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Fiora Build Guide by Teemo69Nidalee

Middle Operating the free elo machine

Middle Operating the free elo machine

Updated on March 8, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Teemo69Nidalee Build Guide By Teemo69Nidalee 5,848 Views 4 Comments
5,848 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Teemo69Nidalee Fiora Build Guide By Teemo69Nidalee Updated on March 8, 2014
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Hi guys, my name is Teemo69Nidalee and, as my name suggests, I main those two champions. I used to be bronze 5 last season and I wanted to climb, and to do that I needed the most overpowered champion in the game to help me FIORA because I'm a trash tier player and couldn't climb even with my mains.

Now that I'm challenger I want to help you guys climb elo easily like me so I made that guide.

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Pros / Cons


-Broken sustain;

-Broken damage;

-Broken mobility;

-Be untargetable while murdering everyone.


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Runes / Masteries / Items

You want to do the most damage possible and burst the **** out of the enemy backline before they can even notice what happened. So you build that stuff.
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Free sustain


Get close to that noob while dealing heavy damage, if they flash you can just cast that again at no cost to rape them.


Free AD so you can do even more damage to with your already overpowered abilities. The active part is the only non-op thing on fiora's kit, it's useful if you're laning vs gayplank.


Insane AS/MS steroid to make finish that noob that somehow managed to survive your combo, also helps you turn towers into dust.


No doubt, the most broken OP freelo ultimate in the game. You just deal insane amounts of damage while being untargetable so there is no counterplay for the enemy.

How to combo:

Q-AA-Q-AA-R if the enemy somehow survives just press E and finish them off.
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Laning phase

Just harass your enemy with your Qs and AAs and heal everything they give you back with your broken passive, once you hit level 6 just kill them with the ult combo, if you get ganked don't run, just kill their jungler too, more money for you.
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Press R to pentakill. Your overpowered ultimate will proc your hydra 5 times resulting in 500% AD AOE more damage in a teamfight. Maybe their tank will survive, so press your E and hit them until they die.

Enjoy free elo.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Teemo69Nidalee
Teemo69Nidalee Fiora Guide
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Operating the free elo machine

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