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Least favorite support to pick into. Makes it almost impossible to kill anyone near her if she has ult up. Avoid picking Nocturne into Lulu. If you aren't able to snowball like crazy early, you might actually be better off building somewhat tanky since you won't be able to one-shot people through Wild Growth.
Tahm Kench
Not only is Tahm basically impossible to kill he also makes any nearby ally impossible to kill. Recipe for disaster. Avoid picking into him, but if you have no choice, kill his teammates when he's not nearby. He has to be right next to his ally in order to save them. If you gank his lane you probably just have to focus him instead of his carry.
Ezreal is arguably the safest ADC. Sometimes he builds Iceborn Gauntlet too, making him pretty tanky. Avoid picking into him unless he has very poor peel.
Not unwinnable but he can trash you in 1v1s before you have items. Warwicks will also build pretty tanky so it'll be tough to kill him later. If you build an early lead you can still definitely win though. Don't dive into his team if he has his ult up or you'll be locked down and killed. Fight when he's absent or wait for your teammates to draw attention away from you before you do anything too risky.
3 dashes, a flash and charm makes it really difficult to kill Ahri unless she's already blown everything or is super low. She won't lose you the game by herself but when combined with other anti-Nocturne champs like Lulu you might quickly find yourself with no targets you can kill.
Kind of a pain because her R - Last Caress makes her untargetable AND moves her out of range of your E tether. You can block her charm with your W (look for her to Q or just E onto you to proc it). Try not to blow your ult on her unless her ult is on CD. Pre-6 she's a weak duelist so you should be able to win 1v1s.
Hecarim can be hard to kill because of his movement speed, but he takes a while to get going and his early clear is pretty weak. If you can deny blue buff he'll have to recall more often as well. Just go after his team or kill him if he's low. He's also vulnerable while his Devastating Charge is on cooldown.
Hypercarries with no escapes are perfect targets for Nocturne. Just remember that their teammates might make up for their weaknesses, so keep an eye on the rest of their comp as well.
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