in the lane;
Ghost: in combination with Body Slam its a nice excape-combo:
Exaust: i do not like it on 'grag, tbh;
Flash: another great spell, maybe a little unnecessary on him imo;
Ignite: why? XD
Ghost: in combination with Body Slam its a nice excape-combo:
Exaust: i do not like it on 'grag, tbh;
Flash: another great spell, maybe a little unnecessary on him imo;
Ignite: why? XD
As you can understand i rush Rabadon to incrase as soon as possibile my AP. Sometimes i risk starting without item just to maximize my "investiment", because with Gragas you can! XD Sometimes this work, sometimes not, depends on you and the opponents.
Rabadon also give me the possibility to farming very well so allow me to push lanes easily and efficiently.
- First Build -
Early Game: I start with boots and some potions. After the Rabadon i complete my boots with Ionian ones.
Then Void Staff with 40% MP and decent amount of AP.
Late Game: In therm of survivability i go with Rod of Ages and Rylai, definitely the best buy on some champs.
- Second Build -
Early Game: in this case i start with Doran's Ring, boots, then i take Rod of Ages that give a decent combination of life/mana/ap, followed by Rylai for the same reasons.
Late Game: a must by now is Rabadon in order to valorise ap.
- Other items -
It's pretty clear that these items are the "core" 'grag ap build. In the first one i want more power in the shortest time possible to impose my presence. Second build give me more survivability in case of hard "early-game" opponents.
In term of situational items you can also think of a Morello's tome if you want ap/cdr/manareg; deathfire gasp that give some mr, zhonya, mejai if you are doing well (anyway i do not like it on him).
Rabadon also give me the possibility to farming very well so allow me to push lanes easily and efficiently.
- First Build -
Early Game: I start with boots and some potions. After the Rabadon i complete my boots with Ionian ones.
Then Void Staff with 40% MP and decent amount of AP.
Late Game: In therm of survivability i go with Rod of Ages and Rylai, definitely the best buy on some champs.
- Second Build -
Early Game: in this case i start with Doran's Ring, boots, then i take Rod of Ages that give a decent combination of life/mana/ap, followed by Rylai for the same reasons.
Late Game: a must by now is Rabadon in order to valorise ap.
- Other items -
It's pretty clear that these items are the "core" 'grag ap build. In the first one i want more power in the shortest time possible to impose my presence. Second build give me more survivability in case of hard "early-game" opponents.
In term of situational items you can also think of a Morello's tome if you want ap/cdr/manareg; deathfire gasp that give some mr, zhonya, mejai if you are doing well (anyway i do not like it on him).
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