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Recommended Items
Runes: Normal DH Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Most common spells
Challenging Smite
Threats & Synergies
CC, Damage and good roamer
CC, Damage and good roamer
Champion Build Guide
Explained Items (Under Construction)
Night Harvester: This item is very useful as nidalee because of its pasive which gives you around 200 extra damage in your first attack/spell every 40 seconds per enemy. This is very useful due to our already powerful spears.
Lich Bane: This second item gives a powerful AA after using any ability. This AA deals bonus 150% of you AD(attack damage) and 60% of you AP(ability power). Is useful with almost every combo because almost all end up using you cougar q.
RiftMaker: The third item we´ve got is more for a bruiser build like Nidalee Conqueror. This doesnt means it is a bad item woth Electrocute/DH , but its healing and the MP(magic penetration) it gives us synergizes very good with conqueror.
Dark Seal: Since the last buff to this item, it is even more profitable buy this item. Last season it gave us up to 45 AP. Now this item can give us up to 65 AP and it only costs 350 gold. The problem is that you need to charge the item with takedowns (kills/assist) 2 stack per kill and only 1 if you assisted. But you´ll loose 4 every time you die. Every stack gives 5 bonus AP plus its 15 base AP.
Zhonya´s Hourglass: This item is core due to its armor but mainly because of its active. Nidalee has very good poke but she can actually reach the backline easily and oneshot them. In order to survive until your team helps you, you will need its active to became invulnerable 2.5 secs.
Lich Bane: This second item gives a powerful AA after using any ability. This AA deals bonus 150% of you AD(attack damage) and 60% of you AP(ability power). Is useful with almost every combo because almost all end up using you cougar q.
RiftMaker: The third item we´ve got is more for a bruiser build like Nidalee Conqueror. This doesnt means it is a bad item woth Electrocute/DH , but its healing and the MP(magic penetration) it gives us synergizes very good with conqueror.
Dark Seal: Since the last buff to this item, it is even more profitable buy this item. Last season it gave us up to 45 AP. Now this item can give us up to 65 AP and it only costs 350 gold. The problem is that you need to charge the item with takedowns (kills/assist) 2 stack per kill and only 1 if you assisted. But you´ll loose 4 every time you die. Every stack gives 5 bonus AP plus its 15 base AP.
Zhonya´s Hourglass: This item is core due to its armor but mainly because of its active. Nidalee has very good poke but she can actually reach the backline easily and oneshot them. In order to survive until your team helps you, you will need its active to became invulnerable 2.5 secs.
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