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Ability Order
Call of the Freljord (PASSIVE)
Nunu & Willump Passive Ability
(This build is only the build and not how to play Nunu)
I ll start with the items because U have to understand why the Items are being used and why the Runes are being choosen.
From top to bottom:
Catalyst the Protector
Tear of the Goddess
Rod of ages (For the mana and health)
Fiendish Codex
Archangel's Staff (For the mana/regen and the ability power)
Morello's Evil Tome (For the mana regen and the cooldown reduction)
Catalyst the Protector
Rod of ages (For the mana and health)
Rabadon's Deathcap (For the massive abilty power gain)
Rabadon's Deathcap (For the massive abilty power gain)
This wil result in:
HP 3641
Mana 3819
MR 93/5 sec
AP 876.941
CDR 20%
This is without any Runes or Masteries.
I hear your saying why no boots. You can use them instead of the extra rabadons but it's useless because with blood boil you move quick enough to out run other champions and get arround the map fast. It's youre choice, so you want any take the boots of swiftness or Boots of Mobility to set up a ambush!
From top to bottom:
Catalyst the Protector
Tear of the Goddess
Rod of ages (For the mana and health)
Fiendish Codex
Archangel's Staff (For the mana/regen and the ability power)
Morello's Evil Tome (For the mana regen and the cooldown reduction)
Catalyst the Protector
Rod of ages (For the mana and health)
Rabadon's Deathcap (For the massive abilty power gain)
Rabadon's Deathcap (For the massive abilty power gain)
This wil result in:
HP 3641
Mana 3819
MR 93/5 sec
AP 876.941
CDR 20%
This is without any Runes or Masteries.
I hear your saying why no boots. You can use them instead of the extra rabadons but it's useless because with blood boil you move quick enough to out run other champions and get arround the map fast. It's youre choice, so you want any take the boots of swiftness or Boots of Mobility to set up a ambush!
Now what you have to do is to maximise the items with the Runes.
For instance CDR is only 20% and we would like to see it at 40%.
The greater glyph of focus * 9 = 5.85%
The greater seal of Focus * 9 = 2.61%
Greater quintessence of focus * 3 = 4.92%
Together it will be 13.38%
In total it will be 33.38%
Still only 6.62% percent to go.
Rest of the runes you can fill with mana regen of magic penetration marks.
For instance CDR is only 20% and we would like to see it at 40%.
The greater glyph of focus * 9 = 5.85%
The greater seal of Focus * 9 = 2.61%
Greater quintessence of focus * 3 = 4.92%
Together it will be 13.38%
In total it will be 33.38%
Still only 6.62% percent to go.
Rest of the runes you can fill with mana regen of magic penetration marks.
Nunu can cast a spell for free after 7 attacks.
CD6 60
Nunu commands the yeti to take a bite out of a minion or monster, dealing 900 true damage to the target and healing himself for 345 (+882.141).
Blood Boil
CD9 50
The heat of Nunu and a target ally's blood rises, increasing Movement Speed by 15% and Attack Speed by 65% for 15 seconds.
Ice Blast
CD3.6 115
Nunu launches a ball of ice at an enemy unit, dealing 275 (+882.141) magic damage and slowing their Movement Speed by 60% and Attack Speed by 25% for 4 seconds.
Absolute Zero
CD54 150
Nunu saps the area of heat, channeling up to 3 seconds, slowing surrounding enemy units' Movement Speed by 50% and Attack Speed by 25%.
Enemies caught in the area when the channel ends receive up to 1125 (+2205.3525) magic damage, depending on how long the spell was channeled.
Nunu can cast a spell for free after 7 attacks.
CD6 60
Nunu commands the yeti to take a bite out of a minion or monster, dealing 900 true damage to the target and healing himself for 345 (+882.141).
Blood Boil
CD9 50
The heat of Nunu and a target ally's blood rises, increasing Movement Speed by 15% and Attack Speed by 65% for 15 seconds.
Ice Blast
CD3.6 115
Nunu launches a ball of ice at an enemy unit, dealing 275 (+882.141) magic damage and slowing their Movement Speed by 60% and Attack Speed by 25% for 4 seconds.
Absolute Zero
CD54 150
Nunu saps the area of heat, channeling up to 3 seconds, slowing surrounding enemy units' Movement Speed by 50% and Attack Speed by 25%.
Enemies caught in the area when the channel ends receive up to 1125 (+2205.3525) magic damage, depending on how long the spell was channeled.
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