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Nunu & Willump Build Guide by mejoao

ADC Nunu is a Spell Vampire! [Support/bot/top]

ADC Nunu is a Spell Vampire! [Support/bot/top]

Updated on January 9, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mejoao Build Guide By mejoao 3,357 Views 0 Comments
3,357 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mejoao Nunu & Willump Build Guide By mejoao Updated on January 9, 2013
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Hi guys, this is my first guide so take easy with me ^^
I made this build first for fun, but then I pwned my friend using Vi! Now I'm using this build since that match (the day that Vi has been released) and I pwn not every but, but I can grant a huge quantity of VICTORY.
Now i'll tell you guys just some basic informations 'bout Nunu:
Attack type: Melee
Type of damage: Magic Damage
Has a great sustain
Can be used as a Support Tank
Tons of Damage with its Ult
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Ok, let's go for the explanation!
You will need Cooldown Reduction to poke your enemy with your Ice Blast that does huge damage. The Magic Penetration rune will help you not just in the Ice Blast but in your Absolute Zero too.
Your AP Quintessences will help in your 3 best abilities ( Ice Blast, Consume and Absolute Zero). This quintessence together with your Magic Pen. rune will boost a lot these skills.
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Tips and tricks using your Items

Item Sequence

Ionian Boots of Lucidity 900
Will of the Ancients 2300
Hextech Gunblade 3000
Guinsoo's Rageblade 3000
Rabadon's Deathcap 3600
Spirit of the Spectral Wraith 2000

Ionian Boots of Lucidity with Enchantment: Homeguard, always rely on harrassing your enemy with Ice Blast. Huge damage with a low cooldown is always the best way to poke someone. So, you can also combo your Enchantment: Homeguard with your Teleport. Ward a place, recall, gets Enchantment: Homeguard's Buff and then Teleport to the ward, start gank using Ice Blast and then use your Absolute Zero. "You have slain an enemy".

Rabadon's Deathcap will give you an ultimate AP boost. When the build is complete, you will have around 80% spellvamp (100% if there's someone on your team with another Will of the Ancients) and your Q will restore a lot of health, giving you basically another health bar. It's an awesome combo Deathcap + Spellvamp. Also, if you hit at least someone with your full ult, it will restore more than 1100 of HP. If there's more people in Absolute Zero's área, it will heal your at least 1200 x number of people in the ultimate's área.
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Pros / Cons

Pros / Cons

+ Nice sustain
+ Nice poke
+ Off-Tanker
+ Free skills
+ "Infinite" mana
+ Good CC
- Mana Hungry
- Melee
- Slow
- Easy target
- Not good 1v1 until finished the build
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Farming / Jungling

Actually, Nunu is pretty bad on Creeping. You can grant a kill by eating( Consume) a normal minions, but with the tanky minions you'll need to punch'em a litte (till he reaches 'bout 90% of max health) and then you can eat'em.
After getting your Rabadon's Deathcap, go get a Dragon so you can quickly get your Will of the Ancients and also help your teamates.
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Ranked Play

I really don't recommend this build for Ranked. I hate ranked match because people aren't innovative. They wouldn't accept a Nunu Spell Vamp. So, use this only to have fun with your friends \o/
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I want to thanks jhoijhoi for guiding me throug BBCode and How to Make a Guide guide. Thanks and PLEASE Rate and HAVE FUN!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mejoao
mejoao Nunu & Willump Guide
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Nunu is a Spell Vampire! [Support/bot/top]

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