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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Whisper (PASSIVE)
Jhin Passive Ability
Summoner Spells
S: Ignite / Barrier
A: Teleport / Heal
B: Ghost / Cleanse / Exhaust
If your main role is Midlane take the Summoner Spell you prefer to play with.
I don't really know for you, but for me Meta is a word to say: "Abusing OP champions in their best lane before a patch comes out to kill them".
Ezreal ADC, Zed Mid, Kha'Zix Jg, you may have seen them more than once in your games, it might be fun at the beginning, but it always comes a time when you start thinking: "Hey this game is $#1T".
That's why I'm proposing you guys a new off-meta build every two weeks to let you have the funniest games possible.
PS: Your teammates might not have the same fun as you.
All feedbacks on testing this build or any other suggestion will be taken with pleasure.
Thanks for reading!
Ezreal ADC, Zed Mid, Kha'Zix Jg, you may have seen them more than once in your games, it might be fun at the beginning, but it always comes a time when you start thinking: "Hey this game is $#1T".
That's why I'm proposing you guys a new off-meta build every two weeks to let you have the funniest games possible.
PS: Your teammates might not have the same fun as you.
All feedbacks on testing this build or any other suggestion will be taken with pleasure.
Thanks for reading!
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