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Ability Order
Void Stone (PASSIVE)
Kassadin Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This matchup is one of the hardest in my opinion. The only time your gonna win lane is if you win it early and get some early MR. If Fizz lands his fish, RUN, he can still kill you if he's a little behind. If its on cooldown, bully him a bit
[*] One of the highest mobility champions in the game
[*] Awesome late game
[*] Passive damage reduction vs magic damage
[*] Single target burst is insane
[*] Insanely fun to play
[*] Mana back from his W
[*] Low cooldown abilities early in the game
[*] Can be shut down easily
[*] Very vulnerable without his mobility
[*] CANNOT deal with tanks, his only targets are squishies
[*] Riftwalk costs can ramp up quickly
[*] Leveling up his skills does not reduce the cooldown for them, you have to buy CDR yourself if you want lower cooldowns




Rod of ages

Rabadons death cap

Ionian boots

Void staff

In terms of optional items
Lich bane


Abyssal Scepter

Zhonyas Hourglass

[*] Maxing E over Q is a personal choice. Q is the more defensive option and E is the more aggressive option in my opinion. I prefer to be more aggressive in lane as playing an assassin you should always be thinking about when you can go aggressive and E has the slow and the aoe. When you have to be aggressive early game this is what you should always max. HOWEVER, I will agree that in some cases it is VERY RECOMMENDED.
[*] Second item choice is also personal choice. I will always buy the item that gives resistances to the enemy laner as well as AP (unless there is a very fed member on the enemy team that I must account for). This just makes me feel more dominant in the lane, which creates pressure, kill potential and gives the rest of your team more confidence in your ability (which is important for winning games). If your team lacks damage, then take it upon yourself to bring the damage and go Lich bane, Morellonomicon or Rabadons death cap (rabadons less advised as the multiplier is not that effective earlier on)
[*] Riftwalking in lane takes experience to get the hang of, I still get a bit shaky with it. There's always the risk that when you Riftwalk in, the jungler walks out of the bush and ganks you. Riftwalking in lane should be saved for part of your combo (R-E-Q then back off) or clearing waves near the turret. It SHOULD NOT be used to push the wave in the middle or their side of the lane unless you know that if the jungler comes, you will be destroying them too.
[*] Roaming - If you're ahead, I highly recommend this. After all, unless you're 13/2 at the 15 minute mark you won't be carrying this game yourself. You want to look for a lane that is struggling where you can burst down the enemy (so no tanks). This often means you will start your adc murdering days a bit early as top lane has tanks and bruisers. However if you have the choice, going top lane is usually better as you will be planning on killing the enemy adc in fights anyway, so getting your front line ahead is more important.
[*] Warding - You want to keep your yellow trinket until after the laning phase where you change to the blue trinket. During the laning phase when you have time you want to be invading with your jungler and putting wards on the enemy junglers camps. This gives you vision of them so you can prepare you game plan for the next minute and you can even roam into their jungle and pick up a cheeky kill on the enemy jungler while they've been damaged by jungle camps. Snowballing is important on all assassins so you want to pick up any of these "free kills" when you can and will also put the enemy jungler behind while making them ward and play defensively .
Make sure you practice this champion before you take him into ranked. He is in no way an easy champion to just "pick up", I fed super hard the first 3 games I played him, however once you get this champion down and learned, you will have so much fun and gain elo while doing ;) And if you wanna play this champion, make sure you use the Cosmic Reaver skin, its gorgeous :P
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