[12.12] Although he's generally a lane bully, you're able to punish his long cooldown, slow, telegraphed abilities really well. Phase Rush isn't bad here as it gives you lots of movespeed to play his little knockup minigame.
If you engage on him, you can dodge his first two knockups pretty easily and then immediately dip out so he doesn't get the third one, and you should have one rotation where you can punish him during his cooldowns; rinse and repeat.
You can usually just run him down, after 6 you need more of an advantage before running into him.
If you're laning against her you can likely kill her early on, use Scrap Shield to block Q and auto damage. After 6 you pretty much just wanna shove and roam as it becomes really difficult to kill her and isn’t worth the trouble generally.
During teamfights you have to watch out for her charm, if she charms you it's pretty much gg go next for the fight. Predator is a good option here and your summoner spell is up to you, depending on the game.
(Patch 14.19: Still true) You really have NO hope of killing this guy as it stands in Patch 11.22. He can’t really kill you without jungle pressure but he’s just got a way overloaded kit with shields + movespeed + weird half-of-the-lane dash, a real 200-years champion right here.
I would take Teleport and look to TP when he roams. It should be pretty obvious where he’s roaming to, but you can also take Ignite and try to kill him in River. He’ll probably shove you in so if your Jungler has some sort of CC, you can probably lock him down and burst him. He’s weak-ish without his E so you can sort of fight him then if you land your Electro-Harpoons. I would take Electrocute here and just look for skirmishes and roams since killing him is pretty difficult.
You pretty much outdamage her at every level, watch out for ganks at 6 as her setup is really good. You need to get merc treads but outside of that the lane is really easy. Punish her when she goes to CS.
Super obnoxious, ping his summoner spells and beg for jungle help if you guys have kill pressure. Pretty hard to kill this guy.
I can’t believe you’re actually against a Caitlyn mid, but it happened to me once too so… The bad news is, you can’t really kill her solo unless she’s REALLY bad. 90 Caliber Net has a 16 Second cooldown you can look to abuse, and the only way you kill her is if that’s down.
Definitely start Doran’s Shield, and I recommend taking Predator or Electrocute since you’ll be a lot stronger in skirmishes. But Predator will also allow you to gank your own lane. You’ll need Jungle help to kill her most of the time, anyway.
If she pushes you under turret you’re gonna have a REALLY bad time so try to avoid that by pushing back with E and Q whenever possible, and calling for the jungler when she’s under turret.
Very obnoxious, if she takes Exhaust you will NEVER win without jungle help. If she misses Q and W, you can likely all-in her, but it's rare. Do your best to farm without dying.
Take First Strike in this matchup, Cho doesn’t really have the tools to kill you and you can zone him early on. Start Doran’s Ring and Flamespitter first, make sure you dodge his Q if he skills that, otherwise you outdamage his W. Don’t chase him too far and trade autos with his minions, just poke safely and shove for two. After level 3-4 you can force trades whenever possible.
Your build is going to be dependent on the other champions in the match, and less so on Cho’Gath. I would recommend just going Sorc Shoes into Rocketbelt unless the game demands something else. After 6 just be aware of his ult execute and gank potential, you probably have killed him by then so roaming if you’re mid would be a good idea, otherwise just farm and poke and try to kill him.
[12.12] Doran's Ring start + Comet runepage and try to poke him early with E & Q, he'll probably start W if he has ghost/flash. If he hooks you before level 3 you're gonna lose the trade. If you have ignite you'll beat him as long as you can overheat and are roughly equal health. He'll win most straight-up duels against you if you're not ahead and/or have an advantage.
Dr. Mundo
Take First Strike, he has very little tools to interrupt it or kill you. You’ll want to rush Morellonomicon here and pick up a delayed mythic item, along with a third item Void Staff more than likely after Rocketbelt. If there’s other tanks, consider getting a Demonic Embrace as well.
Mundo isn’t very scary, but it’ll be hard to kill him after 6, remember to poke him down until you can burst him (along with grievous wounds) so you’re not stuck in a long fight with him regenerating tons of HP.
You beat him pretty good, just try to avoid his Q’s and look to trade any time he uses an ability on the wave. Be really careful of his W’s (the big circle) and try to mind game him. Like most matchups, Comet for lane or Electrocute for more skirmish/2v2/3v3 fights.
Start Doran’s Ring and Q generally, I would also build an Oblivion Orb or even go straight for Morello since most Ekko’s will just try to ult when they’re low and you’ll negate a lot of healing. Don’t get hit by a full combo, you win this lane pretty easy.
Out-trading Fizz is pretty easy, once he hits 6 he can pretty easily 1v1 you though. Get a stopwatch and rush Zhonya ASAP and it completely nullifies his damage post-6 and you start beating him again.
Galio has exceptionally good gank setup so it’s important to know exactly where the enemy jungler is at all times; especially before looking to trade as it can quickly go south. Dodge his Q’s with your W and look to trade after as that’s literally all of his damage. Try to overheat before his W goes off so if he stays he’s getting wacked by overheat auto’s.
When playing vs Galio I will generally take Conqueror and go for Riftmaker instead of the normal Comet or Electrocute, as this is gonna do more damage to Galio and diversify your damage profile a bit.
[13.4] Start Doran's Shield and take Second Wind, his poke will do very little damage and you can generally outtrade him when he doesn't have barrels up. I look for trades after he tries to barrel me, your shield covers nearly the entire early barrel or Q damage. Your only issue here is getting on top of him, if you can do that he dies.
You can take whatever runes you want here, I prefer Comet + Domination but if the Garen’s you’re playing against are really good at dodging the Comet with their Q, you can easily take Electrocute. Early on you should probably go E->Q->W, Garen takes Q first usually so if he runs at you and you have Q he’ll win the trade.
Play standard, butter him up a bit before going for all-ins. Bait out his W and he’s pretty squishy. He’s really good at farming under tower so keeping him shoved constantly isn’t super good unless you’re setting up a dive.
After 6 don’t just run at him, especially if you’re the villain. You have to be REALLY ahead to just brute force kills now, but you can still kill him. You can also look to roam mid after shoving him in, just be aware of how fast he can shove and try to get back before losing plates/tower.
This lane is a cakewalk early on, don't let him full combo you as he's leaping into mega-gnar. He has so little stats to fight you with, literally just walk up and fight him whenever possible.
Fight -> blow his leap -> fight again and kill
[12.12] Gragas has a lot of damage in his kit and definitely has kill potential on you if you misplay. You should start Q and try to get level 2 advantage and push a health lead-- if you don't get it, just play safe till levels 3-4 and with ignite you should be able to kill him. Be careful of ganks as Gragas has a lot of ways to CC you and in combination with a jungler it could easily be lethal.
[12.12] Take phase rush and you can easily kite out of her Q range and reengage once it's down, don't give up health lead level 1-2, trade from range until abilities are on CD and you'll easily beat her. You'll probably have to bait them out unless she uses them to shove, but since we're basically ranged it should be easy to do that and then reengage.
This matchup generally favors Irelia, but not heavily. Once she get’s BoRK you pretty much can’t do anything without jungle help, before that is your opportunity to get a lead. You CAN take Exhaust in this matchup if you’re worried but it’s not necessary, and Ignite makes your roams a lot stronger once she gets BoRK around 12-14 mins.
Early on, avoid fighting her when she’s at max stacks. You can start Q and try to poke her early to get a minor advantage, play safe level 2 and look to control the lane from level 3+. You pretty much just outdamage her with raw strength early on, monitor her stacks and punish her when she’s not close to max for her passive. After 6 if she goes on you, dropping The Equalizer on top of you pretty much negates the all-in and usually results in a kill, just think about her Q and if she’s able to easily dash back out so she doesn’t bait your R. Plated Steelcaps first.
This is one of the few matchups where Exhaust can be a really good summoner, his all-in/combo is very predictable and it helps you stick to him after he bats you away with E. You do big dmg to him early.
Start E and Doran's Ring (or Dark Seal depending on how comfortable you are) because you can lose the level 1 trade if he took Counterstrike. Level 3 is when you really power on with the ability to overheat and trade if he ever jumps on you-- he should never win a trade. If he jumps and stuns you, you can follow him easily. Jax really never gets control in this lane after level 2-3.
K'Sante is really brawly, I recommend taking ignite here and looking to get Sorc Shoes ASAP so you can play around with movement and butter him up with E's and Q's + Comet before fighting him. The magic pen also helps once he ults you post6. Make sure you don't stand next to walls when he has ultimate up. Don't fight him from full HP, and know that when he has R he is incredibly bursty with TONS of cc. Only fight when he's been poked down and you have a health advantage.
Once you play against katarina and understand how her trading works, you'll know just how useless she is against Rumble. You'll crush this matchup, focus on roaming after 6 unless she all-ins you, then just drop equalizer and pound her
[13.4] You definitely want Ignite vs Kayle, you can use it at the end of her ultimate if she's really low and trying to get away, and teleport isn't really needed so the kill pressure is nice. Swifties OR Phase Rush is really good (but never take both) for chasing Kayle down, if you can get on top of her you win 10/10 fights. Bad Kayle's will ult when they're super low, in that case just ignite and finish off, good Kayle's might ult as you overheat and run at them, if you can still kill them go for it, if it's risky just back off and pressure them since you lost nothing and they burned R. You pretty much never lose to her in an even game state until level 11+. You can also use this relatively weak lane to go bully their jungler, just don't let Kayle free farm forever, the more exp you deny the better.
A good kennen can be tough, he'll definitely zone you off a little bit early-- it's okay to be down in CS. Watch out for his W-empowered auto and remember if he can land his Shuriken, you can land your Harpoon! Rush Mercury Treads.
Just like most of this category, she's very obnoxious and hard to kill, just farm.
Try not to get poked early, you outtrade him but his Q’s do a lot of damage. Level 1 you can try to shove quickly and hit level 2 ASAP. Skill Q->W->E, we take W second here so we can mitigate as much Q poke as possible and force him to waste mana dealing 0 damage.
Don’t be scared to trade with him, punish him and push him off the wave whenever possible. Once you hit level 3+ you really take control of the lane. Just remember to shield all of his Q poke. At level 6 you need to be really careful of his gank setup and also the fact that he can kill you if he’s not really far behind, so take smarter trades and try to drop R as he’s ulting you so he takes 2-3+ ticks of it.
You can take Doran’s Ring in this matchup since he can never realistically poke you low enough for Shield to do much work. And I prefer Comet if I’m top, if I’m mid I would take Electrocute and look for roams too.
for most of the lane phase, Malzahar is more focused on the minion wave than actually fighting you. Pop his passive shield whenever possible by just walking up with a Q-- a single tick will break it. Before level 6 you can just walk up and trade whenever, especially if any of his abilities are on cooldown.
For runes, I take either First Strike or Predator, after 6 it gets riskier to interact with Malzahar if you’re not ahead, he does lots of damage and it’s a super free gank so I prefer to impact the map after I quickly shove the wave. I take Doran’s Ring in this matchup to try and further abuse the early lane as well. You can take TP or Ignite, I prefer Ignite for stronger roams and kill pressure early on.
Note: QSS will remove the ‘suppression’ debuff, but he will still damage you with his Ult.
[12.13] Comet page is best here. You outdamage him level 1 with E’s (E -> Q -> W is my preferred start). As long as you can get a lead before level 6 you’ll roll him the entire lane. Poke him and try to all-in at level 4, if you land E you’ll win the trade.
BEWARE: If you cast The Equalizer BEFORE he ults, he can ult you and your R doesn't come with you.
[13.4] Olaf is pretty trivial, stay at range and poke him down with max range Q and E until he's nice and buttered up, he'll think he can 1v1 you but he can't. If he goes Lethal Tempo, you'll need to be fancy after his first item to kill him but beyond that you squash him by just playing somewhat intelligently. I'd recommend scorch & dorans ring just due to how you're going to play the lane, secondary resolve more than likely. Post 6 if he runs at you, once he's about to get on top of you just drop R and overheat, he dies.
is really difficult to lane against. Keep your distance early and dodge Undertow, getting caught with these in the middle of the lane is a death sentence. Olaf is really easy to gank, so call your jungler whenever possible. You can only kill him with Ignite, don't get overconfident and try to solo him; killing him through Berserker Rage and Tough It Out is really difficult. Unflinching can be useful since you'll have almost 100% uptime vs Olaf.
[nextcol width=25]
You can outtrade him with Flamespitter at level 1, you should push for level 2 and you pretty much control the lane from there, there’s no way he can out-damage you. Watch out for his gank setup and you’ll be fine. I generally take First Strike here as it’s incredibly easy to proc.
Basically impossible, his W will heal through all the damage you do and speed him away. You can kill him if he messes up but it's difficult and relies on him to misplay and not you to play well.
Riven, like anyone who can get in your face and is strong early has good kill pressure on you. Don't shove the wave too far and try not to overheat when her combo is up, bait her into fighting in your minions early on, but make sure she has to use a Q1 & Q2 to get to you, or you lose the trade. Seekers->Tabi. Smart trades and you can win this matchup
This guy will MERK you. He shoves super fast and deals tons of damage to you while he does that so, best of luck. Take the Magic Resist Shard in your runes and consider taking Nullifying Orb as well, especially if they have a second AP threat. Merc Treads are a good first pickup here straight into Hextech Rocketbelt, and I like to take Phase Rush in this matchup so I have the ability to get onto the Ryze once I land an E.
If you’re top lane, call your jungler up because you’ll be able to kill him repeatedly. If you’re mid lane, it’s much tougher to kill him without CC-- I usually look to roam and take Electrocute instead as trying to win lane is pretty difficult and almost requires him to mess up really bad.
Sett has long cooldowns and can't beat you without W or E, so try to bait those out. If you fight them with those up and get hit you'll lose, try to get him low before going for an all-in after baiting the W.
Seekers first here, ninja tabi aren't necessary unless they have an auto attacking jungler.
Ady An's build in this matchup can turn top lane into a clinic for you, once you get ahead you'll stay ahead, just be careful of your positioning with his ult up and try to dodge W by walking behind him or to the side.
[12.12] The only thing to watch out for here is the enemy jungler, Shen has crazy good gank setup; other than that just poke him with Q, try not to get taunted and once he's within kill range just run at him. I advise taking TP here to match him and look for bot lane pressure.
I would take Taste of Blood + Ultimate Hunter here so you can try to be as useful as possible, since you don't really need combat stats during lane. You can also take Overgrowth/Conditioning but I think you get way more value out of Ultimate CDR.
Watch out for his gank setup potential, don’t let him fling you early on, I generally start Q->E->W and just rush Sorc Shoes here. You need to be careful of his Level 1, he can just run at you and get an even/winning trade with his passive movespeed so when trading just hit a few ticks and back up if necessary.
I like to go Electrocute into Sorcery secondary picking up Gathering Storm & Nimbus Cloak + Teleport. You have more than enough damage to kill him and Electrocute lets you focus on 2v2/Skirmishes and good Teleport plays while easily bursting Singed down if he misplays.
[12.13] Comet rune page for sure, you might wanna flex into some scaling runes to impact teamfights better later on because this lane is really easy.
Careful for some level 1 bush cheese, don't get caught in a maxed out Q and watch out for ganks, he's really good at setting those up. Also don't get caught under his turret with R, he WILL kill you while clearing the wave with Q so you tank turret shots.
I'd start E here, it's more reliable poke/shove that also doesn't get you right in a Q level 1. Push for 2 and control the lane from there.
I highly recommend Doran’s Ring + Q start here, he doesn’t have anything level 1 that can outdamage a full Flamespitter but try to be careful incase he started E. Push for 2 and pressure him when he walks up, the only thing that will lose you this matchup is getting hit by a full combo at any point in time. Also try not to take short trades with him multiple times when he’s low or his W will just heal him for a ton every time.
Comet is nice for additional lane pressure, otherwise go Electrocute and look to roam. I would delay your mythic and pick up Morello’s first, if he’s good he steals your ultimate and roams post-6, but he’s probably bad at landing it so don’t worry too much. I roam a lot in this matchup after level 6 but you can stay and fight him too, just make sure again to never be hit by a full combo, pressure him when you have a cooldown advantage and you should be fine.
Tahm Kench
this guy is super cancer, he'll outdamage you for some reason constantly. Gonna need jungle help to kill him but he's easy to run down during ganks.
Absolutely obliterate this guy, runes don’t really matter so you can choose based on the situation or try to go for First Strike. I prefer to take either Doran’s Ring or Dark Seal. You can get Seeker’s Armguard early to pretty much make it impossible for him to kill you, but I prefer to go straight for my Mythic for higher damage in skirmishes and roams. It’s important to keep in mind how fast Talon can move through the map so you’re not caught off guard when he leaves or you roam– expect him.
[12.12] I would take the Comet runepage here but you can also opt for one of the others depending on preference. He's pretty weak and easy to get a health lead early on against. Once you have a health lead levels 3+ you can all-in while overheating, especially with Ignite. If he has Lethal Tempo be careful of extended trades.
Take Electrocute w/ Cheap Shot & Sorcery secondary, you can also take Resolve for Overgrowth if you think you’ll need health later but you absolutely stomp teemo in lane. Make sure you buy control wards and you pretty much outtrade him at all points in the game. Don’t overcommit thinking your autos will finish him off if he has his blind up, but if you play around that the lane is really easy. His W has a 14 second cooldown.
Your rune choice isn’t a big deal in this matchup, she’ll more than likely look to shove you in early (she doesn’t have much of a choice), allowing you to hit level 3 sooner if she builds up a wave and slow pushes. You’re stronger than her at 3-4 and can just run at her so long as she doesn’t have a large health advantage.
Play safely and allow yourself to miss CS for the first few levels if you have to, if you can secure a lead in the early game you’ll be able to farm a lot easier than if she’s able to bully you. Once she hits 6 she has pretty strong all-in potential with the ability to also disengage really easily, so actually killing her gets pretty difficult if she’s able to play decently well. I would honestly recommend taking Predator in this matchup, and rushing Plated Steelcaps (unless she’s the ONLY auto attack threat). This makes her trading pretty useless, and you should use W to block the bomb explosion if possible. I combo Predator with Resolve, taking Shield Bash & Bone Plating.
Don’t let him auto attack the wave early on for free, once he builds up rage he can spin on you and just start wailing on you. Take Teleport so you can look to impact the map while you cover him top, you can definitely kill him early on but after 6 there’s pretty much no chance.
Look for quick roams mid or jungle fights, it’s hard skirmishing with Tryndamere without a bunch of CC so try to get in roams or Teleports where he wont get TOO much gold back from plates. It’s best if you can hold him until 14:00 so plates fall, you’ll lose the tower so look to trade for a drag/another tower in return. Exhaust is also really strong into Tryndamere especially late game, allowing you to close the gap if he spins away and reduce his damage when he all-ins to buy time. An Exhaust on your team is almost necessary later on to prevent him from running a train.
Twisted Fate
This matchup is really easy, you don’t have many opportunities to kill him however. Watch out for his gank setup potential with a gold card and make sure to ward around mid. If he’s good, you should drop a ward down in the middle of the lane to catch which side of mid he runs to when he’s looking to ult or roam.
In this matchup I usually take Ignite and try to match his roams or shove him in and roam before him. Watch out once he gets Rapid Firecannon since he can engage from deceptively long range. If you try to trade with him he’ll usually just stun card you and walk away. Pick a Card has an 8 second cooldown so if you’re trying to kill him, look to abuse that. You can take teleport if you wanna match his roams, but I prefer Ignite + Electrocute for the added skirmish/roam strength they bring.
Farm safely until 3-4 but you beat him in trades. Be super careful of his passive and don't proc it a bunch of times in the all-in. Absorb Q/Auto harass with W and trade with Q until he's all buttered up for the all-in. Ninja Tabi are good if there's multiple AD threats
This guy is tough, he might shove you in the first two waves and after that its pretty tough to actually deal damage to him. I'd look to roam whenever you can. Difficult to kill without both sums being up.
She's not so much a threat as she's just difficult to kill. If you walk up at the wrong time she'll nuke you for half your life and there's really not much you can do; she can CS from range, and is just generally really hard to kill.
If she doesn't have her fear you can try to trade with her but it comes up fast.
Like a lot of control mages, he’s hard to kill but likewise has very little kill pressure on you. You definitely outdamage him early and before his first item you can run the lane. I recommend taking Predator here as you don’t need a true combat summoner for the lane and this lets you get out of it once he’s strong.
Vlad is tough to kill but he’s a REALLY easy lane opponent. You can take Comet or Electrocute, whatever the game calls for-- Electrocute for more skirmish/roam playstyle which is what I prefer, especially in this matchup. Vlad is also really easy to kill provided he doesn’t have W. If you can force his W pool out then you can kill him, do not dive him with it up unless you’re certain you can kill him.
If I’m mid, I look to roam often since he’ll probably be playing really far back. If you're in the top lane you can easily run him down the lane. Watch his resource bar, it’ll tell you when he has his Q up and don’t trade with him when it’s glowing red or about to be full, just walk away.
An unwinnable matchup for Yasuo, you just do way too much damage. Definitely take first strike here, and I like to rush Sorcerer’s Shoes into Shadowflame. Pop his passive shield whenever you can and just walk up to him whenever Flamespitter is off cooldown.
If he E’s through you, just use a harpoon on him, and make sure you Overheat when he gets into melee and you’ll win every trade. You can also easily get away with Predator in this lane if you think you can get some effective roams off. Feel free to go Gathering Storm but I still prefer Scorch.
BEWARE: If he takes Exhaust + Lethal Tempo he can EASILY roll you
You pound this guy, play safe until 3-4 generally and you can take trades until he's within all-in range. Plated Steelcaps are kinda useful but as he scales he starts doing a lot of true/magic damage. Early game is a breeze.
[12.12] Yorick does a lot of damage and you’ll really need to watch out when he has a lot of his ghouls up. Your base E will one shot them, as well as each auto but you’ll need to take them out quickly before they can start hitting you. Your E will NOT hit them while they're jumping to you.
If he lands his cage, Dark Procession (W) while he has ghouls you’ll likely have to flash if you don’t have a significant health advantage here to keep him from all-ining you. I suggest Comet here and play for health advantage.
At 6 call your jungler for help killing his maiden, be careful roaming too often before plates go down so he can’t get super fed off of those. His ghouls do AD so Plated Steelcaps may be a good option if the game calls for it.
Aatrox doesn't really offer anything Rumble needs, Rumble is great follow up on engages and Aatrox kinda falls into the same expertise.
The charm can be nice, but with this comp you're double AP and kind of require your AD Jungler or ADC to be ahead. If you have an AD jungler your team will be pretty squishy. Good if the Ahri player can look for and execute picks, otherwise it's pretty underwhelming.
Nothing in Akali's kit synergizes with Rumble's, but teamfighting against both of these champions is really obnoxious. Not inherently bad, just kind of lack of synergy. It makes fights really hard mentally for the opponent though, and in solo queue I think that's really undervalued, so I put her in Low as it kind of requires the team to be on the same page as far as that knowledge goes for it to be useful.
It would be kinda weird for these two to be on the same team, but like a lot of the other champions in "None" it's usually because they're more "SoloQ Hero" type champions. Doesn't bring anything for Rumble and leaves your team a little squishy usually.
Pretty strong synergy with Rumble, able to knock people into or keep them inside the Equalizer, also really good gank setup for roaming to bot lane.
Really good followup for ganks and insane CC for teamfights makes it really easy to land The Equalizer and get kills on your lane opponent, also ensures your team has a tank
This is a really fun top/bot to play, you have an insane amount of control over teamfights and objectives. It leaves you pretty immobile and kind of forces you to play into your AD Carry and make sure they get ahead though, so that's why I put it as a 4 and not a 5. Otherwise they just build MR and you're kinda donezo.
Annie goes here for the same reason as Anivia, you have a lot of teamfight potential and can easily nuke people out but its not as versatile as someone like Anivia, and generally if Annie is ahead she'll one shot anyone important anyway-- while you still run the risk of having a double ap team. Not the end of the world, and it's still good, but I would prefer another mid here that doesn't pigeon-hole you into win conditions.
Ashe is good here because she provides kind of a pseudo-initiation and a strong bot lane with good gank potential.
Aurelion Sol
Not a bad synergy, the stun is nice and Rumble can drop equalizer on the enemy team to keep them off of Sol and let him kite. Not a crazy potent combo but it's not bad either.
Usually this is pretty bad, in a solo queue game it's too hard to coordinate Ults and his kit doesn't provide Rumble with anything beneficial.
Just like Ashe, Camille can provide a kind of 'pseudo-initiation' which is good, but she can also pick off a priority target and pretty much guarantee they die with Equalizer + Hextech Ultimatum. However, she does knock people back which makes the Equalizer tough to use effectively here, so she gets placed in 'Ok' instead of 'Strong'.
If you and the Cassio player are on the same page, teamfighting against this can be really hard-- dropping the Equalizer and forcing the enemy team to turn and fight cassio and get ulted or run through the AoE Burn, coupled with Cassio's W grounding it can be a really potent combo if executed correctly with LOTS of damage coming out. If you have any sort of CC in combination with this duo than teamfighting is pretty much in the bag.
Having a Cho'Gath provide Silences and Knockups in teamfights is pretty big, as long as the Q lands. He's also big and a huge tank with execute damage and slows that can help him peel so you can go in. Generally Rumble wants a bit more initiation on tanks but that doesn't mean this is bad and in SoloQ you gotta take what you can get, and this is certainly better than a lot of options. The big complaint is he doesn't really win top, but he should also be expected to not outright lose either in most matchups.
Pretty much all that's offered here is the hook and good gank potential if you roam top. Outside of that not much is offered here, if he's in a good matchup top than it's totally fine to pick this and just try to win lane --> win game, but teamfights will be difficult and might center around you dropping equalizer to enable darius.
This is a great combo for Rumble, you really need an additional source of AD damage on your team, but the combination of a high ap nuke, initiation, and CC that makes The Equalizer absolute cake to land is really strong. She's also easy to gank with if she's Jungle so that's a bonus.
Dr. Mundo
Pretty much just a big fat tank that lacks initiation, not super useful for Rumble.
Can be good if the Ekko player gets a really good W stun off, but that's really inconsistent so in general this isn't a great combo.
This is like having a really bad Ashe in the mid/late game. The ganks early can be good to get your team snowballing but it forced your team into needing more AD and to makeup for the lack of initiation in fights later on. The onus is really on Elise to snowball the game here.
Fiddlesticks ganking is pretty abysmal most of the time, but if the team is working together to clear and establish vision than this can be an insane combo and easily hand teamfights over to you. You'll want an additional AD threat on your team to keep them from going full MR and blocking a bunch of damage-- I might also take Conqueror here if I'm the Rumble.
Teamfighting against this is obnoxious which I feel like earns him 'low' in combination with his Ultimate. Nothing absolutely crazy here, just decent teamfighting and pick potential.
Galio gets placed here for the same reason as Shen, Galio is a huge for a teamfight comp and has excellent followup but you really need to slot something else in the comp that can engage. If you have that, this comp is really strong and could easily jump up to 'ideal'. Just on his own he's got excellent counter-engage though, so even if you lack the engage he can be a pretty strong pick.
Gangplank doesn't provide all that much, his ult is nice, he has good damage in a fight but that's literally it. Relies on him to be really good, otherwise there's really no synergy here.
All he can really do is run at a straight line which... I guess is useful... it's better than no tank at all :)
Pretty much like everyone else on this list, this champion provides insane setup for The Equalizer and a crazy wombo combo with his ult, it's also nice because your topside will be really strong with two powerful lanes.
Definitely not the worst pick, you've just gotta make sure you guys are on the same page-- in SoloQ it can be pretty difficult.
Graves doesn't provide rumble with anything, he's just damage.
Hecarim is pretty strong, the only thing he really lacks is hard CC but his engage is really good and can provide good setup for The Equalizer, that's really what it comes down to.
Heimer isn't the worst honestly, he's kind of an abysmal champion but his E is a really insanely good teamfight utility, if he's using that it's not bad. Everything else about him is kinda trash...
Absolutely nothing but damage, a decent split pusher if the enemy team is dumb and tries to send 3+ people for her I guess. Rumble and Illaoi should really never be on the same team, but soloq happens so
Irelia seems like a weird champion to place at 'Strong' but her Ultimate is crazy, already forcing the enemy champs to get slowed and take damage or walk INTO your team-- combining that with The Equalizer is absolutely crazy damage, and she does have her E as well.
Janna can be okay, she's more of a disengage champ so she doesn't provide much for Rumble inherently, but she could be slotted into the right comp.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan is great at ganking (assuming he lands his Flag & Drag) and a good Cataclysm can easily win you the teamfight when combo'd with The Equalizer. Keep track of enemies who've flashed and let J4 know to ult them!(:
Just like most other split pushers, it's not horrible and really depends on what the rest of your comp looks like so most of these get slotted as "ok". Jax is nice because he has his stun and can kinda just jump in ahead of you and be tanky or stun a priority target, so he has more options than most in the case of split pushing champs.
Jayce doesn't bring a whole lot to the comp and is more like one of those SoloQ hero champs who's expected to be a carry for the team.
There are AD Carries that do a lot more for Rumble than Jhin, but his W is nice-- he's not very good at melting frontlines so this pick could be better or worse just depending on the team compositions.
Jinx is a little bit better than other ADC's on this list, it's nice that she scales well so the onus isn't AS heavy on you to really bring it home before then. She also has chompers that can add to the control your team exerts in fights.
Kalista just kinda sucks, but as far as her kit goes she's not a bad adc to have on your team and gives you some free engage on the enemy team, and since she's usually paired with a tank/engage support it's likely that this is a good pick.
Karma provides her shield + speed boost that can be extrapolated to the entire team which can always be useful, her poke is decent but her W is really inconsistent so there's definitely better support picks.
Honestly Karthus can be a decent pick, he provides a ton of AoE damage, he usually builds Liandry's, his wall is an insane slow that can just by itself provide good Equalizer setup.
Kayle is again one of those SoloQ hero champions, Kayle's ult is kinda noob-bait for Rumble, using it on him might get you like... one more flamespitter off but it'll be un-empowered and not provide a whole lot.
I really feel like I don't need to say anything here, Maelstrom is an absolutely insane ability, kennen also wins lane so you don't have to worry about a weakside top.
SoloQ hero baby! He provides pretty much nothing HOWEVER, getting people really low with equalizer might enable him to just absolutely pop off so I think he deserves to be placed in 'low' instead of none, it's just that the synergy is a little bit more kha'zix sided.
Rumble and Kindred kinda wanna do different things and her ult really counters yours if they're diving you they just get to live through it LOL, best thing to do if you're against a dive comp to just wait for the end of the Kindred ult and drop it for free kills. It's a pretty coinflip strategy but it can work if you're in a weird soloq draft situation.
Kled is pretty much the Sivir of top lane, has a free initiation for your whole team and can draw attention for a bit. The only thing keeping him from being higher is his lack of true CC. Strong laner, good initiation, but requires other champs on your team to bring more utility to be great.
Kog'maw can be good as a pure damage dealer, there's really not a champ in the game that can survive sitting on equalizer and kog just blasting them. It might force you to play a more peel oriented style but if kog'maw is strong that's the best thing you can do anyway.
This adds pretty much nothing to your ability to play, Not a horrible mid laner but if the enemy team is forced to build MR the value of an AP Assassin drops pretty heavily.
Lee Sin
The great thing about champs like this are that they're gank heavy and can forcefully accelerate the game early on which can be HEAVILY in Rumble's favor, but in terms of fighting there's not much besides being a great 2v2 and skirmisher.
Leona is pretty damn good as far as supports go, she provides initiation and is an absolute sponge for damage. Not the best and definitely would slot Rell or someone with more AoE CC above Leona but her ability to force a fight is great and can't be understated.
Lissandra is pretty much a dream mid laner, lots of CC, an initiation kinda similar to Twisted Fate but with an invulnerability and the bonus of the mental **** of "what do we do, this lissandra is invulnerable in the middle of our team and-- oh **** there's an Equalizer here" is just so good.
Does pretty much nothing for you but win lane (hopefully). This rank shouldn't reflect too much in terms of "should I pick lucian with rumble?" because it doesn't really matter, this is just strictly how well he synergizes with you.
She doesn't really inherently synergize with you but she provides a nice health boost to you or someone on your team, movespeed, easy to gank, she's not bad and like a lot of others in the 'ok' category it really depends on the rest of your comp.
Not bad by any means, really good poke and zoning potential, a strong ultimate to snipe people who get low from your damage, a nice shield, depends on others in your comp but generally a good mid laner to have.
Great champion, really easy to land on-demand engage that sets up a great equalizer. Might require some roams to ensure he's not absolutely obliterated in a bad matchup, and if his ult is down he's useless so that and being kinda flash dependent really keep him from Ideal but he's definitely a great champ to have on your team as Rumble.
Pretty good initiation and can hold someone down for you, great gank setup, good ultimate for fights that forces them to play teamfights in a way that would be great for The Equalizer. Definitely a great champ to play with Rumble.
Miss Fortune
Her ultimate works really nicely with the Equalizer and will almost instantly melt teams. You'll need to make sure she doesn't get pooped on too hard in lane with some roams but she basically has an AD Conic Equalizer and good zoning/slows with her E.
He really doesn't do anything for you... most of the time he'll just yank people away from your R anyway LOL, and in his death realm your R doesn't carry over so you don't really benefit him either.
Not bad, the ability to give someone a black shield and to hold people down makes her pretty good but a morgana 'initiation' is pretty hit or miss since it requires her to hit a priority target with Q which relies on the enemy being goofballs.
Not bad but kinda forces your team into picking a tank somewhere else. Good initiation and followup, no complaints but not a SUPER ideal pick.
Pretty good safe initiation with his hook, nice tanky meatboy to soak up damage and an ult that holds people down makes him pretty strong-- couple that with a really easy way to initiate fights in bot lane for you when you roam make this a no-brainer.
Not bad, good CC, good counter-engage, decent engage if she's good. Not amazing but it'll do most games.
Nunu & Willump
budget kled engage, doesn't really do much besides that after engaging but CAN synergize well with equalizer, it really depends on the enemy comp and if they can immediately cancel his ult or not because then he pretty much does nothing...
So, the only reason Orianna isn't in 'ideal' is because you'll ALSO need someone to help deliver the ball since you can't really do it, otherwise it's still really good but not the best. Easily ideal if you have some additional follow up.
This guy gives you FREE stats, I love that! but also he's a huge sponge with 2 knockups and a really good teamfighting ability.
Absolutely insane free initiation, fairly tanky and also blocks a ton of damage while providing a stun with SUPER easy ganks. This is an excellent jungler or support, if he's lane that's fine too since his lane isn't that bad either, definitely one of the best champs to have on your team.
This one is really team comp dependent as far as who's on the ENEMY team, but poppy provides great cc and can kind of initiate by just walking up, and her W provides a lot of utility. Not a bad champ at all but not the best.
Most of the supports that are in here are solely just because they can engage well but lack the tanky stats-- but that can often be made up for with your top or jungler. As supports go, Pyke is definitely one of the best you can have, but a little worse than someone like Rell.
A little bit worse than a gnar ult but still crazy good, really strong assassin that helps you jump the backline and for the same reason as Akali she takes a LOT of mental strength to play against with her random invis and stuns and knockbacks etc. etc.
It would be perfect if Rakan were a bit tankier but by no means is he bad, his initiation is pretty good and you can even initiate yourself and his follow up is great.
Excellent initiation, his E is pretty much a guaranteed kill. Not much else to be said here, not the absolute greatest jungler but definitely nothing to complain about.
Easily one of the best supports for Rumble to be paired with, bar none. Excellent engage, tanky, and an ult that literally pulls people back into her.
If the Riven player is good you can get some pretty nice initiations here but that really hinges on the enemy team being bad and/or your Riven being insane which I don't personally like relying on.
The only good thing Senna really provides is the potential for a really good W, other than that she's mostly a damage "support". Her shield/heal is nice but that doesn't really provide anything 'synergistic'.
Seraphine can be pretty good, her ultimate might force you to use your ultimate in more of a top-down kind of way to really capitalize on her ultimate. She has REALLY safe engage/counter-engage that can really enable a good Rumble ult followup or keep people in your ult for a guaranteed kill.
He's not bad but he suffers from the issues of lacking engage. He's a strong tank with tons of damage and has good CC, his ult works as an engage or type of counter-engage if you get jumped on by a big tank, so depending on what comps look like this can either be just okay or quite strong.
Shen gets placed just shy of Ideal because he really requires another champion with on-demand engage to be really strong in a comp with Rumble. If you have that, he's a really really strong pick that forces pressure in another lane, gives free CC and a massive shield to whoever engages.
Her ganks are weak but she can be good at skirmishing and you can always shove lane and follow her into jungle to look for some picks since you'll likely have mid or top prio. In teamfights she offers initiation and AoE damage, and can dive the backline. Overall a really strong pick.
Singed provides literally nothing and makes the enemy build more MR, thank you singed.
Tank, CC, Initiation, all rolled into one. Everything Rumble wants in a lane that's pretty solid and easy to gank should you roam top. Not much else to ask for.
As far as AD Carries go, not bad by any means, So long as your team has some sort of CC, Sivir really enables that CC to be pulled off and is excellent in comps where you have someone else to help dive their backline or run down a group of squishy targets if the enemies comp lacks a real frontline.
Sona only provides her Ultimate realistically, and she's insanely squishy and isn't a reliable initiation without Flash. While she CAN be good for Rumble, it requires a lot of things to go right which in SoloQ... isn't always possible. The less you have to do for a combo to work the better.
The only real benefit here is her Silence being dropped onto The Equalizer. Generally by the time you teamfight she's forced enemy champs to build grievous wounds anyway so the healing isn't as huge, but she does place a much higher priority on herself alleviating some of the damage you might receive.
This guy usually ends up being a little detrimental, at least in my experience. His gank setup can be good if he's support, and so long as he knows not to yank people out of The Equalizer it's not a horrible pick, but I'm definitely never excited to see this get picked.
Syndra is an excellent champion to have with Rumble, long range initiation, good teamfighting, big damage ultimate on a priority target and she can use her ultimate and then E for a much larger range stun. If you and Syndra are on the same page this can be a great combo.
Not a super strong laner but anything that makes your teamfight really good is great for Rumble, teamfight comps in SoloQ are great to begin with and this guy really takes it to the next level AND provides CC. Just make sure he's using it on the engage and not when you're all 100 HP.
Definitely not bad, lots of zoning potential, the ability to peel or initiate fights, his box is great crowd control and like Cataclysm-Lite that enables your Equalizer. He's also great at setting up ganks bot to get the snowball going.
The one good thing about Trundle is he can help you power through the enemies frontline with his Ultimate and make a lot of threats WAY less threatening which is pretty huge in SoloQ. In general he doesn't offer a lot but he's also not a horrible pick to see, so I think he deserves to be placed here.
Similar to Udyr but I rank him at none instead of 'low' because he really offers nothing for Rumble, you can try to use him to bait the enemy team to rotating through jungle and potentially initiating a fight there, but he's weak early, has no cc, and is a bad teamfighter so there's just no synergy here.
Twisted Fate
Good poke and siege, and can do a 'Misaya' style engage with his ultimate and a Zhonya to catch the enemy off guard, but that usually works really well once and then its effectiveness drops pretty fast. Good at making picks but that doesn't help Rumble much.
He doesn't really synergize, but his teamfighting is great-- not many champions will be able to synergize with a Rumble Ult and a Twitch firing at them for very long. This combo will be dependent on the rest of your team but could range from just okay to really strong.
Udyr doesn't bring any strong initiation or teamfighting ability. The only thing he really does is enable you to push two lanes and you might be able to trap the enemy into a weird jungle fight and get a really good equalizer. Make sure you ward up whichever side he's on and look for those picks.
This guy pretty much doesn't do anything for you. That's... kind of all I have to say about it. He'll probably win lane which is good, but he has absolutely no synergy.
As far as AD Carries go, Varus is a great one. His AoE CC in teamfights, zoning with Q and E at turrets, his ability to melt through tanks, all make him a great AD Carry on a team with Rumble.
For the same reason as a lot of champions in this category, his AoE CC is incredible. If your team has no CC you can easily slot a veigar in and call it good. Massive damage on a single target and dumping The Equalizer makes a lot of teamfights end in seconds. Even if you get jumped on, a Veigar dropping his cage can be enough to turn the fight if you're not super far behind.
Pretty strong poke, good control of teamfights, lots of AoE damage and peeling potential. He's immobile so your team still needs to be filled out with engage/disengage as necessary, but better than most immobile mages and comes with a host of benefits and late game scaling.
Pretty decent, an ever so slightly stronger Warwick in teamfights that can enable tower dives and also provides a strong champion in the top lane that ensures you don't have a horribly losing lane most of the time.
Nice for the initiation and gank setups are great, lacks in overall teamfight ability which keeps him from being 'strong'. But by no means a bad champion to have on your team.
Wukong is pretty good in lane and has really strong initiation which is all Rumble needs. He's not as great at setting up ganks but depending on your jungler or if you'd rather gank bot lane that doesn't really matter. Great champion to have on your team and can help disengage or engage as necessary.
AD Carries don't USUALLY matter very much, the benefit of Xayah and why I listed her here is that she doesn't usually require a lot of peel from you which lets you play a little more aggressively in some situations where you should be peeling.
Xerath is great at sieging and enables you to poke them down and drop an equalizer for guaranteed objects so it's not the worst combo-- it does require a team built for it though, with a frontline or supports that can disengage or engage when necessary, otherwise your comp will get rundown.
Xin Zhao
Like a lot of champions listed here, teamfighting against this combo is REALLY annoying and mentally taxing. His ganks and skirmishing is really good which is great for Rumble, you two can do a lot around the map together and he does offer a little bit of initiation but mostly excels in skirmishes early on.
He doesn't offer Rumble much and suffers from kind of the same issues where he needs more setup to really shine. So just these two champs require a whole other champion to assist them-- if your team comp is built around Rumble and Yasuo it can totally be fine but in general the synergy between them is really lacking.
The only thing Yone offers is his ultimate, but it's a REALLY strong one when coupled with Rumble's. He's also a good source of mixed damage on your team which means the enemy can't just build straight MR and survive. Overall not bad, but nothing amazing either, his ult really carries him in this synergy.
Yuumi isn't usually on the Rumble player in fights and she's not particularly excellent at anything. Depends how good she and the person she's on are and requires your team to have initiation in one of the other three players.
His ganks are really potent and engage can be great, the Zac player just needs to watch when he uses his ultimate when The Equalizer is out. Otherwise Zac provides a lot of what Rumble wants.
This seems like it would be good, and it can be but it depends heavily on team comp. In games with Zilean where your team is really squishy, Zilean doesn't really get the opportunity to use his ult how he wants and it instead becomes more of an "oh ****" button that's being forced out. The stun can be good, but without a frontline its hard for him to land it. So due to that I put him in low.
Not bad, her stun is nice and zoning potential is good, she's nice for sieging towers and poking and makes it easy for Rumble to drop his Equalizer and pick up turrets for free that you otherwise couldn't since she's another ranged on your team, this one depends more on the enemies comp but is overall not bad.
Aatrox doesn't really offer anything Rumble needs, Rumble is great follow up on engages and Aatrox kinda falls into the same expertise.
The charm can be nice, but with this comp you're double AP and kind of require your AD Jungler or ADC to be ahead. If you have an AD jungler your team will be pretty squishy. Good if the Ahri player can look for and execute picks, otherwise it's pretty underwhelming.
Nothing in Akali's kit synergizes with Rumble's, but teamfighting against both of these champions is really obnoxious. Not inherently bad, just kind of lack of synergy. It makes fights really hard mentally for the opponent though, and in solo queue I think that's really undervalued, so I put her in Low as it kind of requires the team to be on the same page as far as that knowledge goes for it to be useful.
It would be kinda weird for these two to be on the same team, but like a lot of the other champions in "None" it's usually because they're more "SoloQ Hero" type champions. Doesn't bring anything for Rumble and leaves your team a little squishy usually.
Pretty strong synergy with Rumble, able to knock people into or keep them inside the Equalizer, also really good gank setup for roaming to bot lane.
Really good followup for ganks and insane CC for teamfights makes it really easy to land The Equalizer and get kills on your lane opponent, also ensures your team has a tank
This is a really fun top/bot to play, you have an insane amount of control over teamfights and objectives. It leaves you pretty immobile and kind of forces you to play into your AD Carry and make sure they get ahead though, so that's why I put it as a 4 and not a 5. Otherwise they just build MR and you're kinda donezo.
Annie goes here for the same reason as Anivia, you have a lot of teamfight potential and can easily nuke people out but its not as versatile as someone like Anivia, and generally if Annie is ahead she'll one shot anyone important anyway-- while you still run the risk of having a double ap team. Not the end of the world, and it's still good, but I would prefer another mid here that doesn't pigeon-hole you into win conditions.
Ashe is good here because she provides kind of a pseudo-initiation and a strong bot lane with good gank potential.
Aurelion Sol
Not a bad synergy, the stun is nice and Rumble can drop equalizer on the enemy team to keep them off of Sol and let him kite. Not a crazy potent combo but it's not bad either.
Usually this is pretty bad, in a solo queue game it's too hard to coordinate Ults and his kit doesn't provide Rumble with anything beneficial.
Just like Ashe, Camille can provide a kind of 'pseudo-initiation' which is good, but she can also pick off a priority target and pretty much guarantee they die with Equalizer + Hextech Ultimatum. However, she does knock people back which makes the Equalizer tough to use effectively here, so she gets placed in 'Ok' instead of 'Strong'.
If you and the Cassio player are on the same page, teamfighting against this can be really hard-- dropping the Equalizer and forcing the enemy team to turn and fight cassio and get ulted or run through the AoE Burn, coupled with Cassio's W grounding it can be a really potent combo if executed correctly with LOTS of damage coming out. If you have any sort of CC in combination with this duo than teamfighting is pretty much in the bag.
Having a Cho'Gath provide Silences and Knockups in teamfights is pretty big, as long as the Q lands. He's also big and a huge tank with execute damage and slows that can help him peel so you can go in. Generally Rumble wants a bit more initiation on tanks but that doesn't mean this is bad and in SoloQ you gotta take what you can get, and this is certainly better than a lot of options. The big complaint is he doesn't really win top, but he should also be expected to not outright lose either in most matchups.
Pretty much all that's offered here is the hook and good gank potential if you roam top. Outside of that not much is offered here, if he's in a good matchup top than it's totally fine to pick this and just try to win lane --> win game, but teamfights will be difficult and might center around you dropping equalizer to enable darius.
This is a great combo for Rumble, you really need an additional source of AD damage on your team, but the combination of a high ap nuke, initiation, and CC that makes The Equalizer absolute cake to land is really strong. She's also easy to gank with if she's Jungle so that's a bonus.
Dr. Mundo
Pretty much just a big fat tank that lacks initiation, not super useful for Rumble.
Can be good if the Ekko player gets a really good W stun off, but that's really inconsistent so in general this isn't a great combo.
This is like having a really bad Ashe in the mid/late game. The ganks early can be good to get your team snowballing but it forced your team into needing more AD and to makeup for the lack of initiation in fights later on. The onus is really on Elise to snowball the game here.
Fiddlesticks ganking is pretty abysmal most of the time, but if the team is working together to clear and establish vision than this can be an insane combo and easily hand teamfights over to you. You'll want an additional AD threat on your team to keep them from going full MR and blocking a bunch of damage-- I might also take Conqueror here if I'm the Rumble.
Teamfighting against this is obnoxious which I feel like earns him 'low' in combination with his Ultimate. Nothing absolutely crazy here, just decent teamfighting and pick potential.
Galio gets placed here for the same reason as Shen, Galio is a huge for a teamfight comp and has excellent followup but you really need to slot something else in the comp that can engage. If you have that, this comp is really strong and could easily jump up to 'ideal'. Just on his own he's got excellent counter-engage though, so even if you lack the engage he can be a pretty strong pick.
Gangplank doesn't provide all that much, his ult is nice, he has good damage in a fight but that's literally it. Relies on him to be really good, otherwise there's really no synergy here.
All he can really do is run at a straight line which... I guess is useful... it's better than no tank at all :)
Pretty much like everyone else on this list, this champion provides insane setup for The Equalizer and a crazy wombo combo with his ult, it's also nice because your topside will be really strong with two powerful lanes.
Definitely not the worst pick, you've just gotta make sure you guys are on the same page-- in SoloQ it can be pretty difficult.
Graves doesn't provide rumble with anything, he's just damage.
Hecarim is pretty strong, the only thing he really lacks is hard CC but his engage is really good and can provide good setup for The Equalizer, that's really what it comes down to.
Heimer isn't the worst honestly, he's kind of an abysmal champion but his E is a really insanely good teamfight utility, if he's using that it's not bad. Everything else about him is kinda trash...
Absolutely nothing but damage, a decent split pusher if the enemy team is dumb and tries to send 3+ people for her I guess. Rumble and Illaoi should really never be on the same team, but soloq happens so
Irelia seems like a weird champion to place at 'Strong' but her Ultimate is crazy, already forcing the enemy champs to get slowed and take damage or walk INTO your team-- combining that with The Equalizer is absolutely crazy damage, and she does have her E as well.
Janna can be okay, she's more of a disengage champ so she doesn't provide much for Rumble inherently, but she could be slotted into the right comp.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan is great at ganking (assuming he lands his Flag & Drag) and a good Cataclysm can easily win you the teamfight when combo'd with The Equalizer. Keep track of enemies who've flashed and let J4 know to ult them!(:
Just like most other split pushers, it's not horrible and really depends on what the rest of your comp looks like so most of these get slotted as "ok". Jax is nice because he has his stun and can kinda just jump in ahead of you and be tanky or stun a priority target, so he has more options than most in the case of split pushing champs.
Jayce doesn't bring a whole lot to the comp and is more like one of those SoloQ hero champs who's expected to be a carry for the team.
There are AD Carries that do a lot more for Rumble than Jhin, but his W is nice-- he's not very good at melting frontlines so this pick could be better or worse just depending on the team compositions.
Jinx is a little bit better than other ADC's on this list, it's nice that she scales well so the onus isn't AS heavy on you to really bring it home before then. She also has chompers that can add to the control your team exerts in fights.
Kalista just kinda sucks, but as far as her kit goes she's not a bad adc to have on your team and gives you some free engage on the enemy team, and since she's usually paired with a tank/engage support it's likely that this is a good pick.
Karma provides her shield + speed boost that can be extrapolated to the entire team which can always be useful, her poke is decent but her W is really inconsistent so there's definitely better support picks.
Honestly Karthus can be a decent pick, he provides a ton of AoE damage, he usually builds Liandry's, his wall is an insane slow that can just by itself provide good Equalizer setup.
Kayle is again one of those SoloQ hero champions, Kayle's ult is kinda noob-bait for Rumble, using it on him might get you like... one more flamespitter off but it'll be un-empowered and not provide a whole lot.
I really feel like I don't need to say anything here, Maelstrom is an absolutely insane ability, kennen also wins lane so you don't have to worry about a weakside top.
SoloQ hero baby! He provides pretty much nothing HOWEVER, getting people really low with equalizer might enable him to just absolutely pop off so I think he deserves to be placed in 'low' instead of none, it's just that the synergy is a little bit more kha'zix sided.
Rumble and Kindred kinda wanna do different things and her ult really counters yours if they're diving you they just get to live through it LOL, best thing to do if you're against a dive comp to just wait for the end of the Kindred ult and drop it for free kills. It's a pretty coinflip strategy but it can work if you're in a weird soloq draft situation.
Kled is pretty much the Sivir of top lane, has a free initiation for your whole team and can draw attention for a bit. The only thing keeping him from being higher is his lack of true CC. Strong laner, good initiation, but requires other champs on your team to bring more utility to be great.
Kog'maw can be good as a pure damage dealer, there's really not a champ in the game that can survive sitting on equalizer and kog just blasting them. It might force you to play a more peel oriented style but if kog'maw is strong that's the best thing you can do anyway.
This adds pretty much nothing to your ability to play, Not a horrible mid laner but if the enemy team is forced to build MR the value of an AP Assassin drops pretty heavily.
Lee Sin
The great thing about champs like this are that they're gank heavy and can forcefully accelerate the game early on which can be HEAVILY in Rumble's favor, but in terms of fighting there's not much besides being a great 2v2 and skirmisher.
Leona is pretty damn good as far as supports go, she provides initiation and is an absolute sponge for damage. Not the best and definitely would slot Rell or someone with more AoE CC above Leona but her ability to force a fight is great and can't be understated.
Lissandra is pretty much a dream mid laner, lots of CC, an initiation kinda similar to Twisted Fate but with an invulnerability and the bonus of the mental fuck of "what do we do, this lissandra is invulnerable in the middle of our team and-- oh shit there's an Equalizer here" is just so good.
Does pretty much nothing for you but win lane (hopefully). This rank shouldn't reflect too much in terms of "should I pick lucian with rumble?" because it doesn't really matter, this is just strictly how well he synergizes with you.
She doesn't really inherently synergize with you but she provides a nice health boost to you or someone on your team, movespeed, easy to gank, she's not bad and like a lot of others in the 'ok' category it really depends on the rest of your comp.
Not bad by any means, really good poke and zoning potential, a strong ultimate to snipe people who get low from your damage, a nice shield, depends on others in your comp but generally a good mid laner to have.
Great champion, really easy to land on-demand engage that sets up a great equalizer. Might require some roams to ensure he's not absolutely obliterated in a bad matchup, and if his ult is down he's useless so that and being kinda flash dependent really keep him from Ideal but he's definitely a great champ to have on your team as Rumble.
Pretty good initiation and can hold someone down for you, great gank setup, good ultimate for fights that forces them to play teamfights in a way that would be great for The Equalizer. Definitely a great champ to play with Rumble.
Miss Fortune
Her ultimate works really nicely with the Equalizer and will almost instantly melt teams. You'll need to make sure she doesn't get pooped on too hard in lane with some roams but she basically has an AD Conic Equalizer and good zoning/slows with her E.
He really doesn't do anything for you... most of the time he'll just yank people away from your R anyway LOL, and in his death realm your R doesn't carry over so you don't really benefit him either.
Not bad, the ability to give someone a black shield and to hold people down makes her pretty good but a morgana 'initiation' is pretty hit or miss since it requires her to hit a priority target with Q which relies on the enemy being goofballs.
Not bad but kinda forces your team into picking a tank somewhere else. Good initiation and followup, no complaints but not a SUPER ideal pick.
Pretty good safe initiation with his hook, nice tanky meatboy to soak up damage and an ult that holds people down makes him pretty strong-- couple that with a really easy way to initiate fights in bot lane for you when you roam make this a no-brainer.
Not bad, good CC, good counter-engage, decent engage if she's good. Not amazing but it'll do most games.
Nunu & Willump
budget kled engage, doesn't really do much besides that after engaging but CAN synergize well with equalizer, it really depends on the enemy comp and if they can immediately cancel his ult or not because then he pretty much does nothing...
So, the only reason Orianna isn't in 'ideal' is because you'll ALSO need someone to help deliver the ball since you can't really do it, otherwise it's still really good but not the best. Easily ideal if you have some additional follow up.
This guy gives you FREE stats, I love that! but also he's a huge sponge with 2 knockups and a really good teamfighting ability.
Absolutely insane free initiation, fairly tanky and also blocks a ton of damage while providing a stun with SUPER easy ganks. This is an excellent jungler or support, if he's lane that's fine too since his lane isn't that bad either, definitely one of the best champs to have on your team.
This one is really team comp dependent as far as who's on the ENEMY team, but poppy provides great cc and can kind of initiate by just walking up, and her W provides a lot of utility. Not a bad champ at all but not the best.
Most of the supports that are in here are solely just because they can engage well but lack the tanky stats-- but that can often be made up for with your top or jungler. As supports go, Pyke is definitely one of the best you can have, but a little worse than someone like Rell.
A little bit worse than a gnar ult but still crazy good, really strong assassin that helps you jump the backline and for the same reason as Akali she takes a LOT of mental strength to play against with her random invis and stuns and knockbacks etc. etc.
It would be perfect if Rakan were a bit tankier but by no means is he bad, his initiation is pretty good and you can even initiate yourself and his follow up is great.
Excellent initiation, his E is pretty much a guaranteed kill. Not much else to be said here, not the absolute greatest jungler but definitely nothing to complain about.
Easily one of the best supports for Rumble to be paired with, bar none. Excellent engage, tanky, and an ult that literally pulls people back into her.
If the Riven player is good you can get some pretty nice initiations here but that really hinges on the enemy team being bad and/or your Riven being insane which I don't personally like relying on.
The only good thing Senna really provides is the potential for a really good W, other than that she's mostly a damage "support". Her shield/heal is nice but that doesn't really provide anything 'synergistic'.
Seraphine can be pretty good, her ultimate might force you to use your ultimate in more of a top-down kind of way to really capitalize on her ultimate. She has REALLY safe engage/counter-engage that can really enable a good Rumble ult followup or keep people in your ult for a guaranteed kill.
He's not bad but he suffers from the issues of lacking engage. He's a strong tank with tons of damage and has good CC, his ult works as an engage or type of counter-engage if you get jumped on by a big tank, so depending on what comps look like this can either be just okay or quite strong.
Shen gets placed just shy of Ideal because he really requires another champion with on-demand engage to be really strong in a comp with Rumble. If you have that, he's a really really strong pick that forces pressure in another lane, gives free CC and a massive shield to whoever engages.
Her ganks are weak but she can be good at skirmishing and you can always shove lane and follow her into jungle to look for some picks since you'll likely have mid or top prio. In teamfights she offers initiation and AoE damage, and can dive the backline. Overall a really strong pick.
Singed provides literally nothing and makes the enemy build more MR, thank you singed.
Tank, CC, Initiation, all rolled into one. Everything Rumble wants in a lane that's pretty solid and easy to gank should you roam top. Not much else to ask for.
As far as AD Carries go, not bad by any means, So long as your team has some sort of CC, Sivir really enables that CC to be pulled off and is excellent in comps where you have someone else to help dive their backline or run down a group of squishy targets if the enemies comp lacks a real frontline.
Sona only provides her Ultimate realistically, and she's insanely squishy and isn't a reliable initiation without Flash. While she CAN be good for Rumble, it requires a lot of things to go right which in SoloQ... isn't always possible. The less you have to do for a combo to work the better.
The only real benefit here is her Silence being dropped onto The Equalizer. Generally by the time you teamfight she's forced enemy champs to build grievous wounds anyway so the healing isn't as huge, but she does place a much higher priority on herself alleviating some of the damage you might receive.
This guy usually ends up being a little detrimental, at least in my experience. His gank setup can be good if he's support, and so long as he knows not to yank people out of The Equalizer it's not a horrible pick, but I'm definitely never excited to see this get picked.
Syndra is an excellent champion to have with Rumble, long range initiation, good teamfighting, big damage ultimate on a priority target and she can use her ultimate and then E for a much larger range stun. If you and Syndra are on the same page this can be a great combo.
Not a super strong laner but anything that makes your teamfight really good is great for Rumble, teamfight comps in SoloQ are great to begin with and this guy really takes it to the next level AND provides CC. Just make sure he's using it on the engage and not when you're all 100 HP.
Definitely not bad, lots of zoning potential, the ability to peel or initiate fights, his box is great crowd control and like Cataclysm-Lite that enables your Equalizer. He's also great at setting up ganks bot to get the snowball going.
The one good thing about Trundle is he can help you power through the enemies frontline with his Ultimate and make a lot of threats WAY less threatening which is pretty huge in SoloQ. In general he doesn't offer a lot but he's also not a horrible pick to see, so I think he deserves to be placed here.
Similar to Udyr but I rank him at none instead of 'low' because he really offers nothing for Rumble, you can try to use him to bait the enemy team to rotating through jungle and potentially initiating a fight there, but he's weak early, has no cc, and is a bad teamfighter so there's just no synergy here.
Twisted Fate
Good poke and siege, and can do a 'Misaya' style engage with his ultimate and a Zhonya to catch the enemy off guard, but that usually works really well once and then its effectiveness drops pretty fast. Good at making picks but that doesn't help Rumble much.
He doesn't really synergize, but his teamfighting is great-- not many champions will be able to synergize with a Rumble Ult and a Twitch firing at them for very long. This combo will be dependent on the rest of your team but could range from just okay to really strong.
Udyr doesn't bring any strong initiation or teamfighting ability. The only thing he really does is enable you to push two lanes and you might be able to trap the enemy into a weird jungle fight and get a really good equalizer. Make sure you ward up whichever side he's on and look for those picks.
This guy pretty much doesn't do anything for you. That's... kind of all I have to say about it. He'll probably win lane which is good, but he has absolutely no synergy.
As far as AD Carries go, Varus is a great one. His AoE CC in teamfights, zoning with Q and E at turrets, his ability to melt through tanks, all make him a great AD Carry on a team with Rumble.
For the same reason as a lot of champions in this category, his AoE CC is incredible. If your team has no CC you can easily slot a veigar in and call it good. Massive damage on a single target and dumping The Equalizer makes a lot of teamfights end in seconds. Even if you get jumped on, a Veigar dropping his cage can be enough to turn the fight if you're not super far behind.
Pretty strong poke, good control of teamfights, lots of AoE damage and peeling potential. He's immobile so your team still needs to be filled out with engage/disengage as necessary, but better than most immobile mages and comes with a host of benefits and late game scaling.
Pretty decent, an ever so slightly stronger Warwick in teamfights that can enable tower dives and also provides a strong champion in the top lane that ensures you don't have a horribly losing lane most of the time.
Nice for the initiation and gank setups are great, lacks in overall teamfight ability which keeps him from being 'strong'. But by no means a bad champion to have on your team.
Wukong is pretty good in lane and has really strong initiation which is all Rumble needs. He's not as great at setting up ganks but depending on your jungler or if you'd rather gank bot lane that doesn't really matter. Great champion to have on your team and can help disengage or engage as necessary.
AD Carries don't USUALLY matter very much, the benefit of Xayah and why I listed her here is that she doesn't usually require a lot of peel from you which lets you play a little more aggressively in some situations where you should be peeling.
Xerath is great at sieging and enables you to poke them down and drop an equalizer for guaranteed objects so it's not the worst combo-- it does require a team built for it though, with a frontline or supports that can disengage or engage when necessary, otherwise your comp will get rundown.
Xin Zhao
Like a lot of champions listed here, teamfighting against this combo is REALLY annoying and mentally taxing. His ganks and skirmishing is really good which is great for Rumble, you two can do a lot around the map together and he does offer a little bit of initiation but mostly excels in skirmishes early on.
He doesn't offer Rumble much and suffers from kind of the same issues where he needs more setup to really shine. So just these two champs require a whole other champion to assist them-- if your team comp is built around Rumble and Yasuo it can totally be fine but in general the synergy between them is really lacking.
The only thing Yone offers is his ultimate, but it's a REALLY strong one when coupled with Rumble's. He's also a good source of mixed damage on your team which means the enemy can't just build straight MR and survive. Overall not bad, but nothing amazing either, his ult really carries him in this synergy.
Yuumi isn't usually on the Rumble player in fights and she's not particularly excellent at anything. Depends how good she and the person she's on are and requires your team to have initiation in one of the other three players.
His ganks are really potent and engage can be great, the Zac player just needs to watch when he uses his ultimate when The Equalizer is out. Otherwise Zac provides a lot of what Rumble wants.
This seems like it would be good, and it can be but it depends heavily on team comp. In games with Zilean where your team is really squishy, Zilean doesn't really get the opportunity to use his ult how he wants and it instead becomes more of an "oh shit" button that's being forced out. The stun can be good, but without a frontline its hard for him to land it. So due to that I put him in low.
Not bad, her stun is nice and zoning potential is good, she's nice for sieging towers and poking and makes it easy for Rumble to drop his Equalizer and pick up turrets for free that you otherwise couldn't since she's another ranged on your team, this one depends more on the enemies comp but is overall not bad.
Hi, I'm Nahde, a Diamond+ Rumble player in seasons 5, 6, 7, 13, 14 and 15 across multiple accounts; I've played since Season 3 Zac release, coached for 3.5 years, and was a player and coach in the 2016 High School Starleague where we went 7-3 W/L. I fell in love with this champion in Season 5 after spending several seasons anywhere from very low bronze to mid gold
I played about 30 normal games on Rumble and jumped straight into ranked and was diamond within two months with a 70% winrate on Talon and Rumble, and again in Season 6 on Twisted Fate, Viktor, Rumble, Kennen, Ezreal, and Gangplank. I previously had a featured guide with 350k+ views up on Lolking that I had posted on August 25th, 2016 but since that site has gone down, I've reuploaded it here and have been continuously updating it ever since. The top portion of the guide goes over everything you need if you found this guide in your loading screen, but for those of you who want to really master this champion-- the rest of this guide is for you.
After 14.18 we were in a really rough spot, I still think we're not nearly as strong as before but the item changes in Patch 14.19 will end up being really good for us. Liandry's Torment lost 20 AP, but Shadowflame and Stormsurge didn't get tapped very hard and I think they're really strong items currently. Shield Bash is also an insanely strong damage rune when we're able to proc it.
I think that E Max and full tank Rumble are probably dead, but I'll continue to update the guide with anything new I find. E Max ends up only being about ~40 more damage in our burst on average, but a full glass cannon version of Rumble and an AP Bruiser version with Liandry's Torment & Riftmaker seem more than viable so far.
We lost about 95 damage rank 1 so our early game feels really awful, our late game also isn't stellar so our playstyle should revolve around really hammering mid-game to end games ASAP and collect LP. Phreak did mention that he believes a juggernaut Rumble is "very workable" which I've been hopeful for almost 5 years now, so I'm praying that happens. Rumble is fundamentally toxic to the game unless his numbers just suck and he has been for as long as I can remember. Also, almost more importantly, as much as it sucks for all of us who main him, he's not popular. When people find your champ boring to play and not fun to play against, it's probably time for a change and Riot has an excellent track record of reworking champions for the past 5-6 years, I think Skarner has been their only "bad" rework in recent memory, and even that was okay.
"I do believe that a more stretched out Rumble, that is more of a juggernaut, is a very workable version of this champion" - Phreak (Source, 22:40)
I also advocated for Rumble gaining Attack Speed in his passive long ago when he would weakly throw out 0.75 attack speed autos during overheat and I've always felt that a tankier/juggernaut Rumble would be more fun for the player and potentially introduce cool new mechanics without changing the champions thematics too much, so I'm hopeful that Riot will refresh the champion in a fun and interesting way at some point in the future.
That being said, Rumble IS playable, he's just more of a mid-game threat now that falls off very hard late and has an abusable early game. Mid lane will probably be his best lane, and his jungle feels VERY weak. Keep checking back as I'll update the guide immediately with any findings on builds or playstyles.
View Recent Changes
06/13/2024v4.3.0 (WORK IN PROGRESS) I've reduced the changelog to just be the most recent few changes, starting over with this change. It's not necessary to have it be enormous and I wanted to cut down the size of the guide to make it more manageable to update and read for the viewer. I'll be working on revamping items, rune pages, general macro/game plan, abilities, important concepts, bot lane rumble, continue improving, and add an in-depth matchups section in the very near future.
Summoner Spells
FLASH: is your survival, aggression, repositioning, and playmaking spell. You will take this in every game no exceptions.
IGNITE: is our 'default' combat summoner, it provides kill pressure and spot heal-cut for champs like Dr. Mundo or Vladimir.
TELEPORT: is strong when we are scaling for mid-game and/or killing our opponent will be very difficult. It's mostly taken top lane, but could see use in mid. I strongly recommend Ignite if our jungler has strong ganks and CC, or we can roam; Otherwise CS and not falling behind become very important so we take Teleport instead.
EXHAUST: is strong vs auto attack champions like Master Yi, Tryndamere, or champions with very telegraphed bursts like Yasuo. Rumble falls over to these champs so slamming Exhaust on them in fights works really well and buys you time for the team to help you kill them.
GHOST: is not going to be used very often, but in a hypothetical scenario where you need movement speed, you're not the only frontline, and you can't build an item like Hextech Rocketbelt or Cosmic Drive for Movement Speed, this could be taken. It's worth noting as every item or spell has its uses and you'll get better at finding them the more you play and learn.
SMITE: You'll typically take either Scorchclaw Pup if they have tanky frontline or Mosstomper Seedling if you're the only frontline you have or you want to buy time for Liandry's Torment and/or Riftmaker to stack. Gustwalker Hatchling is good if the above conditions aren't met as you get a lot of mobility around the map and in chokepoints where Rumble can really excel.
The remaining Summoner Spells aren't worth taking at any point ever.
Rune Pages
This page aims to give most combat stats possible which is what Rumble really wants.
You could swap Scorch to Gathering Storm if you're playing for mid-late game and you won't get good use out of Scorch in lane, or just prefer the 24 AP at 20 minutes.
Nullifying Orb can be taken vs AP Laner + Jungler if you prefer
Transcendence is nice because it helps us hit the 50 Ability Haste breakpoint that puts our abilities on a 4s CD (matches Overheat) but Absolute Focus feels really bad to give up usually.
Domination can be taken as a viable alternative especially for Solo Queue, Taste of Blood is extremely good and Ultimate Hunter puts our The Equalizer on a really nice timer for SoloQ.
You could swap Arcane Comet to Phase Rush in extremely niche circumstances where you understand exactly when and why it's useful.
This is the page to take if teamfights are going to last a long time or if you really need frontline. Really powerful with Liandry's Torment and Riftmaker, allowing you to heal and do even more damage. I often take the Scaling Health shard when I run this setup, if I'm Jungle or my matchup allows it.
Absorb Life is genuinely a good rune, it can help smooth out your laning phase if you need it, granting the equivalent of a health potion every few waves in the mid-game if you get to last hit and more combat effectiveness than Triumph would give.
Legend: Haste could be an option, CDR isn't an awful stat on Rumble and I would genuinely take this if there's not many champions you'll get to auto attack. If the enemy team has champions you can hit with autos for the full duration of your overheat, just take the attack speed instead.
Swap Conditioning to Second Wind if you think you're really gonna get beaten down in lane, but I would caution that this situation, at least for me, is fairly rare and Conditioning will feel a lot better for our 2-3 item spike.
Cut Down seems to bring the most value given the numbers, especially vs tankier champions. This tier really seems to depend on the game, for lane I generally say take Cut Down but for Jungle I would generally take Coup de Grace to help secure kills since you'll generally be 2v1/2v2. Last Stand is also high value, especially if you're vs a Kindred. Ultimately, they're all generally good, pick whichever feels the best. Champion & Item choices affect this the most.
Secondary Pages
Sorcery can be taken if you're going Liandry's Torment and Riftmaker into damage instead of tank; taking Transcendence or Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm to better play for our spike and scale really hard into later game fights. Health from Liandry+RM combo make up for losing a bit in the Resolve tree.
This is a riskier page that does the same thing as the first one except our goal here is to accelerate our build and generate lots of economy. Getting items faster means we hit our really hard powerspikes of Liandry's Torment and Shadowflame even faster. This page is especially strong vs very easy lanes and when you're buying expensive items to crank out The Equalizer's and generate tons of gold.
Cosmic Insight is just the general best rune for SoloQ, but Approach Velocity really isn't bad either, it's just that you probably don't need it in the circumstances that you're taking this page in the first place. Jack of all Trades could be somewhat useful for starting like, Doran's Blade into Sorcerer's Shoes for the immediate +10 Adaptive Force and Ability Haste early, but I don't think it's actually good.
Ultimate Hunter can be swapped for any of the other hunter runes, Treasure Hunter is really strong with this page (and in general) but might feel bad for a bit if you're top lane. However, it can help you catch up if you get behind or further snowball off of one teamfight.
Secondary Pages
Sorcery can be taken for Absolute Focus and Scorchor Gathering Storm which really accelerates your burst and I would take this instead of Domination in incredibly easy, basically AFK lanes or if I'm jungling.
You can take any of the "Hunter" runes, but Ultimate Hunter helps us get more gold and drop Equalizers around the map like a ****ing dump truck.
This page is best when you have a strong 2v2/3v3 but you don't have a lot of kill potential in a neutral lane state; it excels when your jungler has CC because it allows you to burst your laner and you don't 'lose' damage by not continually proccing Arcane Comet. You also deal good damage in roams or vs squishy/ranged targets. This is also fine if you have no other options and aren't going tank.
Sorcery can be taken if you don't need the survivability for lane, taking Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm for better burst and scaling later, but if you're playing for early game burst, the additional stats from the Resolve tree make more sense.
Rune Shards
Almost all builds will take double Adaptive Force, more AP = more damage. The one exception is when you're vs a lot of tanks and will be auto attacking a lot later, then you could take Attack Speed in slot 1 to capitalize on the % health damage on Junkyard Titan. You could also take it jungle, that's just preference.
The third slot is usually a choice between Flat Health for a stronger early game or Scaling Health if we won't have too much trouble. Tenacity & Slow Resist could be taken if you really think you'll need it and don't want to sacrifice Sorcerer's Shoes for Mercury's Treads. I don't think there's ever a situation where we go Movement Speed.
Hextech Rocketbelt Hands down this item is worse than Liandry's, it will never do as much damage even in the best case scenarios. However, the one thing it has going for it is that it allows us to gap-close and make plays we otherwise couldn't. It is pretty close in damage to Liandry's early on, but it's real value is closing the gap against champions that would otherwise be really difficult for us to get to, allowing us to win some lanes we traditionally can't.
Liandry's Torment is absolutely our best item, it gets very minorly outdamaged by Shadowflame as a first item but Liandry's gives us better poke, waveclear, and health to survive fights, so generally it's our best item, we can then follow it up with Shadowflame for maximum damage.
Liandry's Torment
Rabadon's Deathcap
These are your typical core items, giving you tons of power and all the stats that Rumble wants early on. These three items give you the most damage out of any of your other options. Don't be afraid to deviate from this when the game calls for it-- if you're playing against Sion, Galio, and Swain, buying a Rabadon's Deathcap and trying to just burn through those champions isn't going to do you much good. This is just your the baseline that you should aim for, but after Liandry's Torment, buy for the game and situation.
Boot Options
Offensive Options
Defensive Options
Liandry's Torment is an item made for Rumble, it gives us all the stats we care about. It helps us survive, gives us ramping damage, makes our poke hit harder, and helps us deal with beefy champions in lane. It's really good in skirmishes and is only outdamaged by Shadowflame as a first item. Both Fated Ashes and Haunting Guise are nice recipe items, but you'll generally want Fated Ashes first if you don't need the health and can poke. You want to have this item before big teamfights or skirmishes if possible..
Shadowflame this item is a stupidly good, it causes Liandry's Torment passive to crit, all of your abilities to crit, gives us MPen, and deals more damage than any other item against tanks and squishy targets (In 1v1). This + Liandry's Torment are our two biggest damage items, so in games where it's possible to do so, pick this up first or second.
Rabadon's Deathcap is just our `multiplier` item, it's the item we get when we want the BIG damage. You should try to get this third, but only if you don't need something else to survive, some games you absolutely need Zhonya's Hourglass or Void Staff in order to function-- remember, you're not dealing damage if you're dead or if the enemy just has 8 billion Magic Resist.
Void Staff is obviously the higher damage of the two items, albeit 150g more expensive and giving 10% more Magic Penetration and 20 more AP than the alternative. However, it's worth asking which item will create more value? Think about your games and how teamfights will go; do you really need to nuke someone like Smolder or is the enemy really AoE heavy and you'll get immense value from a 5-man Cryptbloom heal?
Cryptbloom is likely our default option as we can purchase it sooner and it's heal is most often going to be very effective. The heal we get from the Cryptbloom passive will, in nearly all situations, outheal the damage we would have done with 10% more pen and 10 AP.
Stormsurge is an awful item after the repeated nerfs. It's one of the lowest damage first items for us because the values on the item just suck. Movement Speed is a stat that has the potential to be the best stat in the game, scaling with a players skill level, but this is definitely not an item you want to build early, if at all. Think of your items in terms of the power in their slot, there's just too many items that do more or are more effective than the current patches iteration of Stormsurge and the item is hilariously over-bought.
Morellonomicon is an awful item, if you are the only person on your team that can effectively use heal-cut items, you should look to sit on Oblivion Orb and do not complete the item. You pay 1,400g for 60 AP and 15 Ability Haste, this means you can effectively "complete the item" by just building into whatever other items you want instead of wasting gold buying Morellonomicon.
Cosmic Drive is just a lot weaker than other items we could get, it grants you a stupid amount of movement speed and is really good for champions that want to suffocate the enemy with movespeed and ability spam, Rumble isn't really like that. I list it here because there might be very very niche situations where the item becomes good, so keep it in mind but just know you could play 500 games and probably never build it.
Horizon Focus is mostly an enchanter item, or an item for mages that want to spam abilities. However, Rumble is a weird champion and this item actually fits kinda nicely as a 4th or 5th item. We really like Ability Haste until we hit 50 so we have a 4s CD on Q, W, & E, and the % damage modifier makes all of our high base damage abilities really slap, it's also incredibly easy for us to proc and has nice component items. This can be a good item to build when your core items are complete and you just need more raw damage. It can also be effective when you're trying to pick someone in the jungle since it sends out AoE vision.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is also a really rare item, I build this incredibly rarely against entire teams of champions like Dr. Mundo, Shyvana, Skarner, etc. It's most often used defensively where you need to peel your backline from "Bruizer Zerg" champions who try to run at you with very few gap closers. You'd build this third and only if your backline is strong or scaling heavily, otherwise you're peeling just to lose slower.
Zhonya's Hourglass does what it always does, you can cast Flamespitter during it and can help you survive in teamfights if there's big abilities you need to dodge. This can be built second or third and should not be skipped if you think you need it, being greedy could lose you games.
Banshee's Veil has gold efficiency issues, a lot of the time it's going to be best to just sit on Verdant Barrier to get the spellshield passive and some Magic Resist for 1800g. This runs into the same problems as Morellonomicon where you "complete the item" by just building other things.
Unending Despair is a really good item when fights are going to last awhile and you don't need Randuin's Omen. This is especially strong if you have Jak'Sho, The Protean because healing (and shields) makes resistances even stronger. The item is almost gold efficient with stats alone, one proc will get you about ~600-750 health, making this item easily gold efficient. Absolutely a strong item if you'll get 2+ procs in a fight on multiple enemies.
Abyssal Mask is really undervalued, it's incredibly strong when you both need MR and have multiple sources of Magic Damage on your team that can benefit from you having it. I like to pair this with Overgrowth in our Resolve tree when I know I'll be building it so I'll be tanky while also dealing damage, since MPen is a massively strong stat for us. This usually gets built third or fourth as you need 1366 bonus health to reach the cap.
Randuin's Omen is the anti-crit marksmen item. Incredibly strong vs crit stacking champions and the best armor item in the game. You reduce an absolutely absurd amount of damage with this and if you're against multiple crit abusers, slam this item ASAP.
Boots of Swiftness can be really powerful in the right situations, getting them early in lane makes you impossible to deal with and can be really good versus champions like Illaoi or Darius where they just want to run at you and beat you down, this helps you harass and butter them up for an all-in.
Plated Steelcaps are incredibly powerful, make sure if you're versus lots of auto-attackers that you but this item. It feels bad to lose out on Magic Penetration, but if these let you survive long enough to cast 1-2 more spells, you've effectively done more damage than Sorcerer's Shoes would help you do. Make sure you check the wiki to see what else they can block.
Mercury's Treads are probably what I build the least, but in games where you absolutely need them to do anything in teamfights against things like Annie or Kennen, you should pick them up. They can also be really good as an early lane purchase against those champions to make sure you can continue your snowball.
Junkyard Titan
Rumble gains 20 heat ( 10 for Electro-Harpoon) every time he uses a basic ability and loses 10 heat per second after 4 seconds of not using abilities.
✦OVERHEAT: At 150 Heat, Rumble is silenced for 4 seconds and gains 50-130% bonus attack speed(about 3.5% per level 1-9, and 6% per level 9-18) and each auto deals 5 - 40 (based on level)(+ 25% AP)(+ 5% of the targets maximum health)bonus magic damage.
Additional Knowledge
✦ Casting The Equalizer pauses heat decay for 2 seconds. ✦ Always overheat in your 1v1's, the attack speed and bonus damage are huge in trades and all-ins. ✦ Make sure to drop The Equalizer before you overheat! ✦ Overheat damage is classified as Proc damage.
Flamespitter is active for 3 seconds, dealing damage every 0.25 seconds. This grants 20 heat. When cast in the Danger Zone, damage is increased by 50%.
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6 Seconds || Range: 600 Damage every 0.25 Seconds: 6.667 / 8.75 / 10.833 / 12.917 / 15 -- (+9.17% AP Per Tick) Total Damage: 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180 (+ 110% AP) (+6-10% Max HP per rank) Minion Damage: 70%; Deals an additional tick of damage if it would kill a minion
✦ Flamespitter has no cast time and Rumble will turn instantly to face your cursor when pressed, allowing us to last hit with it.
✦ Flamespitter damage is classified as AoE DoT damage.
✦ Flamespitter can be used to harass them melee champs under tower while they last hit ranged creeps. You can also tag them with it for a single proc under their tower and walk out without taking damage or blocking it with Scrap Shield.
Scrap Shield shields you for 1.5 seconds, gaining movement speed for ~1 second (sometimes 1.3 seconds due to server ticks). This generates 20 heat. When cast in the Danger Zone, effects are increased by 50%.
✦ If poke is really oppressive, you can put a second point in this ability, but this hurts your all-in potential. I'd only do this against lanes like Vex where it's basically impossible to win and you just have to scale. Take Gathering Storm to make up for it if you do.
✦ Using Scrap Shield will not effect any previous orders; your basic attack animation is interrupted upon cast, but it will still go off.
✦ Casting Scrap Shield at 30-35 or 80-85 heat is the default way we manage heat for Danger Zone, but remember this can be done with Electro-Harpoon or Flamespitter if need-be, especially if you need your Scrap Shield to block poke.
Electro-Harpoon stores two charges and reduces the Magic Resistance of the target for 4 seconds, slowing them for 2 seconds. Each cast generates 10 heat.
Recharge Time: 6 Seconds || Range: 850 || Speed: 2000 Damage: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+50% AP) (x2 if you land both) MR Reduction: 10/12/14/16/18% (x2 if you land both) Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% (x2 if you land both)
[Danger Zone]Damage: 90 / 127.5 / 165 / 202.5 / 240 (+75% AP) (x2 if you land both) [Danger Zone]MR Reduction: 15/18/21/24/27 (x2 if you land both) [Danger Zone]Slow: 22.5 / 30 / 37.5 / 45 / 52.5% (x2 if you land both)
Additional Knowledge
✦ Landing both Electro-Harpoon's early in the trade is important, that way the 4 seconds of reduced Magic Resist cover all 3 seconds of Flamespitter, The Equalizer damage, and any overheated autos you dish out; it's okay to hold them to make sure you land both however.
✦ If your first Electro-Harpoon wasn't buffed by the Danger Zone and you hit them with a second one that is, the magic resist shred from the first one are upgraded to the full value.
✦ Electro-Harpoon can be combined with Flash for a really fast surprise long-range harpoon. This makes it really hard to react to and even if the opponent uses their [Flash]] to get away, they're already slowed which makes for easy follow-up.
✦ You are able to cast Electro-Harpoon a second time within three seconds of the first even if you go into Overheat as long as the second charge was stored before overheating.
✦ Baron, Dragon, and Rift Herald are unaffected by the Magic Resist Reduction.
✦ There is currently a bug where an Electro Harpoon cast that puts you into the Danger Zone will have enhanced damage, this does not work with other spells.
✦ Classified as Spell damage
The Equalizer
The Equalizer missiles take 1 second to land and remain for 5s, dealing damage every .5 seconds and slowing by 35%. This ability generates 0 heat but will pause your heat decay for two seconds. When someone leaves The Equalizer, the damage lingers for 1s (two ticks).
Cooldown: 100/85/70 Seconds Magic Damage Per Half-Second: 70 / 105 / 140 (+17.5% AP per tick) Minimum Magic Damage: 140 / 210 / 280 (+35% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 700 / 1050 / 1400 (+175% AP)
Additional Knowledge
✦ The wiki is wrong, INCREDIBLY rarely a unit can take 11 ticks of damage because of how The Equalizer's damage is applied when they get hit by the very first rocket. A target standing at the very end of the rockets will always take 9 ticks of damage because it takes 1 second for them to land. This goes for if they STAY on the last missile, so these two conditions will probably never happen in a real game.
✦ If Rumble dies during the cast of The Equalizer, the first missile will begin dealing damage instantly instead of after an interval of 0.25-0.5s.
✦ You always want to actually land The Equalizer on the person you're trying to kill, even if you think "Let me just drop it behind them", make sure you always at the very least tag them with it.
✦ You know when your opponent is limping away, near death, and they approach the part of their tower where they can turn into the choke point between the wall or into the more open space? If you're chasing someone and want to drop it on them there, always wait for them to commit to a side, otherwise you might whiff it completely.
✦ The Equalizer can be used to trade in lane if you know a full combo won't kill your laner. This can be a good way to get around an oppressive lane and temporarily gain enough of a lead to begin bullying your laner again or farm safely. Before using The Equalizer like this, make sure you won't need it for an objective shortly. This is mostly applicable to top lane.
✦ The Equalizer can be used in a ton of ways that are completely dependent on the game. You can use it to cut a fight in half or close an escape route, but it pairs best when it's used after an engage as follow-up, that doesn't mean it's not a dangerously good engage tool in the right situations-- Jungle fights are really good for Rumble because it make sit hard for the opponent to get off of The Equalizer.
✦ Early Game Rumble excels at early invades and counter-invades at level 1 using Flamespitter, but generally has a very weak level 1-2 and you should look to stay as safe as possible, fishing for poke and safely CSing with Electro-Harpoon or Flamespitter, it's okay to lose out on some creeps to stay healthy for levels 3-4 when you get really strong.
Mid Game
✦ Mid Game Rumble's play pattern is generally the same, butter people up with Flamespitter and Electro-Harpoon's until they're in range to kill. You should save Flash to use for kills when it will also earn you an objective or something other than a kill due to how valuable Flash is.
Late Game
✦ Late Game
Late game gets awkward, Rumble lacks a lot of tools to really keep a hold on the game like we get from minutes ~5-25. It's important to correctly identify your wincon for teamfights. Do you need to protect your backline? Do you need to try and assassinate someone? Think about how your team needs to play a fight in order to win and do your best to execute that.
General Macro Plan
Before the Game
Which side Scuttle Crab is Jungle playing for? What path is Jungle taking? Call summoner spell timers, laners should set lane up for that side - if lane cannot get prio for crab contest notify the Jungler early so they can adjust pathing if required.
Identify what both comps want to do
Does either team fight better in choke points? Does either team prefer fighting front-to-back? What about 1-3-1 split pushes? Flanks?
Determine who has level 1 prio
Decide and communicate how to invade or if you should 5-point-defense.
Figure out your game plan
Are you going to try and farm to scale? Do you want to look for early skirmishes because you have a strong mid/jungle duo? Are you only going to be fighting on certain powerspikes?
In-Game Recalling = What do you gain from recall? What is the map state? Your base vs enemy base? Do you want to extend laning phase?
Where is the Enemy Jungler Starting?
How should you manage your wave and ward because of it? How does the enemy jungler gank? You can usually tell where he started by checking who got to lane late.
If there's something to contest, start with lane prio and move into river/jg for vision
If waves get cleared at the same time, both teams can move. If no prio, you get collapsed on and ff objective.
Communicate the state of your lane to the jungler, slowpush and low hp enemy = can we dive? Ask for help if you need to crash a wave to bounce it back or recall. For jungle to help a vulnerable lane (weaker matchup), ideally get mid prio and move through river into the lane; avoid being collapsed on. If the weaker matchup is mid, support moves with Jungle after reset. You cannot just gank lanes that are weak without planning.
Macro Continued
If your team is making a play botside, respect that they can crossmap. Make mental notes of who's doing what, (I.E. "I see my jung is bot, mid is walking into river." etc.) Always take into account enemies tps/globals/prio in lanes before committing to fights. Position yourself while laning to the side your jungler is on, ward the side your jungler is not on (usually). Deep ward lanes if waves are slowpushing to you, cover yourself from lane ganks (bot lane mainly).
Whoever can get and hold mid prio goes mid, this is usually the ADC but Rumble does it really well. Support will roam and whoever can hold prio goes mid; Jungler can hover mid and sidelaner or look to take objectives after getting mid prio. If you have a weak/tank top that doesn't win, they look to collect waves/camps and team plays on opposite side of map. If they have a dive comp that can take mid prio, secure sides with vision and use pressure generated to roam between the lanes so sidelaner can reach mid in time if needed, jungler must play closer to mid lane also. If both solo lanes lose side matchups, look to overload and send both solo laners to one lane to create a 2v1 scenario.
Plan ahead of time, call for resets ~1m before spawn time. Discuss if you will turn and fight or not.
Baron & Dragon
Supports should not be hitting the objective, look to zone/flank to allow for a turn if comp allows. After successful obj fight the play is over, take the lead and use it. Aim for collective recalls/safe farming of neutral camps/crashing waves and then get back on the map at the same time to keep up tempo. If the enemy team has prio and you have no vision control for objectives or lower numbers, push mid and push out sidewaves then base. You get tempo adv. Gold adv. And they cannot shove you in with baron minions etc.
If You are Behind as a Team
Mid prio + vision control so you can make picks, when you get a pick, don’t look to push it blindly, play smart and capitalize by getting prio in lanes with number advantage and set up deeper vision, can’t afford to take risks. Invest in ward trinkets and pinks to provide defensive vision control, you can use blue trinkets 2-3 times between obj spawns, place in defensive spots. Vision line in front, pinks behind so you can adequately defend them.
If You are Ahead as a Team
Mid prio + vision control on the side of the map you are playing to + re-establish mid prio so you can push safely as a team NOBODY should be left alone mid to maintain prio. Look to defend vision if they contest, invest in sweepers and pinks to deny vision control. Slow down the pace of the game, choke the enemy, you don't need to get more ahead but you must not fall behind.
Every move you make in the game should have a reason. Whenever you can get prio, don’t waste it, stack the wave and crash it, if opposition cannot move - get vision, move to drake/herald/mid or recall and get back on the map before enemy laner can respond. Use every lead you get.
Magic Penetration
Applied First
Magic Resistance Reduction, Flat.
Applied Second
Magic Resistance Reduction, Percentage.
Applied Third
Magic Penetration, Percentage.
Applied Fourth
Magic Penetration, Flat
Additional Knowledge
Baron's Voracious Corrosion ability also reduces Armor and MR by 0.5 per stack, up to 100.
Flat Magic Resist Reduction can reduce a target's MR below zero and cause them to take bonus damage, but this is usually impossible.
Champions generally have 30 MR at level 1 and anywhere from 52 - 66 MR @ level 18
Percentage Magic Penetration and Percentage Magic Reduction stack multiplicatively; taking the targets MR and multiplying it by a percentage for the purpose of damage calculation. I.E, (100% - Reduction) x Target MR = Targets Effective MR
Important Concepts
What is Tethering?
Tethering is essentially keeping the enemy champion at the end of your 'rope' or, range of abilities. For Rumble, this is 600 units for Flamespitter and 850 for Electro-Harpoon. While Rumble can't auto-attack his opponent from range, he is, essentially, a 'ranged champion', and often times you will have to play like he is, as getting into melee range of a Trundle or a Swain or a Darius (until you have kill pressure) isn't the best game plan.
Picture this;you and a partner are standing 6 feet apart from eachother. Now imagine you're both holding a string, and you need to keep it taut, if you take a step back, your partner must also take a step back. This is what you're doing with your opponent in lane!
Heat Management
How to Manage Heat
Danger Zone is anything above 50 heat; anything cast while above 50 heat enhances our abilities.
Overheat happens at 150 heat, silencing us for 4s and draining our heat to zero, but empowering our basic attacks.
Equalizer casts pause our heat decay for two seconds.
30-40 Heat: Heat decays by 10 per second after 4 seconds of not casting abilities. So naturally, when your heat decays below 50, you'll want to cast an ability to bring it back up to 50. You can cast Scrap Shield at 30-35 heat, or use Electro-Harpoon to bump it up by 10.
80-90 Heat: You can use this same method to hover our heat between 100-110 Heat and ensure that we hit Overheat off of just a single rotation of abilities, this is really useful for fast trades or all-ins where we want to frontload all of our damage ASAP while hovering at 30-40 gives us a lot more casts in extended fights.
Additional Mechanics
Level Up My Gameplay
Player Stop Position
Go into your settings under "Hotkeys" and scroll down to "Player Movement", there you will find the setting "Player Stop Position" and "Player Hold Position". The difference is that Hold Position will still auto-attack any enemy units in range while Stop Position will stop any action and you will stand still. We want to use 'Player Stop Position'. My hotkey for this is 'X', but you can set it to whatever is most comfortable for you.
This allows us to be super annoying in lane and stand just outside of players range, or harass melee champs while they CS ranged creeps under tower!
Hextech Rocketbelt can be used as a gap closer but if you have the opportunity, using it right on top of your opponent immediately after an auto-attack can reset your auto-attack timer and let you get in front of them while hitting a lot of missiles.
Bot Lane Rumble
I think bot lane Rumble has a lot of benefits. Not only does it allow you to shut down the enemy bot if you play well, but you have twice as much gold to earn from kills :) You can also impact the map a lot more. Having a support shores up Rumbles only real weakness which is not being able to get on top of your laner. Play safely the first few levels, you're very strong and can 2v2 almost anyone with a good support/adc after level 3.
Summoner Spells: Flash & Ghost
You don't really have a use for Heal or any other defensive summoner, since you're only getting 55% of normal experience you're going to be behind in levels from where you would be normally, so we want to try and abuse the strength of our champion prior to lane phase ending. Teleport could be useful, but I've found that either Ghostor Exhaust if needed for the game and your support can't take it.
As a general rule, AP Carry Supports > Tanky/Engage > Enchanters What you're really looking for is something that lets you kill the enemy bot. Engage is nice because you can force fights easier, but your dream support is an AP engage champion. Having an enchanter is okay too-- it just puts the onus on you to make the plays which can be rough. The goal is to have a kill lane, you don't want to pair a scaling support like Sona with Rumble.
Rumble - The Mechanized Menace Playlists based on your skin that are scientifically proven to enhance gameplay
Classic Rumble Incredible jams from Galantis to "Get your Money Up", not much to say about this one. You might wanna hit up Indeed.com though.
Rumble in the Jungle featuring familiar video game tunes like Bianco Hills from Super Mario Sunshine, Sea Shanty 2 from Runescape, and many more videos to get you into a playful, relaxed mood, like you’re on an island in a hawaiian shirt soaking up the sun.
Bilgerat Rumble Live the pirate life you’ve always dreamed of with Sea Shanties, high fantasy and pirate sing-a-longs-- Not without the “Wellerman” by Nathan Evans of tiktok fame SOOON MAY THE WELLERMAN COME TO BRING US SUGAR AND TEA AND RUM
Super Galaxy Rumble Now we’re talkin’, this playlist is guaranteed to make you feel like the overconfident heroin of your own mecha-anime. Absolutely chock full of 80’s pop with a little rock mixed in, and some songs that will really make you feel like you’re saving the galaxy while melting your foes on the rift. NOW ON SPOTIFY; thanks to Dexed the Juster for the suggestion!
Badlands Baron Rumble A truly mad max inspired playlist intertwined with what I imagine a metal shop, or tattoo parlor stereo music would sound like, I’m not sure, I’ve never been there-- but this playlist is brimming with music from AC/DC, popular anime, and 2000’s rock legends beastie boys, foo fighters, system of a down, and even featuring Na Na Na, the last punk rock hit by 2000’s emo legends My Chemical Romance!
Space Groove Rumble 38 videos featuring file select and spacey, groovy OST’s from Super Mario Galaxy and a mix of city pop and future funk with heavy asian influence. This will make you feel like you’re floating through space, and you might finally stop playing Super Galaxy!
*Note: Especially on any subreddit, but be careful of the information you see. Especially on /r/championmain subreddits, a lot of them are just echo chambers that tell you god awful builds and horrible information about the game. Use your best judgement!
The most important trait for continuous improvement in League of Legends is to stay curious. If you've ever found yourself saying "I don't know what X ability/champion does", did you look it up once you got the chance? Were you ever curious about how an interaction in the game might work but didn't google it or ask around? It seems small, but staying curious and following up on those thoughts you have are how you improve at anything, especially LoL.
If you have any questions that you would like answered, be sure to reply with a comment and I will respond or edit your suggestion into the guide! I would like to thank my old friend Hunger x Hunger (Interview), one of the first people to inspire me to play Rumble and my good friend Leo "Lyze" Zhang for giving some suggestions and helping me learn the game since I was Bronze V. Lastly I'd like to thank everyone who reads this, I sincerely hope this guide was informative and will inspire a new generation of Rumble Gods. Remember that this guide is a starting point, it's not perfect and the game will always be changing, use this knowledge and build on it to be even better. Good luck!
Whether you're Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum-- Diamond and beyond is within your grasp. Be a Champion and push it 'till the limit breaks.
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