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An early lane bully tank. Not a good combo. He will out trade you in lane and will make you feel useless if you roam. Avoid his e during a 1v1 or lose 100% of the time. Not a fun time.
Ban him or don't pick into him.
If he's top its over. If he's jungle it's gonna be a rough late game for you.
He will build armor and **** you. Don't pick into him.
It's never a fair fight and you will never, NEVER, be able to match him in his split pushing. Avoid picking into him.
He will hit his head into the keyboard and take 1/2 to all of your hp all game.
He just farms and there's not much you can do to stop him. 1v1s are lost if he has too many stacks.
Gets more armor for getting armor. Silence can get you sometimes and his spin hurts. If you pick into him be sure that you're able to kill his team.
TIP: When you see him try to dunk you, go into stealth, it cancels his ult and can make for a clutch moment where he doesn't kill you.
Try to play more passive and avoid longer trades. Wait for him to make a mistake and step into isolation.
If you die once, more then likely you're gonna die many more times. Just roam if he kills you and be useful to your team.
She hurts early and late. You can outplay her with isolation and your r, just be careful of how much damage she actually does.
Riven but lifesteal.
A ranged boy. He will poke you but you can kill him post 6. Care of his mushrooms, they hurt a lot.
Careful of trades before 6. He will out trade you with his Q and passive. You can win the fight inside his r if you play smart. Build dirk first for the stats and try to keep an advantage.
All he can do it auto and E. When he goes all in and uses his ult, use your ult and hold off fighting till his goes away. Care for early cheese by him in lane.
She can auto and q. Don't let her trade with her vitals . When she uses her r use ult and run away. Just go in and out till you can win fight.
DODGE THE STUN. That's all. Outplay with your r and be careful of low minions on your side.
Careful of her shield and try to trade when it's unfavorable for her. Dodge the stun and use ult to outplay.
Bully. Don't let her cs and get levels and abuse her before 6. Careful of range and still abuse her. She's extremely squishy so you can one shot her all game and still outplay her with your r.
She will poke you but you will win post 6. Careful of her damage from combos and use ult well. Make sure to save jump for AFTER she uses her vault thing.
She can poke you out but its sill a pretty even match.
Bush baby. stay away from bushes and keep them warded. get the jump on him and beat him to death.
He punches you to death. careful of his pull and W shield. You can outplay him at 6.
He will try to bully you early with his w and q. Avoid the bear trap and don't take trades when he has his w up. Keep track of his passive when he's off otherwise you could lose an easy fight.
Avoid e,q and bait out ult.
It's like jungle but he has a change cause of minions.
Boring lane. Build executioners fast and try to fight him with that. Care for how strong his heal is.
He will poke you early and threaten with his barrels. Get the jump on him and outplay with r. Careful of barrels.
As top lane kha'zix, you are a strong duelist who can outplay others and scale into a strong mid to late game assassin! It's a tough role to start playing, but once you know the match ups and what you can do it starts to feel real good!
You also get to scale into a late game monster who causes terror in the back line of the enemy.
My evolution order is usually R into E into W.
Make sure to choose your first wisely causeW can be good for poke and kiting slow targets and Q is good for 1v1s in isolation.
My rune choices
Phase Rush: It allows for quick trades so you can get out fast and so you can run people down in lane. Later in the game it helps in escaping after diving back line, causing chaos. Manaflow Band: gives more mana in lane. Transcendence:Cdr is better then both other runes in lane. Scorch:Give more early game power in trades. Gathering Storm as also good if you think the game is gonna go long and you don't need the early power!
Conq:Gives sustain in longer fights and works really well with q evolve. Triumph:Healing after a kill! Live longer and maybe kill more people! Legend: Tenacity:Stunned for less. Legend: Alacrity is also good for more dps on autos. Coup de Grace:For assassinations and stuff. If you're into a really healthy laner (cough Kled cough) take Cut Down. If you feel like the 1v1s are gonna be really close take Last Stand.
Secondary Sudden Impact I like the lethality Ravenous Hunter I like the sustain.
Feel free to experiment with something else!
Always feel free to build situational items. Items like Hexdrinker and Executioner's Calling can be the factor between a getting a kill and dying.
It is important to adapt to what is happening in lane and in other lanes!
Early Buys!
Tiamat is a great item to buy early. The active and passive it provides you a way to clear waves fast and to one combo caster minions early!
Manamune is the scaling item. If you're in a rough lane where you can't win, but you can scale up and do well into the rest of the team. Then build Manamune and spam W! The item gives a large amount of mana to sustain you though lane and afterward you get a HUGE amount of ad with the passive of Muramana giving you insane damage.
Serrated Dirk is the early item you need to be able to fight the top lane bruisers with all their stats! Get it if lane is winnable and Tiamat isn't good enough early.
Duskblade of Draktharr Great stats and a passive that works with your passive. Build almost every game. This item plus a Serrated Dirk is your first big power spike!
Youmuu's Ghostblade Give a huge speed boost for roaming and looking for picks. Plus its pretty good stats for you.
Always adapt to the situation! The champ you're playing is already telling you change is good! Your item build and runes should change all the time depending on your team, the enemy team and the lane match up! Feel free to experiment with different runes and stuff as well!
For Example: If the enemy team is all mostly immobile bruisers that want to get close the maybe use W evolve to kite and slow them all!
Hey i'm Paws, I'm a silver player who mains and plays kha'zix top for fun for the most part. I rarely play ranked and mostly play draft. This is also my first guide! Thanks for reading :]
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