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Nami Build Guide by Ne4fly7899

Support Nami guide by nami main

Support Nami guide by nami main

Updated on January 12, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ne4fly7899 Build Guide By Ne4fly7899 6,155 Views 1 Comments
6,155 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ne4fly7899 Nami Build Guide By Ne4fly7899 Updated on January 12, 2022
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Runes: best rune

1 2 3 4
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Font of Life

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Nami guide by nami main

By Ne4fly7899
You need to make good trades for those 20 dollars and for manaflow band so w urself or w them they will hit you and you will be healed in the back wave. (be carefull to champs such as thresh or blitz)

from lvl 2 you will maybe get e for adc trades or go agressive if they want some cc and make them surprised with q. (hold that upgrade and wait for moment that will be that 1 or 2)

from lvl 3 up to level 5 try to land q in good situations like ganks trades allins and others
dont be scary and waste it even to dont let enemy recall.

from lvl 6 you will make r and q combo so they will write email to riot games for nerfing nami

up to 6 you will be really usefull and carry mate in teamfights but you will be target by some assasins if you want you can buy as last item zhonya but i dont think you will need that so much but better be secure then be dead right?
try to sneak in bushes and w him from far away dont waste mana so much on trades so w once a 30 sec or something like that at least you have 3/4 mana ready

w is pretty interesting in 1vs2 use w on enemy so it will bounce 3 times
in 1vs1 use it as you need if you want more hp w urself or if you need damage w enemy
in 2vs2 w enemy for maximalize dmg or w your adc for heals and it will heals you too
in 3vs3 4vs4 and 5vs5 best option is to w the lowest health or the one carry because its about luck in this situations but its almost nothing to make nami hardcore boring champ
Nami is champ that is hard to gank because q so its really nice
She can also make 3vs2 fights if her adc is 2/0 and nami 0/0/2 because r q you know im talking about this since start of this guide
she can do dmg as well as i can in the graphs after the game compared to my jg :)
you can also kill some peoples by simple flash w if they are low and think you are just fish out of water in fights 1vs1 try to e urself because its stressfull to be so fast also q him in close range if hes close range try to get passive from that q or if hes long range try to snipe him with that q (you had to make 360 if you are pro)

thats it have fun playing her :)
by your passive you can be faster on lane try to use it on adc or others but if you cant use it for yourself
-q is good if you are two for that speed try to land it on both
-w this trick use with w in lategame because you will have a lot of mana regen so ti doesnt matter
-e if you have this ability ready use it easily
-r use this if enemy running out and you can kill him if he has something like spellshield r your mates so they will be faster and can catch him
(R has doubled speed effect)
combo wombo
W yourself E ally (for speed) and Q
W enemy E aa and Q he will be slowed so you will probably hit him with that Q if you are alone in 1vs1 without R
R Q W E AA AA AA W and repeat alone combo for long fights
W yourself E (Q in front of enemy) and once aa this combo is for running out of danger situations
BASIC COMBO IN LANE- (hit Q) W enemy ignite E ally (R if you have it they will probably flash out so try to make it in their way)
about me
Hello i was looking for support for support that can afford high damage, high sustain,
a lot of mobility and also some high skill moments.
my first time support was nami i was like why is this champ so useless none healing
none dmg but a lot of cc so i dont played her
in one day i was trying her again now without a conqueror and it was pretty fine her kit was really good all those sustain because revitalize and manaflow band.
her cc with q and r (if i land at least one of those in past) and her super damage by w on enemy this was great i played some games
20 --- 30?
then i started to main her it was fun.... if my adc has brain or i land 1 ability
from 50 000 MP It was getting easier to land q and r and from 100 000+ i was automatically doing w math (in what kind of situations do w on enemy andwhat type of enemy or on ally and what kind of ally) it was more and more fun but also i was losing my mind from that that..... oracle leens omg always oracle leens here oracle leens there so i was having 6 wards :) from 150 000 plus i was pretty good at nami buying OrAcLe lEeNs and other nami stuff ive got knowledge about what i want to buy in some matchups and others from 150 000+ it will be just better in bans prio and about landing flashy skillshots like flash q r w ignite e aa aa w aa and others those kind of combos are just to make in games 1 of 100
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ne4fly7899
Ne4fly7899 Nami Guide
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Nami guide by nami main

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