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Recommended Items
Runes: Jhin
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Order of Abilitys
Whisper (PASSIVE)
Jhin Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
New build is broken ... needs to be shutdown early.
Jhin has good followup cc
Jhin has good followup cc
Champion Build Guide
Don't buy Anti-Heal u will lose to much damage ask team to buy Ant-Heal (or take ignite)
1. Buy Serrated Dirk , Cloak of Agility , Pickaxe , Finish Collector.
2. Buy Kircheis Shard , Zeal , Finish RFC (Rapid Fire Cannon).
3. Upgrade boost to Swiftys.
4. Buy B. F. Sword , Cloak of Agility , Pickaxe , Finish Infinity Edge.
5. Buy Noonquiver , Cloak of Agility, Pickaxe , Finish Kraken Slayer.
6. Buy Last Whisper , Cloak of Agility , Finish Lord Dominiks
Eclipse Build.
Use this build if u need sustain and Anti-Heal
1. Buy Serrated Dirk , Cloak of Agility , Pickaxe , Finish Collector.
2. Buy Kircheis Shard , Zeal , Finish RFC (Rapid Fire Cannon).
3. Upgrade boost to Swiftys.
4. Buy B. F. Sword , Cloak of Agility , Pickaxe , Finish Infinity Edge.
5. Buy Vampiric Scepter , Serrated Dird , Long Sword , Finish Eclipse
6. Buy Executioner's Calling , Zeal , Finnish Mortal Reminder
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