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Make sure to bring Legend: Tenacity and Merc Treads and you will be fine. Watch out for over-the-wall Q's, and his post-6 combo. You can dodge his skillshot very easily with your mobility, and can duel him as well. Invade him early.
I've seen some people play Aatrox jungle, but he's so immobile Kindred will have NO problem with him. Use your Q to dodge his Q's.
Aurelion Sol
I've barely seen any Aurelion Sol jungles, but from what I've seen, he's not too big of a deal. Dodge his Q and he's easy prey.
Camille jungle was popular last season, but is still viable this season. She's an excellent duelist, but time your Q for her E and you'll be fine. If her ult proves too annoying later on, do not be afraid to buy a QSS.
When he's fed, he becomes rather difficult to solo kil. Abuse his early game, but after level 6, his health is a bit of a problem. Build Kraken Slayer and dodge his knockup, and you will be fine.
Unless you get taken by surprise, Darius isn't too big of a deal. Your mobility will likely be too much for Darius to handle (rip Stridebreaker). Make sure to practice your kiting.
Her resetting dash can be very annoying to deal with, so if you are marked with her Q, look to fight rather than run, as it is very difficult to get away. Kite her as best as you can.
Dr. Mundo
A bit annoying to deal with. Abuse him early and try not to let him chain his Q's on you, since that will be game over. Rush anti-healing and look for invades and duels early.
After he gets his Hextech Alternator, he can burst you down in no time. As an assassin, he wins this matchup naturally, but with his ult and his insane damage, he's impossible to duel. His damage is manageable during the early scuttle fights, but do not let him get ahead.
You'll see a pattern with assassins, as all assassins can take you down in no time whatsoever. Her spider-form's burst is insane, and her damage is quite annoying to deal with. Make sure to dodge her human-form E; if you are stunned, you are also dead.
Invade her early, as her first clear is very weak. After level 6, she can one shot you if you don't build tank. Retreat whenever you see her charm mark on you, but if she jumps your teammate, you can burst her down just as quickly as she can. Make sure to ward well, take Oracle Lens, and build MR.
If you can see him, his main weapon (his ult) is pretty much useless. Burst him down, and he has difficulty doing anything back. Make sure to ward as much as possible, however, as his ganking can snowball his lanes very quickly.
Garen jungle is not very common, but if you do come across this matchup, you should have no problem. Wall his Q with your E, and kite his E. His ganking is nothing to worry about. Stridebreaker might make him a bit annoying, but that item is being changed anyways.
Gnar jungle is quite rare. His E can gap-close, but its easy to dodge with your Q. In mini form, he can duel you quite well, so don't underestimate him.
Gragas' healthy clear, CC, and high burst can be very annoying to deal with. However, it is manageable, and he finds it very hard to duel you. Make sure to bait out his E before you do anything rash.
Graves's strongest weapon is his kiting strength. However, as a fellow ranged champ, you can duel him just fine. When he hits you with W, make sure to Q out as soon as possible.
Hecarim wouldn't be so big of a problem if he didn't have two dashes. His E can be walled with your E, but a good Hecarim will engage with his R and follow with his E. His damage and healing is kind of insane, so try to kite him and stay away as much as possible. Pre-level 6 however, he's harmless as a teddybear, so make sure to keep crabs away from him.
Very annoying. He can one shot your marks, and most Iverns like to camp a lane to snowball. If he does that, you have no choice but to do the same. He can simply disappear every now and then to collect his camps, and his shields are a major problem. Good luck with this matchup and bring Serpent's Fang. His weakness is dueling but do not underestimate Daisy's damage.
Jarvan IV
Q away as soon as he places his flag on you and you can jump over his ult. Kite to win baby.
Your damage is your autos. His E blocks autos. He can use his Q to run and to gap-close, and his empower hits like a truck. Jax jungle is not amazing right now but DO NOT PICK KINDRED INTO HIM.
I mean, I've heard of Kai'sa jungle. As a champion, Kai'sa can give Kindred some trouble, but as a jungler, no way. No ganking power, and her clear is about as good as a blind rat's.
His Q's hit like a truck and his E blocks your escape. He can be annoying, but your mobility is a huge problem for him, and your ult cucks his ult.
5 for Shadow Assassin, 3 for Rhaast and 1 for regular Kayn. We'll put him at 3 to balance it out. Shadow Assassin can one shot you with his combo, and his W is very very hard to avoid. The bonus damage can prove very lethal, and his low cooldown E makes chasing him very difficult.
Rhaast can't move nearly as much, and you were BUILT for duels. He can't do much if you Q after his W.
Regular Kayn is super weak. Abuse his early game. Don't let him get scuttles. Make sure to ult after his ult if you're about to die.
You cannot duel him at any point in the game, except maybe after 6, if he evolves anything other than Q. His Q will literally eviscerate you, so if he's on a scuttle, move to the other one (unless your midlaner cooperates).
Q after his E, but if he gets on you, ult and burst him down. Save your E's last hit for the post-ult kill. Late game, make sure never to be caught alone. He will make you regret it.
Skill based matchup (obviously) and also depends on your midlaner. If they roam to help you with marks, then you can win quite easily, even if you're worse skill-wise.
Lee Sin
Lee Sin is quite the problem. He can use his Q and his W to gap close, and use his R to kick you out of your R. However, dodging his Q is pretty easy, and most Lee Sins would back off after missing.
Skill-based matchup.
Lillia is not a problem for you. She cannot duel you at any point in the game, even if she solo ults you, you can still save yourself with your ult. Your E nullifies her speed and your damage obliterates her.
You won't see Malphite jungle very often, but when you do, he's a pain in the ***. His passive makes poking him down quite difficult, and after level 6, his ult is an extremely powerful gap-closer. His Q is point and click, so you can't even dodge it. Abuse his early game.
Master Yi
In low-elo, Master Yi is a MASSIVE problem. He can burst you down with literally one skill, his meditate can completely tank your E, and his ult makes him and even bigger pain in the ***. He's my perma-ban; anyone with a towerdive as free as his doesn't deserve to be in the game. But because he's much easier to deal with in higher elo, I'll put him at 4.
Thanks to Morde jungle buffs, he's even more annoying than before. He is able to duel you at most points in the game, and his ult leaves your ult behind, both to the shadow realm and back.
Both late game threats, Nasus can be a pain in the ***. His clear is laughable; live in his jungle and make sure he regrets picking Nasus. Do not let him farm, and he is no more than a CC bot.
Naut jungle was pretty popular a while back, but he's not too big of a deal anymore. Even if he does land his Q, he most likely won't have the damage to finish you off. However, try to avoid getting hit by it.
Another AP assassin, the only reason Nidalee isn't an extreme threat is due to the fact that you CAN duel her. Use Q to dodge her spear, and that limits her engage and burst.
It's low-elo, and he's an assassin. The only reason he's not more of a threat is because you can react to his assassinations. If you notice him flying towards you, ult so you don't get fear-combo'd. His mist makes it hard for you to kite away from him.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu and Willump cannot duel you at any point in the game. Nor do they need to. Their specialty ganking, so they will have you running around the map, enduring question pings from your teammates to desperately countergank. He is very easily kitable, and make sure you have Q available so you don't have to flash his ult.
Olaf is an early game monstrosity, but you can duel him at any point in the game. Make sure you don't let him get the jump on you and practice kiting. His ult lets him ignore your E, but he will still take the damage from its third hit.
Ornn jungle is uncommon, and he poses little threat to you. His E and Q gives him SOME level of ganking, but his short range, slow speed and lack of gap-closing besides his E, you can kite him out very easily.
Pantheon is better known for his top and mid lane dominance, but his jungling is no joke. With fully stacked Mortal Will, his W will completely evaporate you. That, and his E cancels your E, he can countergank from basically anywhere on the map, and his Q gives him an easy way to snipe you at low health. Avoid him, trust me.
Nearly impossible to duel at any point in the game. If she gets on top of you, her W prevents you from Q'ing away, and also prevents engages. Kindred is typically forced to play around walls for free damage, but Poppy's E punishes that HARD. A light charge of her R can also send you out of your ult and her passive makes it extremely difficult to duel her.
Pyke jungle is not a threat. Sure, his ganking is alright and he has great mobility, but his lack of sustain in the jungle means his clear speed and efficiency is very very low. You can duel him super easily, so invade him as soon as you take your first buff.
As with Poppy, her ult punishes you for playing near walls, but her sustain in the jungle and her mediocre ganks make her hardly a threat. She is surprisingly squishy, so burst her down before she can do anything.
I hate this matchup. His powerball gives him insane engages, and is also used to prevent you from running away. If he builds Thornmail, simply taunting you will let him win the duel. Try to fight around walls, as Rammus has no way of crossing them.
A. Pain. In. The. ***. With her healthy clear and insane early game dueling, if she looks to double-crab, there's not a lot you can do. Her W and E give her crazy engages, and her combined tankiness and damage WILL give you a headache. The only saving grace is that after a couple marks, kiting her is easy, and her W engage can be slowed with your E.
If you don't ward well, Rengar will destroy you. This build gives you the tankiness to survive his initial burst, but his damage is still off the charts. Remember to ward and Q as soon as he jumps on you, W to reset it's cooldown, then use E to counter his E.
When I was first starting out, this matchup was literal hell for me. Her insane gap-closing and her W stun will kill you quite easily. I learned however, if you build like a bruiser and take Legend: Tenacity and Mercury's Treads, you can duel her. Try to out-burst her, and don't be afraid to use your ult.
Sejuani plays around her slows, but with your mobility and you E, she's not a big deal. Her damage is quite low, and you can burst her down.
Sett jungle is not good this season. He has no gap-closer, and his W is dodge-able. Use E after his Q, kite him out, and he'll be forced to throw in the towel.
Make sure to bring Oracle Lens and ward well. Shaco is extremely annoying. Avoid his boxes and get the jump on him, but do remember that he can kill you quite quickly.
He can gap-close pretty well with his taunt dash, but his damage comes from his sword. If you can avoid being in line with his sword, you can duel him super easily. However, his counterganking ability is even better than Pantheon's and he can make a 2v1 into a 2v2. However, he can be easily kited.
A fed Shyvana can one-shot you. DO NOT LET HER GET AHEAD. You can duel her early game, and you outscale her late, but if you lose your footing in the midgame, she can one-shot you and destroy your lanes. Without her ult however, she is very easy to duel. Make sure to kill her quickly so her fury doesn't build up.
Pretty easy to duel, his only problem is that he can drag you out of your ult, and has a ranged slow. Make sure to dodge the slow, as its a skillshot.
His clear is weak, his ganking is pretty weak, and his early game dueling is laughable. As long as he doesn't somehow get super fed, you will have NO problem with him.
Tahm Kench
Aside from Greyskin, nothing in his kit can help him survive against you. His counterganking is great, but without good mobility, he's not great. You can duel him at any point in the game.
Avoid her knockup and you'll be fine. Her damage output is nothing to sneeze at however, and if you're forced to Q away from her W, you'll take substantial damage from her E. If she's extremely fed, she can also one shot you, but since her ult is a wall, you can hop over it for extra distance.
Last year, Talon jungle was pretty good, but this year, its fallen off. He can still one-shot you with his combo, so respect has to be given, but if you avoid his initial burst with your R, you can live.
I laugh whenever I see someone play Teemo jungle. They're never in condition to fight for scuttles, their ganking is really bad, and they cannot duel you at any point in the game. Maybe bring Oracle Lens to counter his mushrooms, but he isn't a threat.
He's a bit of a pain in the *** to kite, thanks to his slows, but if you take Legend: Tenacity or Mercury's Treads, you shouldn't be affected to much. Plus, you can vault over his spike with your Q, making you go even further.
Thanks to his E, its extremely hard to duel him. You bait it out and Q to dodge it, but post level-6, you don't win. His undying rage makes him nearly impossible to duel. Don't let him catch you on your own. Make sure your team has hard CC to slow him down.
Twitch's main strength is his invisibility and range advantage over other junglers. As a ranged jungler, Twitch doesn't really have an edge over you. His early clear is weak; invade him after your first buff.
Udyr's Bear Stance makes it really hard to fight him, but if you E after his speed increases, you can get away. Remember to fight near walls with vision, so you can land free auto attacks on him.
Simply put, he's too tanky for you. Early game, getting away from him is pretty easy, and you can kite him for early kills. But after level-6, his R makes it nearly impossible for you to run away. Once your health gets too low, you're dead. His ult suppresses and moves you away from your ult, so make sure you don't waste it.
Her main engage, Q, is pretty easy to dodge. Unless you can't see her coming, you can easily avoid it. Make sure to ward as much as possible so she won't catch you off guard. Kiting destroys her, and once you remove her engage, she's easy prey.
Save your E for his pseudo-ghost, and save your Q for his E. Play near walls and kite him out. He's not too big of a deal, and with your low-cooldown Q, his R is quiet easy to dodge as well.
As long as you're not below 50% health, you'll be fine. If he can't attack you, he can't heal, so take Serylda's Grudge for this matchup. After level-6, spam your R when he uses his R on you, to use it as soon as the suppression is over. As long as you build situationally, he isn't too big of a deal.
Wukong is really mobile. He has two dashes, an empowered auto, and an R with a reset. If you hold your Q for his E and your E for his W, you can fight him. The only thing you need is discipline to not be fooled by his W.
Xin Zhao
Save your Q for his E, and E immediately afterwards. Do not let him knock you up, as it's practically a free kill. As long as you keep your distance, you can win this matchup very easily. If he is starting on a scuttle, leave him. You will die if you fight him.
Yorick jungle isn't what it was last year, but it's still alright. With his minions, his clears are relatively healthy, and he can deal massive damage. However, the biggest problem about Yorick is his W, which literally has no effect on you. Kite to win.
Zac cannot duel you at any point in the game. Killing him early is a bit annoying however, thanks to his passive. Make sure to ward properly and ping wherever you last saw him, as his ganking is his only problem. Don't use your Q when he's tethered to you.
Zyra has a really healthy clear, and can solo objectives really early. The range on her attacks are pretty crazy, so try to close the distance on her. In teamfights, try to time your ult with HER ult, to minimize the damage it does. You win the duels, just make sure she doesn't pop off in the teamfights.
A very very good roaming midlaner, Talon's mobility means that if he cooperates, Talon can always be there to help you with your marks, scuttle, random duels, etc.
Hard CC laners will be able to take advantage of your high burst; if you gank their lane, even if the enemy runs under turret, do not give up on the play.
Malzahar is compatible with any laner, as his ult is literally the most unfair ganking tool.
Hard CC makes ganks very easy. Your strength is more in dueling, so having hooks can save you a lot of time. Hook users can also take enemies out of your ult.
Can push enemies out of your ult.
Can remove people from your ult.
Laners with no CC can make ganking pretty difficult. They usually have damage and dashes to cover it, but it's not the same as chain CCs.
A very very good roaming midlaner, Talon's mobility means that if he cooperates, Talon can always be there to help you with your marks, scuttle, random duels, etc.
Hard CC laners will be able to take advantage of your high burst; if you gank their lane, even if the enemy runs under turret, do not give up on the play.
Malzahar is compatible with any laner, as his ult is literally the most unfair ganking tool.
Hard CC makes ganks very easy. Your strength is more in dueling, so having hooks can save you a lot of time. Hook users can also take enemies out of your ult.
Can push enemies out of your ult.
Can remove people from your ult.
Laners with no CC can make ganking pretty difficult. They usually have damage and dashes to cover it, but it's not the same as chain CCs.
Hey! I'm liserith and in this guide, I'll show you a couple of the know-hows with this very unique champion. Kindred are in a strange spot right now, as many of the items go super well with them, but the meta is filled with tanks and assassins. Playing smart can help you find success with this champion but make sure you are ready to commit before you start.
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