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Ability Order
Nidalee Passive Ability

Please be aware this is my choice on how to play nidalee, if you disagree with things then feel free to state why but each to their own play style. Also take into account that I'm still not playing ranked matches and this is a build generated from draft games.
So without further ado I give you my guide....

Greater Seal of Replenishment will give nidalee a steady income of mana along with her passive mp/5 and

Due to
Nidalee's great early game damage and great sustain, she gets quiet a bit of free time to either farm or assist other lanes, here are a few examples of what you can do whilst you opposing champion is away.
- Go and help mid lane, if you teams champion is dont doing quiet as well as you'd of hoped or you just want a bit of extra money go and help them.
Javelin Toss and
Pounce give some great ganking prospects along with the bonus movement speed from just coming out of the bush.
- Annoy the enemy jungler by stealing one of their camps, which becomes very easy once you have your
Lich Bane or even go and kill them.

- Go and help mid lane, if you teams champion is dont doing quiet as well as you'd of hoped or you just want a bit of extra money go and help them.

- Annoy the enemy jungler by stealing one of their camps, which becomes very easy once you have your

AP nidalee and AP champions in general are notorious for being 'poor' tower pushers. This is a lie in the case of nidalee, once she has her Lich bane. The effect of this will deal bonus damage to turrets and inhibitors and can surprise enemy champions with a 400 damage hit off you to destroy the turret they're camping under follow'd by a swift panther form burst.
This along with her attack speed buff from Primal Surge gives nidalee a unique ability to push towers extremely quickly.
This along with her attack speed buff from Primal Surge gives nidalee a unique ability to push towers extremely quickly.
Now for the interesting section. Most champions have a list of 'gets' and a list of 'don't gets'. I prefer to think of nidalee as a champion who can pick up anything and use it to her advantage. These are the items I use and the order in which I get them, I'll also add some other items you may consider.
Core Items
Doran's Ring - always my first item pickup
- mp/5 = sustain
- health = less dieing
- ap = more DAMOOGE!
Ionian Boots of Lucidity - my preferred boots
- movement speed = why not?
- cdr = more heals, more dmg, more ganks :D
Lich Bane - nidalees main item
- movement speed = more ganks and less deaths
- mana = more sustain
- ap = more DAMOOGE!
- effect = huge source or damage for nidalee
Rabadon's Deathcap - great combo with Lich bane
- ap = hell of alot of DAMOOGE!
- effect = more ap i get.... the bigger bonus i get?
Extra Items
now for the choice, do you want
Void Staff or
Rylai's Crystal Scepter??
well to be honist it all depends on the team comp and how much magic resitance the opponents are getting...
on the one hand
Void Staff is a huge damage boost and is about 1k gold cheaper than
Rylai's Crystal Scepter however this gives bonus health and a slow effect based on magic damage (which alot of nidalee's is). It also depends on if your good at pre-trapping targets to get the -40% magic resistance debuff.
I tend to get both starting with
Void Staff.
The last item i normally dont get chance to buy, but it replaces your
Doran's Ring.
Here are some options:
Rod of Ages
bonus mana, health and ap. who cna argue with that?
Abyssal Mask
great debuff and bonus magic resistance
Deathfire Grasp
awesome for killing tanky champions and gives extra cdr
Rabadon's Deathcap
Other than these I don't really think there's anything I would take except maybe a AD item for the bonus damage on
Item Sequence

Lich Bane

Rabadon's Deathcap

Void Staff

Rylai's Crystal Scepter

Abyssal Mask

- mp/5 = sustain
- health = less dieing
- ap = more DAMOOGE!

- movement speed = why not?
- cdr = more heals, more dmg, more ganks :D

- movement speed = more ganks and less deaths
- mana = more sustain
- ap = more DAMOOGE!
- effect = huge source or damage for nidalee

- ap = hell of alot of DAMOOGE!
- effect = more ap i get.... the bigger bonus i get?
Extra Items
now for the choice, do you want

well to be honist it all depends on the team comp and how much magic resitance the opponents are getting...
on the one hand

I tend to get both starting with

The last item i normally dont get chance to buy, but it replaces your

Here are some options:

bonus mana, health and ap. who cna argue with that?

great debuff and bonus magic resistance

awesome for killing tanky champions and gives extra cdr

Other than these I don't really think there's anything I would take except maybe a AD item for the bonus damage on


greater seal of replenishment the constant mana income is a great help early and mid game

Of cause there are many other options for nidalee as shes so adaptable but i feel these give a great balance to her damage and sustain.
my reasons behind this are simple, the other champion in your lane will not be able to kill you before lvl 3 (shouldn't kill you at all) and they cant gank you due to your increased movement speed in bushes.This is due to almost no one getting boots first in meta especially junglers.
Don't charge in like a maniac, nidalee is extremely squishy and will get torn apart. Stand back and throw javelins and traps whilst giving your team the occasional heal. Try to cover an exit of the fight scene that leads to the jungle so if an enemy flashes away you can quickly catch them with all your bushy speed.
This doesnt mean you should ignore cat form, If you are oom and clarity is on cooldown then try to target out-lying members of the enemy team (most likely the ap and ad carries) and do some damage then get out of there.
This doesnt mean you should ignore cat form, If you are oom and clarity is on cooldown then try to target out-lying members of the enemy team (most likely the ap and ad carries) and do some damage then get out of there.
Thanks for taking the time to read my guide, i hope it helped alot. Any ideas anyone has post in the comments and I will check frequently and update with anything i find helpful and give a mention to you.
Have fun with Nidalee and may you get all the "SCOOP SHOT!"s you deserve. (Shout out to Hengest from TGN for the inspiration to start playing Nidalee and LoL in general).
Have fun with Nidalee and may you get all the "SCOOP SHOT!"s you deserve. (Shout out to Hengest from TGN for the inspiration to start playing Nidalee and LoL in general).
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