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Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
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I think this would be my perfect TF, but I'm not eve close to lvl. So I'm posting it. Everyone I've talked to has said he's difficult, too squishy, and all that. I love him. I love the idea, the way he plays, everything. I may not understand him entirely but I'm hoping that the comments on this will help me to understand more.
I think what I'm going for is balance, and partner play play. it works for solo but can't start that way.
Note 1: Not Finished/WiP
Note 2: I am literately a noob to this specific game but I have a understanding of rpg's, and I'm only looking for feedback from experienced TF players as I plan on making him my main.
This set up is for Acting like you're not squishy while playing TF. I actually use the wild card skill when I run up on a group of mobs, it's only useful if you're close to the mobs with hopefully a champ. directly in front of you. Always go for maxing the Passive E skill, and Pick a card.
Initiate a a fight with gold card, hold it with red and try to finish with blue for all you manna back (I say all because, even thought I'm not max lvl, The way I play TF every time I use a Blue card my manna is back at max).
So far the only thing about Destiny I've found is good to remember is your position.
If you just pushed 2nd mid tower, use R and you can pop up right behind either of the other 2nd towers.
Initiate a a fight with gold card, hold it with red and try to finish with blue for all you manna back (I say all because, even thought I'm not max lvl, The way I play TF every time I use a Blue card my manna is back at max).
So far the only thing about Destiny I've found is good to remember is your position.
If you just pushed 2nd mid tower, use R and you can pop up right behind either of the other 2nd towers.
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