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Senna Build Guide by 0__.0

ADC poggers senna

ADC poggers senna

Updated on March 30, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 0__.0 Build Guide By 0__.0 1,808 Views 1 Comments
1,808 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 0__.0 Senna Build Guide By 0__.0 Updated on March 30, 2022
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Fleet Footwork
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down

Bone Plating

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Champion Build Guide

poggers senna

By 0__.0
also uh look at the little notes next to the items n runes, theres a lot of info there!

dear god dont go rageblade. it was good for like 2 patches and then it got nerfed to ****. dont get any attack speed in general, avoid that **** like the plague, its ****ing 30% effective, it is never worth the gold you pay for it.

senna should always take the support item, and the other should always farm. Preferably you have a duo, and theyll play a mage/apc or magic damage deal tank. Its best to not have 2 adc's in your team comp. if youre playing solo queue, just queue for support and deal with it, its not the end of the world.

Also, each mist is like 56 gold, basically a cannon, treat them like that, try to get as much mist as you can. like dont int for mist, know where your boundries are, but i find i can get like 95% of all the mist that drops.

also a good tip is to gank in your e, so the enemy cant tell if its just you or if theres more people hidden in the fog. Another good thingy is if your jg is waiting to gank your lane and is in a bush and on an ally control ward, you can walk to the bush, e, and run into lane with your jungler in your camoflauge. theyll just think you were warding and then using e to mindlessly engage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 0__.0
0__.0 Senna Guide
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