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He can just dodge everything!He can just wind wall your ult and if he isn't an idiot he won't walk into he your shark.He can dash away from your e and just stop your big damage. If you want to destroy him all you have to do is wait for a gank and play defensive.
All you need to do is e her charm and you can destroy her. If she charms you all you need to do is instantly ult her and do you e, w ,q combo.
Just e over her abilities and you will destroy her. If she puts a wall up just q through it.
Watch her stun and the insane damage from tibbers. If her q is traveling to you and it will stun you just e over it and it will disappear. If she is about to stun you with w just e over it. If she stuns with tibbers all you need to do is instantly ult her and do your e w q combo.
Play defensive until you have ult. He will just dash away from your damage, so try to bait his dash. When his dash is on cooldown you can destroy him
He is like you, he does insane damage on low cooldowns. The only way to kill him is to just all in him. If you try to burst him and back off he will kill you when you try to back off. If you all in him you will destroy him.
This champion is so ANNOYING to lane against. Watch your feet to make sure you your not rooted, so you can't e or q. Just like brand all you need to do is all in or you will die. She will just keep doing damage when you try to retreat so you better just all in or your dead.
He is annoying but not impossible to lane against. Just e out of his stun and if he is going to you with his e you e and it will cancle his.
You can dodge all of your abilities, if she tried you all in you and do a q w combo just e and destroy her. If she tries to ult you just e and none of her knives can touch you. The only bad thing about her is that she can e away from your e and ult so be careful of that.
This champion is so ANNOYING to lane against. Watch your feet to make sure you your not rooted, so you can't e or q. Just like brand all you need to do is all in or you will die. She will just keep doing damage when you try to retreat so you better just all in or your dead.
Dodge her q and all in her and you will destroy her.
Omg this champ is so annoying. She will q away from you ult and e. She will just ult you if you try to dive and she will ult herself if you try to all in her.Just play defensive until you get a gank.
He will harass you until you get level 3. When you get level 3 all in him and he will die. Post level 6 he will be better against you, if you try to dive him he will just suppress you under tower.Just don't dive him if he has ult and if you do just e away. Also watch his silence it is devastating against you.
You should have a good time against him.The only thing he has that will be bad agaqisnt you is his snare. If you all in himk hge will die easy.
You will get harassed until you get level 6. Play defensive until level 6. When you get 6 all in her and she will die easy.
This lane is terrible for you. If you try to e he will just ult away from you or just turn on you and destroy you. Try to e over his w, this isn't ass important to do early game because it does no damage but late game you have to.He can also just e away from your e if there are minions around.Just wait for a gank if you want to fight him.
Twisted Fate
This is not that bad of a match up for you. Just he his yellow card and you will be able to destroy him.
You will have a really easy time against her, if she tries to combo you just e and you will deny all of her damage.
You just need to not be an idiot. If he puts his stun wall around you just remember you can e over it. He has no mobility so just ult him and do your combo and he is dead.
This is a pretty bad match up for you if the vel is smart.If he tries to knock you up or ult you just e over it and do your combo. Don't under estimate his damage, if you get knocked up just e away dont even try to kill him.
Vicktor is ok to go against. Stay away from his stun field and e when he q you and you should be fine.
to all in him he will just pool away from you. Try to get him top use his pool then all in him. Try to keep him from qing you and you should be good.You can e over his e and ult so use your e to dodge them. Don't try to dive him any time, he can heal so much and just pool away from you you will die.
He has no mobility so he is really easy to lane against. If he ults just ult him and all in him. If he does his lazer just e over it and all in him.
I feel bad for you if you get this match up.He counters you so badly. If you e he will just w away from it. If you ult he will just w away from it. Try to bait w then all in him. Wait for a gank and if he uses w then the jg ganks and it is an easy kill.
This is such an easy match up. He has only a bit of mobility. Just all in him and he will get destroyed. If he tried to ult you just e and it will do no damage to you.
The only mobility is him speed buff,If you all in him your ult will slow him and you can destroy him. You can e over his double bomb, then he has no cc so just all in him.
I am a Fizz main so i know quite a lot. I will admit it he is broken and needs to be nerfed. With my build you will be able to one shot squishys. Stay away from tanks, they will destroy you, unless you get the anti tank items.
If you want a lot of damage you want to get full ap quints. If you are going to rome a lot get 2 ap quints and 1 movement speed quint. For the seals you can get health or armor and for glyphs you can get mr or armor. If you are up against a lot of tanks you should get more magic pen marks.
For your q you can use it in various ways. If you are running away from people you can q through jungle camps and minions. Your w is good for finishing off kills with your dot. You can also use your w to do insane damage to turrets and inhibitors.Fizz's e is good for so many things. You can use it to get away from situations, it can be used to jump over small walls. If you combo it with your ult you can do so much damage, it will one shot any squishy. If you are getting chased by a squishy champ you can just turn on them and kill them. Fizz's ult is used for many things, you can use it to slow down enemies to be in range to e them. You can also just just it to do damage, you can ult a minion wave to save a turret, or just ult and all in a enemy champ. You can also use your ult to zone the enemies away from a turret, dragon, or a low teammate.
Fizz has 2 mobility abilities so he can use a variety of spells. Ignite is essential for fizz to get so he gets more damage. With ignite you can use flash for even more mobility. If you are dying right before you get a kills you get the kill you will want to us ebarrier it will keep you alive long enough for you to finish kills. If champs are getting away from you by just a little bit, or they are kiting you and killing you, you need heal. It can give you enough speed to catch up with champs running away from you and give you health to kills those kiting champs.
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
+ Insane damage on low cooldowns + Lots of mobility + Dives very well + Farms insanely good with Playful / Trickster
Fizz has many strong points and weak points. He has insane damage on suck low cooldowns that you can one shot any squishy. If squishies are chasing you can just use Playful / Trickster and turn on them. He also has a bunch of mobility and escaping potential. You can Playful / Trickster away from the enemy or just Chum the Waters to slow them and get away from them. You can also just run away from people in the jungle so that you can Urchin Strike to jungle champs to get away from your chasers. I can not say how many times i have gotten someone from the enemy team to rage quit from me diving them. With fizz all you need to do to dive is use Chum the Waters then use Urchin Strike to get into range to use your Seastone Trident keep auto attacking and if you feel like you might die just use Playful / Trickster to just turret aggro off of you. Lastly he is really good at farming with his Playful / Trickster. If there is a big minion wave just Playful / Trickster to kill them all.
Fizz's farming is ok early, if you use e at the right moment you can get the first 6 easy. His autos don't do to much damage to you have to be perfect at csing to get cs. Late game you can clear a whole wave with e. If you are defending nexus turrets or the nexus itself you can just ult the wave to do a lot of damage.
Team Work
Team Work
With fizz you want to rome a lot. You want to ignore every other lane until you get your mid turret. After you get that you want to start to help out lanes that are struggling. Gank top and bot as much as you want unless the enemy mid laner is in lane you want to kill them then gank.
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