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Singed Build Guide by Phrxshn

Top Phrxshn's In-Depth Guide To Singed[14.2] - Liandry is viable now on Singed.

Top Phrxshn's In-Depth Guide To Singed[14.2] - Liandry is viable now on Singed.

Updated on January 15, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Phrxshn Build Guide By Phrxshn 457 58 1,770,773 Views 29 Comments
457 58 1,770,773 Views 29 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Phrxshn Singed Build Guide By Phrxshn Updated on January 15, 2024
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Runes: Phase Rush

1 2 3 4 5 6
Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Future's Market
Time Warp Tonic

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Hi, I'm Phrxshn and welcome to my Singed guide. I've been playing League of Legends since Release in Season 1 and have been maining Top since the start of Season 1/Beta. My top rank is Challenger in solo queue. I have experience against Diamond, Master and Challenger players through solo queue, ranked teams and tournament games. As of Season 12 I have hit Masters+ in NA/EUW/EUNE/BR/LAN/LAS.

I've been playing Singed forever now. Since Singed isn't most of the other Top Laners. I play are AP Carry/AP Bruiser, There's some room for outplay in his kit, yet the most important thing you have worry about is the "Macroing", which makes him challenging to climb with.
Noxious Slipstream Moving near a Champion icon champion grants Singed 20% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds. The effects of Noxious Slipstream can stack up to 25 times.

This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every few seconds.

Poison Trail Enemies standing in the cloud's trail are poisoned for 2 seconds, taking magic damage every 0.25 seconds for the duration, continually refreshing while remaining in the affected area. Scaling damage through Poison Trail levels which is 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120.

Mega Adhesive Singed covers the target area with a potent adhesive for 3 seconds, Slow icon slowing by 60% and grounding all enemies within. Mega Adhesive TARGET RANGE: 1000 EFFECT RADIUS: 175 CAST TIME: 0.25 MANA COST: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100

Fling Singed Airborne icon flings the target enemy over his shoulder, dropping at a location 550 units behind Singed's casting position after 0.75 seconds and dealing magic damage, capped against minions and monsters. Fling MAGIC DAMAGE SCALING 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (+ 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 / 8% of target's maximum health) (+ 75% AP) TARGET RANGE: Range model 125 CAST TIME: 0.25 MANA COST: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 COOLDOWN: 10

Insanity Potion Singed drinks a potent chemical brew, gaining Ability power bonus ability power, Armor bonus armor, Magic resistance icon bonus magic resistance, Movement speed icon bonus movement speed, Health regeneration bonus health regeneration, and Mana regeneration bonus mana regeneration, all for the next 25 seconds. Also provides 40% Grevious Wound. Insanity Potion CAST TIME: NONE MANA COST: 100 COOLDOWN: 120 / 110 / 100


Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand
9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
65 Base Health

Conqueror was designed to help fighters in extended combat, but it offers too much immediate power since users can bypass its initial delay—the window where opponents should have the upper hand—by staying in combat against minions so Conqueror is prepped at all times.

Also question is, how long does singed poison last?

Singed leaves a poison cloud behind him damaging enemies in the area over 4 seconds. Unfortunately Conqueror does not proc Singed Poison Trail so you will have to rely on autoattacks and combo.


Fleet Footwork
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand
Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm
9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
65 Base Health

The more AP you have, the more HP you will be healed when Fleet Footwork is activated. Additionally, Singed is a melee champion so that he will fully receive that amount of HP instead of 20% like traditional Mages.


Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Ingenious Hunter
Future's Market
Time Warp Tonic
9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
6 Armor

It offers you a boot enchantment that lets you move very quickly and deal additional damage. If you’re able to take a brief moment and channel the effect, your enemies will be sorry the moment you catch up to them. Ingenious Hunter is excellent cominbiation due to cooldown reduction which also synergizes with Turbo Chemtank.


Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm
Future's Market
Time Warp Tonic
9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
6 Armor

After hitting an enemy champion with three attacks or three separate abilities, your champion will gain a burst of movement speed for a few seconds. AD champions gain slow resistance as well. Phase Rush will also proc Bami's Cinder Sunfire Aegis Turbo Chemtank. Excellent against Darius Nasus and Tryndamere.


Unsealed Spellbook
Perfect Timing
Future's Market
Time Warp Tonic
Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm
9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
6 Armor

Unsealed Spellbook user will have Summoner Shards added at their disposal. his process will occur every six minutes after the initial two, but players can only hold a maximum of two shards at once. While in fountain, players can exchange Summoner Shards to replace one of their currently equipped Summoner Spells. Summoner Spells also cooldown 25 percent faster. You cannot hold more than one of the same Summoner Spell and purchasing Smite after the game starts will not grant you access to Smite items. all about being able to surprise your enemy and use your Summoner Spells even more often than normal.

Early Game Items

Buy this if you want to proxy early.
Maybe.. Get This..... If.... Harass... Too... Much
Buy this on your first back or get Amplifying Tome.
For Sustain.


Against hard crowd control composition and AP top laners.

Excellent against physical composition or oppressive AD top laners.

Consider building this if you're the only AP Carry on your team.

Good against team with no hard control crowd.

Early Core

Provides more Ability Power and Ability Haste.

Do not buy because of Insanity Potion has Grevious now.

Pick up against heavy physical damage match-up(Jungler,Mid,Top,Bot on opposing team.

Do not buy because of Insanity Potion has Grevious now.

Health and Movement Speed are provided from this item
Consider building this if you need to stick on champion and can't get to them as they will suffer a 20% movement speed slow. Building item on Singed will typically result in enemy champions wasting flash

Situational Items

Build Giant's Belt or Winged Moonplate first as it is more cost effective than getting a Chain Vest. This item will definitely allow you to maneuver across the map and go straight for their Marksman.

Now a legendary item as it still provides Health and Armor, but as a flat stats. Provides tank stats against physical damage dealer. The lack of magic resistance, might not be ideal to build this item against very heavy magic damage composition.

Unique – Cinderbloom: Magic damage and true damage Critical strike icon critically strike against enemies below 35% maximum health for 120% damage, increased to 130% for damage over time effects and damage dealt by pets.

Anathema's Chains is a very cheap item that’s accessible to both solo laners and supports. It is also the second-highest single health item (+650 health) in-game after [Warmog’s Armor] (+800 health). Let's you take 1% reduced damage per stack of Vendetta from your Nemesis, up to 30% reduced damage. At maximum stacks, your Nemesis has 20% reduced Tenacity.

Situation you should build this item: When you’re up against a split-pusher or if you're dealing with a fed Marksman or Mid Laner. Does not reduce true damage, not blocked by spell shield nor counts as a spell activation.
Excellent for your AP Mid or AP Jungler, etc... effective against AP composition if majority of them are magic based.

Do not buy because of Insanity Potion has Grevious now.

Do not buy because of Insanity Potion has Grevious now.

Excellent against Critical Damage dealers that are rushing Infinity Edge or any type of critical damage items. If you build this item, may not be necessary to buy Rylai's Crystal Scepter

Excellent against champions like Vel'Koz Pantheon Zoe for example since there are champion that relies too much on their combo to kill you. Consider this item if you want to negate a specific skillset.

Excellent against AP Heavy team composition especially if you want to catch those pesky Yordles like Kennen Teemo. Provides excellent 30 movement speed if you have full stack from unique passive along with capped 20 magic resistance in addition from 60 initial magic resistance.

Excellent against Master Yi Alpha Strike, Fiora Grand Challenge and various champions, take look at the champion threats as I have placed recommended items in that section.

Consider this item if your opposing team is stacking magic resistance and you need to carry.

Situational item against mobility creep team composition consider going this as 3rd or 4th item.

If G2 Caps picked Singed, he would build this item.

Can add split pushing potential for Singed

Supportive Items

Helps your Marksman or AP Carry from dying by healing them and migrating damage. Excellent item due to your regeneration from Insanity Potion.Also consider this item if there is less than two Knight's Vow on your team.

Excellent to have a AOE slow whilst using Insanity Potion allowing to stick on the opposing Marksman and AP Carry. Consider buying this item if the support does not have Zeke's Convergence.

Legendary Items Extended

Passive - Voidborn Resilience: For each second in champion combat, gain a stack granting 2 armor and MR, up to 8 max. At max stacks become empowered, instantly draining enemies around you for 3% of your max health (reduced to 30% against minions and monsters) and increasing your resists by 10% until end of combat. Building this item along with [Rylai's Scepter] will allow you to stack the Passive - Voidborn Resilience as you gain 2 stacks of armor and Magic Resistance.

The old school Rod of Ages coming back, but stronger as the benefit is that you gain tremendous amount of health and mana along with ability power, but at a cost of receiveing no magic resistance and armor nor mobility. I'll be wary about this item should it get built.

Core legendary items for Singed build even though it can be build 90% of the time, if you're up against a non-tank team composition, I would not recommend this item

Ideal legendary item listed on the guide. It is higher on priority over Liandry's Torment as you can consider getting this if there is mobility on the opposing team composition.

As you can cap to 15% bonus damage. If you have Insanity Potion it will sync well with the Omnivamp on Riftmaker.

Excellent synergy with your Insanity Potion as it provides CDR and gives it 30% more healing than usual. Good for those pesky AP Carries and Assassins.

Other Legendaries items are listed on item section are supportive items that you may want to get if you're behind in comparision to their top laner and you're lacking gold.
Your main role is not to kill your opposite in top lane, but to put him under constant pressure by killing as many of his minions as possible before he has killed yours. And therefore to force him if possible to fight under his tower (and to lose CS).

2 options are available to you and will depend on the position of the opposing jungler and yours and whatever the case, you will have to take vision with your beacons as far as possible in the opposing jungle.

If you lack vision on the opposing jungler: just push the lane in the classic way. You run with your poison active in creeps and try to keep it from doing too much damage to your minions. Regularly use your Insanity Potion(R)) as soon as you feel the need to more easily sustain the damage received.

If you have vision and the opposing jungler is far away: start by pushing the lane as before, then, as soon as you are at the level of the opposing tower, go into its jungle, ward as far as possible and place yourself between the 1st and the 2nd tower to intercept new minions with your poison. If your opponent comes, run, waste time, then come back and start over. His tower will slowly get scratched by your minions who are not under pressure.

At the end of the game, you will have to put in place a strong pressure on a lane opposite the objectives like Baron Nashor or the Ancestral Dragon . This will force an enemy to come without them being able to kill you since you will run fast. You can then either join your team with Teleportation in order to be in excess, or force the enemy to stay by continuing your push.

Singed basically gets max CS if proxy is done perfectly. There is not really anything else that could kill his minions and therefore his gold income is really high.

Your opponent has to constantly farm under tower. this makes farming somewhat difficult. Some carry champions might not have problems doing this at all like riven or yasuo but especially tanks will lose a lot of cs to this.

If the opponent decides to try to kill you he or she will waste a bunch of time chasing you and misses tons of cs while doing so you make the enemies minions crash into the tower 24/7 slowly but steadily destroying the first turret. You can draw the attention of several enemies towards you allowing your team to take objectives in the meantime. Your opponent does not get a chance to pressure the lane. No pressure on the lane, no damage towards the turret, no free roaming or taking objectives. this makes every move of him a high risk one. if he decides to tp roam bot but does not get a kill, tower or dragon he will have a huge disadvantage once back in lane. Singed eventually gets a lead big enough to 1v1 you and force you out of lane hence why proxying is done.


Can Proxy
A Brusier and potential AP Carry
Excellent at peeling
Fast as your R34 Nissan Skyline
Can fling champion in or out of fights
Can fill as AP if team has too much AD


Not too many easy match up
Scaling is capped at Mid-Game
Kiteable if no flash
Control crowd prone if no tenacity
Prone to ganks
Prone to true damage

Get used to using a Sky Auto Attack every time you fling. Sky Auto is performed by rapidly clicking your opponent while they are mid air or rapidly pressing A.

Fling Mega Adhesive combo is key in teamfight especially if you're up against a Kassadin who has multiple ways to escape via Flash and Riftwalk. Pro tip: If Malphite uses his Unstoppable Force and you Fling the target and it is corresponding over the Mega Adhesive it will ground the target even in mid Fling.

Refer to my Champion Threats as it will show what abilities are effected by Mega Adhesive.

Timing your Fling is important. For example if you Fling Darius before he casts his Apprehend you may not get out of trades unscathed. Urgot for example can interrupt your Fling via Disdain if you miss time it as you're suppose to cast it after he uses it Disdain
Now, Flash is almost guaranteed to be chosen as one of your primary Summoner Spells, with very few moments calling for a replacement. Flash gives your champion a boost forward, allowing you to escape sudden death, or for you to initiate a team fight. You can Flash through certain barricades, like into the Nashor's Pit or out of abilities that could lead to your death. You can also use Flash offensively, gap closing to an enemy champion to engage on them, or close enough to an ally to support them. You can use Flash to escape in sticky situations, Flashing into a bush that your enemy may not have expected can help you get away safely. When using Flash offensively, be sure that you are not just sending yourself to the intentionally feeding report list. The enemy's team could be just around the corner to stop you, or you could get too far away from the assistance of your allies.

Ghost is in excellent spot at the moment in the current meta. The usefulness of Ghost in the past was especially relevant on champions that dealt a sustained amount of damage. Ghosting passive that allows you to walk through minions is available through Phantom Dancer and other champion abilities. Still, when an enemy has Ghost you should focus on your health in encounters more than with other spells, as you’ll find it more difficult to disengage with a champion chasing you down with 10 seconds of 28-45% increased movement speed (based on their level).

In the current meta, Teleport presents itself as a excellent secondary summoner spell for solo laners across the Rift. By simply taking Teleport, you generate a gargantuan amount of threat that your opposing team need to consider when making a play. A 4v5 at Drake can quickly turn into an even teamfight with the use of a smart Teleport from a split-pushing top laner.

When going Top, Ignite can be useful for 1v1 match-ups that Ignite could help you win with the kill edge, especially if your champion is not an effective split pusher, and does not benefit from Teleport in comparison to other champions. Ignite is a execution summoner spell when your enemy is escaping, is low HP, and you have no cooldown nor mana left to use on them. You should not use Ignite at the start of the fight, and at the earliest, it should be used when the enemy is at half HP. Using Ignite at half HP is helpful when your target is being constantly healed by their items or their teammate's abilities, as it will make those heals less effective.
Overall, This Singed Guide includes mainly skill sequence, summoner spells, the most important aspect which is the match-up against each champions.I will be constantly updating this guide from now on. I hope that you guys will contribute your comments to make the Singed Guide better.

Though I think this guide is more informative in it's Match-ups, if you want to check out the basic elements of Singed, feel free to check out Mark's Guide to Singed -

Singed is a powerful champion that fulfills the role of offensive tank and initiator. Singed cannot force anyone to attack him, but he is one of the best champions in the game at forcing an engagement and taking people in and out of the fight. Building him offensively/defensively enables you to spread poison all over the battlefield as you pursue and avoid pursuit yourself. His best kept secret is his all powerful spam /laugh command. Use it constantly to tilt your opponents!

Will add more content to this guide! Like to give out special thanks to JhoiJhoi for her guide on how to use BBCoding and allowing me to gain special formatting. Shout out to Jilgamesh_ for the banners and her drawings in this guide and you can find her plug at the bottom. Shout out for the Singed Community!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Phrxshn
Phrxshn Singed Guide
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Phrxshn's In-Depth Guide To Singed[14.2] - Liandry is viable now on Singed.

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