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Zilean Build Guide by AIBuildMaker

Support Perfect Zilean

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Updated on January 10, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AIBuildMaker Build Guide By AIBuildMaker 5,362 Views 1 Comments
5,362 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AIBuildMaker Zilean Build Guide By AIBuildMaker Updated on January 10, 2022
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Unsealed Spellbook
Perfect Timing
Minion Dematerializer
Approach Velocity


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


Perfect Summoners
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Ability Order Perfect Abilities

Champion Build Guide

Perfect Zilean

By AIBuildMaker
Perfect Guide Introduction
Zilean is a rare Summoner in League of Legends. In fact, Zilean is one of the rarest champions in League of Legends. He’s seen more than a few competitive teams play him over and over again without much success. That being said, it’s still possible to play him and do reasonably well. But first, let’s get started with the basics.

(As a quick side note, if you’re interested in the lore behind Zilean and League of Legends, you can check out my article on the League of Legends Wiki. As a bonus, there are also many awesome pictures of Zilean in Riot’s lore section.)
Perfect Build
Zilean’s build path is unique to him. Like other mages, Zilean can build Magic Resist before he gets his second Q, if he is mana hungry or simply feels like building Magic Resist first. Otherwise, Zilean will build Magic Resist after his second Q and a Sunfire Cape if he has a healthy amount of Mana and an AS/magic resistance item.

His first item, the Zilean’s Mask, is quite possibly the easiest item to buy.

His second item, the Zilean’s B.F. Sword, is more difficult to buy but it’s also incredibly powerful.

His third item, the Zilean’s Spirit Stone, is the one to buy for beginners. It’s a huge item, easily filling Zilean’s base stat requirements and then some.

Zilean’s fourth item is extremely situational. It depends on your team composition and what your opponent is running. Some players even play Zilean with the Sunfire Cape up until he reaches three items.

Build Path: The choice of build path for Zilean will depend on the build path for your team, your support, and what you feel comfortable with.

Dimensional Shift: The first item Zilean builds is, for all intents and purposes, a Utility item. It gives Zilean some good survivability and an extremely powerful disables, allowing him to stay in the fight.

Zilean’s second item, the Zilean’s B.F. Sword, is a fairly strong item on Zilean. The movement speed bonus is nice and the 10% Magic Resist is also an excellent stat to have, allowing Zilean to last through a lot of damage.

The second item Zilean builds is, for all intents and purposes, a Utility item. It gives Zilean some good survivability and an extremely powerful disables, allowing him to stay in the fight.The second item Zilean builds is, for all intents and purposes, a fairly strong item on Zilean. The movement speed bonus is nice and the 10% Magic Resist is also an excellent stat to have, allowing Zilean to last through a lot of damage.

Zilean’s third item, the Zilean’s Spirit Stone, is very similar to the Zilean’s B.F. Sword. It gives Zilean a lot of strong sustain and the 20% Movement Speed is a very nice buff
Perfect Ability Sets
Spirit Siphon: This is Zilean’s “supercharged” version of his primary ability, Zilean’s Veil. This ability, however, does not require a target. Instead, the first enemy champion hit by Spirit Siphon deals magic damage and absorbs 30% of that damage. This absorption effect can stack up to 4 times.

In the video above, you can see Zilean’s Veil, now Spirit Siphon, absorbing the first two hits of a Shaco’s Galena, dealing and taking more damage.
This guide was obviously made in good fun, I don't believe anything breaks any rules.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AIBuildMaker
AIBuildMaker Zilean Guide
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Perfect Zilean

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