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Kayle Build Guide by Unicus

Support Pre-S4 Aggressive Kayle Support | Carry your teams, Gain LP.

Support Pre-S4 Aggressive Kayle Support | Carry your teams, Gain LP.

Updated on January 7, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Unicus Build Guide By Unicus 4,840 Views 0 Comments
4,840 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Unicus Kayle Build Guide By Unicus Updated on January 7, 2014
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I'm Unncuk. I'm a fairly new player, currently gold 5 in NA, waiting to requal until s4 begins.

I will not be giving any information on Kayle. If you would like to see a detailed guide, please view [this] guide, as it's the Kayle guide that got me started. Personally, I find her more useful as a support and leaving a tank or bruiser as jungler.

My scores with this guide:

^ I only died at the end diving nexus for game ):
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Lane Phase

During the lane, you're going to want to level your q first and use it to harass the enemies. Personally, I focus the support because it's easier to first blood, as the adc will always play safer and has barrier, making your ignite virtually useless.

Remember to always keep the lane warded if you're pushed and maintain map awareness.

Use your ult ONLY if it will lead in a kill or someone getting away. Don't be scared to use it, you'll find that it's up just about every major encounter.

Once you've got a fiendish codex you will outpoke the other bot lane with your adc. Constantly harass them without pushing the lane too hard. If you think you can dive, tell your ac and go hard. Proc your q, hit your e and ignite before autoattcking. Your adc should be autoattacking and this will easily net you kills, especially since you have your ultimate. Your r will block 2 tower hits if used correctly, and your w can be used to get out of tower range AND heal at the same time.
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Mid-Late Game

Stick with your adc, but if you start to pick up quite a bit of kills, remember to be involved in team fights. They will underestimate you. You are the support, and naturally will not be targeted. Kayle doesn't specialize in any sort of killing blows, so they won't realize you're there until you've aoe'd down half of their team. SAVE YOUR ULT. You will quite often be using it on yourself in solo queue, because you're the only one that knows EXACTLY what you're going to do. Time your dives well.

Learn to smartcast. alt+r is by default self shield. You'll need this for the heal as well. Learning this quickly makes you a MUCH more effective Kayle player.
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That's all I've got for now. I'm going to see if anyone really needs this guide before deciding whether or not to put more effort into it. Please comment realistically, and vote accordingly. Thanks!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Unicus
Unicus Kayle Guide
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Pre-S4 Aggressive Kayle Support | Carry your teams, Gain LP.

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