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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard!
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Ability order in jungle
Hemorrhage (PASSIVE)
Darius Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Very hard for darius, ban at all costs when playing him jungle!
Champion Build Guide

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Hi, My name is Just1kb. I've been a league player since the end of Season 2 and have experienced a lot during my time. I've peaked at 350LP in Split 1 season 13 and am now currently sat at 100LP Master |
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In all honesty

Hope you have fun!
Q,AA,W,E,Q. This allows you to gain a small heal at the start of combat and a larger one at the end if the large camp is still alive.
Clear Combo 2. -
AA,W,E,Q. This is if you want to purely focus the large monster in the camp. e.g Large Raptor. The combo allows you to get a large heal once the monster is almost dead.
Main gank combo. -
W if you are close or E if they are out of range. Weaved in autos depended on scenario. E.g W,AA,E. OR E,AA,W. Into Basic Darius combo. Post 6 secure with Ult or you can use R as a small gap closer if they are out of range of E in order to W and secure a kill for your laner. His R counts as a small dash/leap which can be used as a Gap close, not the most efficient scenario but can help out if necessary.
many thanks KB.
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