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Ability Order
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
Ad Janna is ONLY MEANT FOR TOP. Doing good as Jana is very hard, the first 20 minutes or so is avoid taking damage, CS, and Harass when your shield is up. Also when laning in the beginning ask for several ganks for lane success. Also when playing Janna top *REMEMBER* she is squishy you may have to keep up wards constantly!
I Recommend this skill Sequence because it guarantees you early game MS, damage absorption, and sy CS. Getting first for getting harassed, finishing creeps, harassing enemies, and absorbing damage from minions. next for the extra movement and the slow for incoming ganks on enemy or yourself. for the a getaway, interrupt channeling, little damage, and better ganks on enemy. you should level whenever possible for healing and knocking back enemies
- Greater Quintessence of Critical Damage: // Maximizing damage
- Greater Mark of Critical Damage: // Maximizing damage
- Greater Glyph of Critical Damage: // A bit of extra health to help you late game
- greater seal of Vitality: // Maximizing damage
For Seals I recommend health per level because early game you don't need health because of your shield. For your Glyphs, Marks, and Quintessences I suggest critical damage to optimize the damage, 100% critical chance, and your shield.
: // Phantom dancer will definitely give you the attack speed, MS, and critical you need. It is a nice items that goes a long with your shield very well
: // burst Only get this if you are having trouble staying alive and you need to survive burst damage of AP champions.
: // Gives you great damage more crit chance and along with your runes should help you with big crits.
: // Janna is very squishy lifesteal is what helps you survive plus it gives you tons of Damage.
: // A Second one is not essential but getting more lifesteal for vrsing people who have
and also with 2 of them you can solo baron : )
: // Same use as the first just getting closer to 100% critical strike!
- : // I love this item on any AD carry it always seems to help you get a slow, some hp, MS, Crit strike, atk speed, and a big amount damage after casting a spell followed up with your shield = very good damage!
Summoner Spells
[Flash]: // Good for securing your kills and getting away from tough spots almost every champ needs this spell.
[Exhaust]: // This spell is great for AD Janna because it helps with ganks, reduces enemy champs damage, and can almost guarantee kills. Also is a good way to surprise the enemy into thinking that sense your Janna there is no way you can kill them and even with exhaust.
Pros / Cons
All in all Janna is actually a viable AD champ although she must be used right. She can run in quick rape a couple of people then run out without a touch. I would say my favorite part of AD Janna is proving people it actually works. I thank all of you for reading this plz vote and leave comments on what you think about it. ( I soloed baron with her)
Credits to jhoijhoi for the template, which you can find here.
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