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Ability Order
Iron Ambassador (PASSIVE)
Poppy Passive Ability
These item's Helped me alot mainly because of the Soulstealer increasing my ability power by 160 at 20 stacks.
I added a little crit chance in there because it will help with DEVASTATING BlOW And its also useful just for basic attacks.
The Lich Bane is amazing especially if you use DEVASTATING BlOW and it proc's. At level 12 i would hit 600's with a proc from it while using DEVASTATING BlOW.
You probably see other builds with the Doran's Ring instead of the sword. My reason for that is for the beginning gank on 3v3's Its very useful.
The Infinity edge...Hehe. Well you cant explain why you would buy one. TO HAVE AN EPIC BUILD.
I added a little crit chance in there because it will help with DEVASTATING BlOW And its also useful just for basic attacks.
The Lich Bane is amazing especially if you use DEVASTATING BlOW and it proc's. At level 12 i would hit 600's with a proc from it while using DEVASTATING BlOW.
You probably see other builds with the Doran's Ring instead of the sword. My reason for that is for the beginning gank on 3v3's Its very useful.
The Infinity edge...Hehe. Well you cant explain why you would buy one. TO HAVE AN EPIC BUILD.
My Masteries. Well lets see. I go (21-9-0) So i can do some damage AND be a bit tanky. They are a good combo.
Most people are probably looking at my masteries saying "Why would he do that?" Well ill explain. The Crit chance is nice so you can hit a little extra harder using your Ultimate. And basic attacks to farm creeps faster.
Got Some lifesteal so when you crit you get like 200 hp a swing!
Obviousely i have the armor so i can be...TANKY DPS!!!!!
Most people are probably looking at my masteries saying "Why would he do that?" Well ill explain. The Crit chance is nice so you can hit a little extra harder using your Ultimate. And basic attacks to farm creeps faster.
Got Some lifesteal so when you crit you get like 200 hp a swing!
Obviousely i have the armor so i can be...TANKY DPS!!!!!
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