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Recommended Items
Hunter's Machete
Health Potion
Health Potion
Health Potion
Health Potion
Health Potion
Spirit Stone
Ninja Tabi
Spirit of the Ancient Golem
Targon's Buckler
Ruby Crystal
Null-Magic Mantle
Aegis of the Legion
Null-Magic Mantle
Runic Bulwark
Giant's Belt
Warmog's Armor
Atma's Impaler
Iceborn Gauntlet
Ability Order
Soul Eater (PASSIVE)
Nasus Passive Ability
Introduction to how to pwn as Nasus Jungle
Nasus has become more popular after his recent buffs to his ultimate and Siphoning Strike.
He is good early and mid game. His Late game is WONDERFUL. One of the best late games going if you manage to farm your Q that is.
I play him in the jungle because he is easily countered top and I only play ranked so people can counter you easily there.
The cycle of life continues.. we will leave, they will die (Best Nasus Quote)
Personally if the enemy picks Renekton, I always pick Nasus jungle. Because Nasus counters the **** out of Rene.
In this forum article debate, more people agree that Nasus will beat Renekton if he manages to farm his Q properly.
In this forum article debate, more people agree that Nasus will beat Renekton if he manages to farm his Q properly.
I think its essential to rush Aegis after spirit stone and boots. Why? Because Aegis/Bulwark early game is great for team fights for that little bit of extra stats for you and your team. Some people may wonder why I pick Warmogs: It's nerfed, but it's still a strong defensive item in the current health stacking meta and BOTRK is going to get hit by the nerf bat in a little while.
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