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I will agree that mid/late game Dissonance is much better than Attack hence why i level it second.
I read your guide btw, it's well written, however as you know, we do disagree on some things. Especially the skilling order. I would also like to thank you for your criticism as there are several items which I will look into and see how viable they are. I watch plenty of high ELO streams though, and even in the video in my guide, you can see that his build is quite similar to mine with the deathcap, ROA, Void Staff and Dissonance before attack.
RoA is not nearly as good as other items that you could possible get. You get HP from it that is really not very needed on orianna aside from the first 3 or 4 levels. She has amazing survavability due to her range and E+W combo. Why would ever need the HP? Remember that each stat an items gives... like HP in this instance, means it is lacking in others. RoA doesn't provide nearly as much AP as say Archangel's Staff for instance. I would rather rush Deathcap than get it.
Same thing with Rylais. It's useless because the slow is wasted. 15% slow? Sure it is GOOD. But it is not BETTER than some other items that you could have gotten with the same money. Most of the items in the shop are good but that is not a good argument as to why you should get them. The items that you buy need to be better than any other item that you could buy at the moment.
Orianna also doesn't need so much HP. If you want defensive items get Banshee's Veil, Hourglass or Abyssal Scepter. Those will give you much more benefit than the early money wasted on too much hp and not enough ap.
You can read my guide on Orianna which gives in depth explanations as to why you would pick certain items. That's also the build most 2k+ elo people use.
wow no offense, you clearly don't know how to play Orianna, look ... Besides in the guide it clearly states that you don't want to spam spells. Read it maybe? And ROA too defensive? After deathcap? nothing legitimate about what you said at all tbh. Look at the pro streams (bigfatjiji, HSGG etc)... Dissonance does far more damage than attack in general and it is far more useful in every way.
Personally I think you may have something against me as that was your first post and you became a member today. Nice trolling
I agree with this guy. You want ROA and Rylais for the 160ap they give and the massive hp boost. The mana boost is nice on ROA for early-mid spamming. No item that gives ap is defensive after you get a deathcap... That boost in ap from the deathcap turns almost every ap item into a viable offensive item.
PS. The slow from rylais is good for any caster. Even if they have a slow or not.
Personally I think you may have something against me as that was your first post and you became a member today. Nice trolling